Writing Assignment & Final Proposal

  • Prompt: Submit the three critical elements that your Findings must contain, as explained in the lecture for this week’s assignment. First, state the issue or question and then answer the question or issue. There are three essential elements that your Findings must address.
  • Requirements: Two (2) pages; not more than 500 words in APA format

Final Project:

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  • Prompt: Portfolio assignment will be reviewed by Turnitin.com for originality review and APA format compliance of secondary research sources.

    Prepare the formal capstone research project using the following guidelines:

  • A minimum of 20-30 pages, typed, double-spaced, size 12 Times New Roman font, using APA standards for reference sources
  • The format of the capstone research project must follow Appendix D – Major Components of Research Case Studies
  • Written in the third person, past tense (because the research is now complete, over, and finished)
  • An appropriate and applicable biblical principle associated with each major section and subsection of the research proposal
  • A Literature Review of existing secondary research sources on your chosen subject of research (minimum 5 pages)
  • A bibliography (also called Reference Page or Works Cited) with a minimum of 10 references are required, including the text, The Holy Bible(New Living Translation), books and articles from academic sources (Net Library), and other periodicals

Oral presentation:

Prompt: Integrating your understanding from the assigned readings from the textbooks, develop and submit Microsoft PowerPoint slides of an oral presentation of Appendix D from the syllabus as if you were going to present your formal, completed capstone research project in front of an actual audience.


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Hall #


Oral Presentation of the Research Case Study


  • Introduction to Hall
  • • Developing professional oral presentation skills
    for success in education and work

    • Learning to develop the proper format in formal
    presentations of research case studies orally (the
    equivalent of the graduate thesis oral defense)

    • Understanding the development of
    professional lecture slides


    Introduction to Hall
    • Develop lecture slides properly
    • Understand visual aid competency
    • Consider different media integration for the

    delivery of professional oral presentations
    • Integrate biblical principles (the Christian

    Worldview) in the development of visual
    media presentation methods


  • Topics we’ll cover in Hall 7
  • • Understanding professional oral
    presentations from a Christian Worldview

    • Appreciating honor and integrity in the
    development of visual aids in oral

    • Developing a professional oral presentation
    of scholarly research


  • Topics we’ll cover – continued
  • • Consider various media options for
    delivering interesting and informative oral

    • Learn the proper development of competent
    lecture slides for oral presentations

    • Articulating completed research studies
    through a formal oral presentation


  • Hall Objectives
  • • Understanding the need for honor, integrity, and
    truth through the Christian worldview in
    delivering oral presentations

    • Developing professional and scholarly writing
    and oral presentation skills

    • Learning to develop proper forms and formats
    for oral presentations and lecture slides

    • Continue the development of scholarly research
    skills in presenting a completed research project
    through a professional, formal presentation


  • Biblical Foundation
  • • “The tongue of the wise useth knowledge
    aright: but the mouth of fools poureth out
    foolishness” (Proverbs 15:2).

    • “Apply thine heart unto instruction, and
    thine ears to the words of knowledge”
    (Proverbs 23:12)


  • Lecture Information Begins
  • • Because of the age of technology,
    professional educators advise that oral
    presentations stimulate the audience’s
    attention through visual media
    applications and engagement of the
    audience, or participation. How do you
    do that?


  • Visual Aid Development
  • ▫ Professional educators recommend that
    each slide contain no less than one (1)
    major topic or subject, and not more than
    three (3) to five (5) topics or subjects for
    the viewing audience because more than
    five (5) subjects and/or sub-topics is too
    complex for the viewing audience to filter
    and analyze. To do that we must analyze
    the size of the fonts and the themes or
    scripts of the font chosen for the lecture


  • Fonts -Explained
  • • Size of fonts: At the top of the page of Microsoft
    PowerPoint slides is a tool bar. Let’s examine
    various sizes of fonts for presentation sizes
    ▫ Size


    is way too small to view

    ▫ Size


    is still way to small, especially for a classroom or auditorium audience sitting
    in the last row

    ▫ Size


    is getting better, depending on the amount of
    information you want to include on each slide

    ▫ Size 24, Size 28, Size 32, Size 36, and
    Size 40 and 44 are adequate
    ▫Size 44 is getting too big!


