300 words soc religion disscussion bored

In a post of 300 words, in which you cite at least one source, answer the following prompt:Describe and analyze a racial or ethnic group’s experience of race and religion.  You must:1) make reference to–and summarize–a scholarly article that considers a particular racial/ethnic group’s experience of religion2) relate it back to our course readingsSome of […]

Learn about the roles of state and tribal authorities in emergency preparedness, response and recovery.

Learn about the roles of state and tribal authorities in emergency preparedness, response and recovery.Understand emergency management responsibilities in each phase of the emergency management cycle.Describe the value of developing partnerships with community organizations and businesses.This assignment should take about 3 hours to complete.The purpose of this assignment is to learn about business continuity of […]

Executive Summary: Annual Marketing Plan

Develop a 750-1,000-word executive summary of your organization’s (or one you knowwell) annual marketing plan.Summary should and include a brief situation analysis, marketing objectives, strategies, tactics, financial considerations, and a timetable for implementation.Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is […]

writting assignment

https://youtu.be/czrxBmQo8RY link for paperthe four learning patterens for paper are sequence, precise, technial reasoning, and confluentThen, in a five-paragraph essay that is two to three pages in length, please address the following:Paragraph 1: How would you explain the concept of learning to someone who has not taken this class? In Week 1 you were asked […]


In a 2- to 3-page Word document, write a report looking for similarities and differences between religious buildings: A Greek temple, a Roman temple, an Early Christian church, and a Byzantine church. Follow these instructions to complete the assignment:Download the Word document worksheet for completing this assignment here.Complete Part 1: From the list of examples provided […]


Question 1:Figures and beliefs of Greek mythology (including deities) can be identified in many types of Greek art. Cite important examples and explain their significance. Representations of humans in ancient Greek sculpture evolved from static, conventionalized forms to more naturalistic and expressionistic figures. How can we see this progression in examples from different periods? While it […]

Discussion of Plastic Limit test

in 10 hours, only one pagethe discussion needs to be related to what the plasticity index means and how it relates to the liquid limit and the plastic limit, ALSO, why it is useful to know the gradation of the soil and maybe how an engineer would use this information.

Media Review 2

The following video discusses a White Student Union at a university in Maryland.  Please write a critical review drawing upon our class readings, discussions, and your lived experience. What is the central argument?  What are its strengths and weaknesses? How does it fit in with or challenge issues we’ve discussed in class and throughout the readings? […]

write a report

I will upload the experment ( Rlab9 ) and I want you to do the Report part.I will upload the result I got.



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