WSJ article Analysis

Wall Street Journal Analysis Instructions

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In Module/Week 6, you are required to read and analyze a recent article from The Wall Street Journal, covering a topic addressed in the course. You will then write a review of the article that is at least 300 words and in current APA format.

Access The Wall Street Journal either through the

Jerry Falwell Library

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Topic Choices:

Bank Run

Moral Hazard

Money Multiplier

Money Supply

Discount Loans

Open Market Operations

Quantitative Easing

Reserve Requirement

Make sure to select a Wall Street Journal article (300 words or more) that addresses all of the needed information below. A short article will often not provide you with enough detail to write about. In addition, purely statistical releases of data are not wise selections either. The article must be no older than 2014. For your chosen article, do the following:

On the top of the page, provide the article citation in current APA format.

On the next line down, type the topic of your articles (from the list above) in all caps and bold format.

In a double-spaced document, briefly explain the author’s purpose for writing the article. One way to understand the author’s purpose is to ask yourself why he or she wrote it. (For example, consider current and future events, politics, or anything else that may have inspired the article.)

Summarize the article, focusing on the discussion of the topic the article addresses. Define the economic concept being addressed. Incorporate relevant economic theory that is present so that discussion of the article content is clear.

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