    Fonts -Explained

    • Font Themes or scripts are also
    important. This is a size


    Georgia script, or Theme. Traditional
    PowerPoint slide Themes are Georgia
    or Trebuchet. Examining some other
    scripts: Arial Black, Berlin Sans FB Demi,
    AlgeriAn, Rockwell Extra Bold, Brush
    Script MT, Goudt Stout,
    Stencil, Times New Roman, all size 32 font


    Fonts -Explained

    • Font Themes or scripts – continued
    • Blackladder ITC script, Chiller script, Edwardian Script,

    Freestyle Script, French Script MT
    • It is important to use block faced

    scripts for clarity and avoid hand-
    writing or penmanship scripts for ease
    of audience viewership

    • Additionally: Georgia plain script, bold
    script, bold italacized, plain italacized


  • Fonts and Scripts – continued
  • Once you choose a font theme for Headings, you
    may choose another font theme for the body of
    the visual presentation

    Consistency throughout the visual presentation is
    important in maintaining uniformity and

    Too much variety and diversity is a
    distraction to the audience


  • Slide Development – continued
  • • The control bar at the top of the page allows you
    to choose from a variety of slide designs

    • The control bar also allows you to insert
    pictures, clip art, shapes, charts, tables and
    sounds, even movie clips and animations.

    • To become proficient in developing professional
    oral presentations supported by visual media
    requires practice for attaining familiarity and


    The Formal Research Project
    The Oral Presentation
    • In developing your personal oral presentation of your

    completed research case study, please follow the
    guidelines provided below, and in the Syllabus at the end
    of Week 8 – Major Components of Research Case
    Studies. This handout in the syllabus provides an
    outline of the major topics to be addressed and
    presented in your oral presentation. We will individually
    examine each major subject, subsection, and
    subcomponent of subsections of the project.


    Example of the Formal Research Oral
    Presentation = Graduate Thesis Oral Defense

    Start with:
    Section I. Overview of the organization and your

    A. Statement of purpose – description of

    situation, the issue or problem you researched,
    your reason for selecting it, and a needs
    statement (justification for the study, what
    problem would be it solved). (Add appropriate
    biblical principle)

    ▫ Produced within a single slide!


    Example of the Formal Research Project
    Oral Presentation -continued

    Continue with:
    B. Research question or management decision to be made – the

    question you asked to try to solve the problem mentioned in the
    statement of purpose. The question should not be open-ended or
    too broad. In the case of a program or policy decision, it should
    be stated succinctly, with supporting items for analysis (the
    elements that you had to investigate for the decision to be made).
    The research question helps to narrowly define the scope of your
    research. Written in third person, past tense.

    • (Add appropriate biblical principle)
    ▫ Produced within a single slide!


    Example of the Formal Research Project
    Oral Presentation -continued

    Continue with:
    C. Hypothesis – an educated guess (or

    assumption ) of what you thought the research
    would reveal. Written in the third person, past
    tense because you research is now over,
    complete, finished.

    • (Add appropriate biblical principle)
    ▫ Produced within a single slide!


    Example of the Formal Research Project
    Oral Presentation -continued

    Continue with:
    D. Plan of study
    1. Major descriptive tasks ( needed to complete the

    2. Working objectives (needed to complete the

    • These should be presented as succinct bullet lists, not long

    narrative, descriptive summaries in complete sentences
    • (Add appropriate biblical principle)
    ▫ Produced within a single slide!


    Example of the Formal Research Project
    Oral Presentation -continued

    Continue with:
    II. Theoretical perspective (the base of knowledge

    to which your research contributed).

    • (Add appropriate biblical principle)
    • Produced within a single slide!


    Example of the Formal Research Project
    Oral Presentation -continued

    Continue with:
    A. Literature Review

    • Review of current theory or literature (secondary
    research sources)

    • List a minimum of ten (10) existing sources
    • May present narrative summary of what each

    provided or contributed to your research case

    • (Add appropriate biblical principle)
    • May be produced in a two slides!


    Example of the Formal Research Project
    Oral Presentation -continued

    Continue with:
    III. Research Methodology
    (Add appropriate biblical principle)

    A. Data Collection – Explain in narrative summary how
    you collected your primary data

    ▫ Explain your protocol for collecting data (quantitative or

    ▫ List Primary sources of data (bullet list)
    ▫ List Secondary sources of data (bullet list of general categories

    you used)

    • May be produced in a two-three slides!


    Example of the Formal Research Project
    Oral Presentation -continued

    Continue with:
    B. Data Management and Analyses
    These are narrative summaries on how you managed the

    primary data once you collected it and the type of
    analyses you applied to the data, either

    Quantitative and/or Qualitative, using
    Inductive Reasoning or Deductive
    • (Apply an appropriate biblical principle)


    Example of the Formal Research Project
    Oral Presentation -continued

    C. Case study application discussion
    1. List the advantages of case studies (both

    primary and universal advantages)
    2. List the limitations of research case

    studies (both primary and secondary

    • (Apply an appropriate biblical principle)
    • May be produced in a two-three slides!


