
In a 2- to 3-page Word document, write a report looking for similarities and differences between religious buildings: A Greek temple, a Roman temple, an Early Christian church, and a Byzantine church. Follow these instructions to complete the assignment:Download the Word document worksheet for completing this assignment here.Complete Part 1: From the list of examples provided […]


Question 1:Figures and beliefs of Greek mythology (including deities) can be identified in many types of Greek art. Cite important examples and explain their significance. Representations of humans in ancient Greek sculpture evolved from static, conventionalized forms to more naturalistic and expressionistic figures. How can we see this progression in examples from different periods? While it […]

The Human Element It is often hard to wrap your brain around the enormity of the Holocaust. Many people say that what “brought it home” to them was seeing the pile of x-number of shoes (like page 148), or toothbrushes, or gold-fillings, or any other thing

Holocaust class. Must be 250 words. The Human ElementIt is often hard to wrap your brain around the enormity of the Holocaust. Many people say that what “brought it home” to them was seeing the pile of x-number of shoes (like page 148), or toothbrushes, or gold-fillings, or any other thing. Is this what moved you […]


I have 4 statements from my colleagues that need a response at least in 200 words each including references.I’ll provide the statements in a private message

2. Learn about the roles of state and tribal authorities in emergency preparedness, response and recovery.

Learn about the roles of state and tribal authorities in emergency preparedness, response and recovery.Understand emergency management responsibilities in each phase of the emergency management cycle.Describe the value of developing partnerships with community organizations and businesses.This assignment should take about 3 hours to complete.The purpose of this assignment is to learn about community resiliency in […]

Biostatistics ssps

ASSIGNMENT 1Q1: Find mean, median, mode, Q1, Q3 and inter quartile range manually and using SPSS for the data given below.Q2: Draw (i) Histogram and (ii) An ogive manually and using SPSS from the following data.Find the approximate value of the median from the ogiveand check your answer by calculation.Q3: The weights of 40 male students at a university are given in […]

3.Flood Mitigation

3.Flood Mitigation This assignment should take about 3 hours to complete. The purpose of this assignment is to describe how building codes, land use planning, and other measures are used to mitigate risks from flooding and to explore the National Flood Insurance Program. Write short answers (a few sentences) to the following questions:3.a. List five […]

Check Description for Question ” Principles of Marketing”

Unit V Research Project      The company is    ” Coca Cola”Marketing PlanThis week you will continue your comprehensive marketing plan researching the SAME company that you researched in previous units. Again, utilizing the Online Library, you will research the various elements of the marketing plan as it relates to this company. In Unit V you will […]

management homework

after reiwing the apollo 13 movie the work must be your original work and should anwer all the questions in 2 comlete pages answer these questions Apollo 13 Questions1.    What role did teamwork play in the simulation activities prior to the launch?2.    What happens when the planned team is split up? What types of emotions does the team experience?3.    If the […]

FIN/370——-Due @ 8pm pacific standard time

Purpose of AssignmentProvide students with a basic understanding of financial management, goal of the firm, and the basic financial statements. Students should be able to calculate and analyze solvency, liquidity, profitability and market value ratios, and create proforma financial statements.Assignment Steps Resources: Tutorial help on Excel® and Word functions can be found on the Microsoft® Office website. There are also […]

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