WW6 6 Detailed Classes

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  1.  Both required readings will be helpful–Larman (2001), Blaha and Rumbaugh (2005).

  2.  See also 

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 for an almost complete UML model example.  For detailed classes, see 


   2.  For implementing UML Composition Person and Address composition example at  



IT Online Training Application Design Specification

are explanatory and should be removed from your final document after you follow the directions. When you submit your specification, make certain that you use the formatting and numbering in this document. This specification highlights some of the design artifacts in an application.>

1. Introduction

1.1 Purpose

1.2 Scope

1.3 References

2. System Architecture

2.1. Assumptions and Dependencies

2.2. General Constraints

2.3 Proposed System Architecture.

2.3.1 System Architecture Discussion

3. 4+1 Architecture

3.1 Logical View

3.2 Process View

3.3 Implementation or Development View (Subsystem Decomposition)

3.4 Deployment View

< According to FCGSS (2007), the deployment or physical view” encompasses the nodes that form the system’s hardware topology on which the system executes; it focuses on distribution, communication and provisioning.” This view maps the software to the hardware components. Include a brief description of the UML diagram you would propose for this view. If you have already created this model, insert it and a discussion here.>

3.5 Use Case View

4. Application Class Design

4.1 Application Class Diagram

4.2 Application Class Diagram Discussion

5. Class Design

5.1. Detailed Class Diagram

5.2. Detailed Class Diagram Discussion

6. Testing

6.1 Test Case Scenario

< Provide a test scenario for your detailed use case. Include the test scenario name and description.>

Test Scenario Name:

Test Scenario Description:

6.2 Test Case 1

Test Case 1 Name:

Test Case 1 Description:

Test Case 1 Prerequisites:

Test Case 1 Steps

Test Case 1 Input

Test Case 1 Expected Result

Test Case 1 Actual Result

Test Case 1 Status


6.2.1 Test Case 1 Discussion

6.3 Test Case 2

Test Case 2 Name:

Test Case 2 Description:

Test Case 2 Prerequisites:

Test Case 2 Steps

Test Case 2 Input

Test Case 2 Expected Result

Test Case 2 Actual Result

Test Case 2 Status


6.3.1 Test Case 2 Discussion

7. Data Design

7.1 Persistent Data Model

7.1.2 Persistent Data Model Discussion

7.2 SQL Statements

7.2.1 SQL Statement Discussion

8. Program Implementation

8.1 Java for Classes

8.2 Program Implementation Discussion


IT Online Training Application Project Part II Page 11

IT Online Training Application Design Specification

are explanatory and should be removed from your final document after you follow the directions. When you submit your specification, make certain that you use the formatting and numbering in this document. This specification highlights some of the design artifacts in an application.>

1. Introduction

1.1 Purpose

1.2 Scope

1.3 References

2. System Architecture

2.1. Assumptions and Dependencies

2.2. General Constraints

2.3 Proposed System Architecture.

2.3.1 System Architecture Discussion

3. 4+1 Architecture

3.1 Logical View

3.2 Process View

3.3 Implementation or Development View (Subsystem Decomposition)

3.4 Deployment View

< According to FCGSS (2007), the deployment or physical view” encompasses the nodes that form the system’s hardware topology on which the system executes; it focuses on distribution, communication and provisioning.” This view maps the software to the hardware components. Include a brief description of the UML diagram you would propose for this view. If you have already created this model, insert it and a discussion here.>

3.5 Use Case View

4. Application Class Design

4.1 Application Class Diagram

4.2 Application Class Diagram Discussion

5. Class Design

5.1. Detailed Class Diagram

5.2. Detailed Class Diagram Discussion

6. Testing

6.1 Test Case Scenario

< Provide a test scenario for your detailed use case. Include the test scenario name and description.>

Test Scenario Name:

Test Scenario Description:

6.2 Test Case 1

Test Case 1 Name:

Test Case 1 Description:

Test Case 1 Prerequisites:

Test Case 1 Steps

Test Case 1 Input

Test Case 1 Expected Result

Test Case 1 Actual Result

Test Case 1 Status


6.2.1 Test Case 1 Discussion

6.3 Test Case 2

Test Case 2 Name:

Test Case 2 Description:

Test Case 2 Prerequisites:

Test Case 2 Steps

Test Case 2 Input

Test Case 2 Expected Result

Test Case 2 Actual Result

Test Case 2 Status


6.3.1 Test Case 2 Discussion

7. Data Design

7.1 Persistent Data Model

7.1.2 Persistent Data Model Discussion

7.2 SQL Statements

7.2.1 SQL Statement Discussion

8. Program Implementation

8.1 Java for Classes

8.2 Program Implementation Discussion


IT Online Training Application Project Part II Page 11

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