    Example of the Formal Research Project
    Oral Presentation -continued

    IV. Research Case Study Presentation (Add
    appropriate biblical principle)

    • This is a summary of the individual research narrative
    story of what the researcher did and how s/he did it.
    Written in the third person, past tense, it is the
    integration of all research components learned to-date in
    a completed capstone analysis. It is usually the most
    lengthy, voluminous section of the written capstone
    project because it is the researcher’s own research story.

    • May be produced in a three-five slides!


    Example of the Formal Research Project
    Oral Presentation -continued

    V. Findings (Add appropriate biblical principle)
    • First, the researcher’s primary findings must specifically

    answer the research question and the preliminary
    research hypothesis. Secondarily, the individual case
    study findings must agree with and reinforce the
    secondary research sources (the literature review), or
    disagree and refute the secondary research sources on
    the research subject.

    • May be produced in a two-four slides!
    • May add two-four graphs, charts, or tables

    demonstrating most important Findings


  • Ending the Presentation
  • • Congratulations! You have
    now successfully completed a
    professional oral presentation,
    with visual aids, of a formal
    research case study!


  • Recap of Hall 7
  • • Developing professional oral presentation skills
    for success in education and work

    • Learning to develop the proper format in formal
    presentations in orally delivering completed
    research case studies

    • Understanding the development of professional
    lecture slides


  • Recap of Hall 7 – continued
  • • Consider different media integration for
    the delivery of professional oral

    • Develop lecture slides properly
    • Understand visual aid competency
    • Integrate biblical principles (the Christian

    Worldview) in the development of visual
    media presentation methods


  • What next?
  • • Take the Hall Quiz
    • Complete your detailed reading
    • Answer the discussion questions
    • Complete the writing assignments


  • References
  • • MPA613 Syllabus – Major Components of
    Research Case Studies

    • The Holy Bible (King James Version)


  • Concluding Hall 7
  • “Lead me , O Lord, in thy rigtheousness because of
    mine enemies; make thy way straight before my face.
    For there is no faithfulness in their mouth; their
    inward part is very wickedness; their throat is an open
    sepulchre; they flatter with their tongue. Destroy thou
    them, O God; let them fall by their own counsels; cast
    them out in the multitude of their transgressions; for
    they have rebelled against thee”
    (Psalms 5: 8-10)


    • Introduction to Hall
      Introduction to Hall
      Topics we’ll cover in Hall 7
      Topics we’ll cover – continued
      Hall Objectives
      Biblical Foundation
      Lecture Information Begins
      Visual Aid Development
      Fonts -Explained
      Fonts -Explained
      Fonts -Explained
      Fonts and Scripts – continued
      Slide Development – continued

    • The Formal Research Project�The Oral Presentation
    • Example of the Formal Research Oral Presentation = Graduate Thesis Oral Defense
    • Example of the Formal Research Project Oral Presentation -continued
    • Example of the Formal Research Project Oral Presentation -continued
      Example of the Formal Research Project Oral Presentation -continued
      Example of the Formal Research Project Oral Presentation -continued
      Example of the Formal Research Project Oral Presentation -continued
      Example of the Formal Research Project Oral Presentation -continued
      Example of the Formal Research Project Oral Presentation -continued
      Example of the Formal Research Project Oral Presentation -continued
      Example of the Formal Research Project Oral Presentation -continued
      Example of the Formal Research Project Oral Presentation -continued
      Ending the Presentation
      Recap of Hall 7
      Recap of Hall 7 – continued
      What next?
      Concluding Hall 7




    Hall #


    Bringing it All Together


  • Introduction to Hall 8
  • • Developing professional research and writing
    skills for success in education and work

    • Learning to develop the proper format in
    delivering written research case studies

    • Understanding the formal organization and
    development of a professional, written
    research case study


  • Introduction to Hall 8 – continued
  • • Appreciate the need for a humble spirit and the
    integration of biblical principles (the Christian
    Worldview) for maintaining honest research

    • Creating a professional strategy in
    completing research

    • Presenting the
    completed research


  • Topics we’ll cover in Hall 8
  • • Understanding professionally written
    research case studies from a Christian

    • Appreciating honor and integrity in the
    development of thorough written research
    case studies

    • Developing a professional and scholarly
    written research case study


  • Hall Objectives
  • • Understanding the need for honor, integrity, and
    truth through the Christian worldview in
    delivering written research

    • Developing professional and scholarly writing
    and research skills

    • Learning to develop proper forms and formats in
    a professional research case studies

    • Delivering scholarly written research case


  • Biblical Foundation
  • “All things are full of labour: man
    cannot utter it: the eye is not satisfied
    with seeing, nor the ear with hearing.
    The thing that hath been, it is that which
    shall be; and that which is done is that
    which shall be done: and there is no new
    thing under the sun.”
    (Ecclesiastes 1:8-9)


