XL Strategies for Organizational Change DB 4 6 8 10

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Week 4 Discussion

Quote of the week: It isn’t the changes that do you in, it’s the transitions. (Bridges)

Discussion Question: How do a person’s attitudes and assumptions about human nature in general affect his or her leadership approach?  How might a leader’s attitudes about him or herself alter or reinforce this approach?

Also respond to at least two or three of your peers.

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Week 6 Discussion

Quote of the week:  Every beginning is a consequence. Every beginning ends something. (Valery)

Discussion Question: Discuss how a culture could have either positive or negative consequences on an organization? Have you had such an experience (good or bad)? If so how did you handle yourself? Would you have said/done anything differently?

Also respond to at least two or three of your peers. 

Week 8 Discussion

Quote of the week:  It is a terrible thing to look over your shoulder when you are trying to lead and find no one there. (Roosevelt)

How do leaders use communication to influence and persuade others? Think of someone you have known who is skilled at persuasion. What makes this person an effective communicator?

Do you see any room for improvement in regard to your communication skills? What are your pursuits in regard to becoming an effective communicator (how are you preparing yourself on this journey to become a leader that can motivate, inspire, and effectively communicate to others)? 

Also respond to atleast two or three of your peers.

Note: We must be equip for the next level!

Week 10 Discussion

Quote of the week:  What lies before us and what lies behind us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us. (Oliver Wendell Homes)

Discussion Question: How might diversity within the organization ultimately lead to better problem solving and greater creativity? How important is creativity in regard to “change”? Is it important is it to get “buy in” from others….including their ideals, thoughts, and opinions. What are your thoughts? You may share a personal experience.

Also respond to at least two or three of your peers.

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