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Rhetorical Analysis Essay ( MLA ) , Compistion 1 , due Sunday, Apr 3 , 3 to 5 pages but i want 4 or full 3 pages.Analysis an ad ( Emotions )Ethos ( Cradability )Logos ( Logiv )

Assignment 1: Discussion—Managing Data

There are many solutions today that can help organizations reduce their need for an in-house MIS for decision making or at least provide better storage solutions. With the amount of data that organizations collect and utilize, they need to consider all of the available options to ensure that the system will perform according to expectations.Another […]

Urgent speech needed within 7 hours

5 Minute Speech and Powerpoint Poster PresentationTask Description:Students are required to create a recorded video presentation (5 minutes) that addresses the following points1. Evaluate the strategy of a company (listed on the ASX500 in the last 5 years) of your choice. Students should use the company’s stated strategic objectives and performance results to evaluate the […]

Discussion Posting – 150 – 200 words per question APA 6th edition format

How can the relationship dynamics of an organization influence change in an organization?How can increased connectivity among a workforce help/hinder the change process?Based on the readings, how can SNA serve as an instrument for facilitating the change process?How do you feel about the influences an organizational network has on you? Have you experienced positive/negative situations? […]


General Guidelines: You may use the APA Style, the Chicago Style, or the MLA Style to format your paper. You must use 12 point Times New Roman font with 1-inch margins and double spacing. Do not try to manipulate your paper length by adjusting the font size or margins! The paper needs to be stapled […]

week 3 paper

Cultural Diversity PresentationThere is a need for schools and teachers to connect with families of English language learners. To facilitate this collaborative spirit, educators must encourage parents of all cultures to become part of the school culture. First read the article, “How to Reach out to Parents of ELLs.” Think about what you would like […]


Imagine a product that might solve a common problem in your industry of interest. Write a sales letter using Monroe’s Motivates Sequence, targeting a potential buyer of the product. The letter should be written in standard business format using clear, concise and compelling language, and professional writing skills. In a paragraph following the letter, explain […]

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