
Iappliedformthejobpostingfollowingtheadvertisementthatwasmadepublicinthebestsolutionhiringagency.edited1 xjob-posting-template-download-20180314.edited x

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I applied to form the job posting following the advertisement made public in the best solution hiring agency. This is a company based in New York and has over the period it has been adverting job opportunities in various platforms. This time around, I came across the advert t inn the organization website. Ideally, this is the structured and registered organization that is upholder by the law. In this case, the job description outlined in the website typically matched my skill and competency. Notably, the online platform described the organization and, more so, the code of conduct exhibited in the workplace. In this capacity, I placed my application to the human resource seeking employment as a Registered Practitioner Nurse.

RunningHead: JOB LISTING 2

Job listing

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Job listing

[REGISTERED PRACTITIONER NURSE] – We offer professional in the listed job group. The candidate is trained and has a high degree of academic qualification.

The Company: the best solution for hiring agency

Vision: Giving the best and most effective employee in any contextual framework.



· [Attained a nursing degree and another qualification id an added advantage].


· Patient medical histories and symptoms.

· Create patient care plans and contribute to existing projects.

· Order, administer, and analyze diagnostic tests.

· Monitor and operate medical equipment

. The Location: new york- advanced healthcare center

Why Should You Apply?

· Top industry pay following the nurse regulation and Obama care law.

· Excellent benefits and effective working environment

: Reasonable hours and balanced working hours


Opportunities for on-the-job training and professionals divergence that has been put in place by healthcare.

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