Writing Project 2


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Create a chart of accounts for ABC Company using the Excel template provided below.  

ACG1001 ABC Company Chart of Accounts.xls

 Writing, using software, and interpreting results is a large part of your learning experience. These assignments are designed to improve your use of technology and communication skills. Using proper business English and resources from the library you will comment and share your research with your classmates. Make sure you note your source in proper APA format. 


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Link to Keiser’s elibrary resources: 


PowerPoint instruction on how to use the Keiser elibrary

Keiser Slide show Library-Orientation-login-and-navigate-lesson1.pptx

Keiser Slide show Library-Orientation-login-and-navigate-lesson1.pptx – Alternative Formats

Guidance on how to log in and use the Keiser elibrary:  KU Library login guide2014October3 KU Library login guide2014October3 – Alternative Formats
How to cite work from the library   How to cite work from the library x How to cite work from the library x – Alternative Formats

This link helps with APA format:


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