    Biblical Foundation

    • “All this have I proved by wisdom: I said, I
    will be wise; but it was far from me. That
    which is far off, and exceeding deep, who
    can find it out? I applied mine heart to know,
    and to search, and to seek out wisdom, and
    the reason of things, and to know the
    wickedness of folly, even of foolishness and

    (Ecclesiastes 7:23-25)


  • Lecture Information Begins
  • • Much of what you see this week
    appears to be repetitive and redundant
    from MPA608 Research Methods-
    Project II, because it is. It is intended
    to be repetitive for purposes of
    scholarly reinforcement of research
    knowledge and scholarly and
    professional competency in research


  • Presenting Research Case Studies
  • Throughout the previous weeks,
    during this course of instruction,
    you have been developing individual
    components of the formal research
    case study which will now be
    consolidated into a formal,
    professionally developed, written
    research case study




    – The Capstone Project

    Here, in MPA613, Research Phase III, you will
    reproduce ALL that you have developed from
    MPA608, your research proposal, but, you
    will be adding significant components now
    that you completed your research, collected
    and interpreted the data you collected
    throughout your research effort, which you
    will now report on.


  • Case Study Presentation?????
  • • This will be your narrative research
    story of what you did and how you
    did it. How you conducted your
    research. Written in the third
    person, past tense. Your MPA
    capstone research project is the
    equivalent of a graduate thesis in
    another disciple


  • MPA613 – The Capstone Project
  • You will also be adding your Findings
    • Findings. Your primary research

    Findings must answer the primary
    research question as well as your
    hypothesis (assumptions). Secondarily,
    your Findings must agree with and
    reinforce your secondary research
    sources or disagree and refute them


  • MPA613 – The Capstone Project-cont
  • You may also add a Conclusion
    section, but that is optional, at your
    • Conclusions, how are they different than

    Findings? Many researchers and
    graduate students treat them
    synonymously and interchangeably, but
    they are two separate and distinct
    analytical functions


  • MPA613 – The Capstone Project-cont.
  • Findings are what the collected
    primary research data reveals.
    Conclusions, on the other hand, are
    an analytical process that the
    researcher conducts to explain
    his/her interpretation of the data
    collected and interpreted


    MPA613 – The Capstone Project-cont.

    Additionally, if you are conducting a
    decision focus case, analyzing a problem
    and recommending a solution, you may
    have a Recommendations section in your
    capstone project, particularly if you are
    recommending how an agency,
    organization, or individual supervisor or
    program administrator may improve the
    proficiency and competency of their
    program or performance in any
    particular area.


    MPA613 – The Capstone Project-cont.

    Whereas the MPA608 formal research
    proposal was written in the future tense,
    as to what the researcher was proposing
    to do and how to do it, the MPA613
    capstone project is written in the third-
    person, past tense because the research is
    over, done, and completed. Avoid all first-
    person references: I, Me. Use third person
    references, such as, researcher.


    The Formal, Written
    Research Case Study

    All the components outlined for you in the

    Syllabus in Appendix D – Major
    Components of Research Case
    Studies, will now be consolidated into a
    thoroughly integrated, comprehensive
    written research capstone project.


  • The Formal Written Research Project
  • Start with:
    Section I. Overview of the organization and your

    A. Statement of purpose – description of

    situation, the issue or problem researched,
    your reason for selecting it, and a needs
    statement (justification for the study, what
    problem will it solve).

    (Add appropriate biblical principle).


    The written Formal Research Project
    submittal -continued

    Continue with:
    B. Research question or management decision to be

    made – the question you asked to try to solve the
    problem mentioned in the statement of purpose. The
    question should not be open-ended or too broad. In
    the case of a program or policy decision, it should be
    stated succinctly, with supporting items for analysis
    (the elements that you must investigate for the
    decision to be made). The research question helps to
    narrowly define the scope of your research.

    (Add appropriate biblical principle).


    The written Formal Research Project
    submission -continued

    Continue with:
    C. Hypothesis – an educated guess. If you are

    conducting primary research to gather and
    analyze data based on your research question,
    you will have a hypothesis (or assumption) of
    what you thought the research would reveal.

    • (Add appropriate biblical principle).


    The written Formal Research Project
    submission -continued

    Continue with:
    D. Plan of study
    1. Major descriptive tasks ( needed to complete

    the research)
    2. Working objectives (needed to complete the

    • These should be presented as succinct bullet lists, not long

    narrative, descriptive summaries

    (Add appropriate biblical principle)


    The written Formal Research Project
    submission -continued

    Continue with:
    II. Theoretical perspective (which base of

    knowledge your research will continue to).

    (Add appropriate biblical principle)


    The written Formal Research Project
    submission -continued

    Continue with:
    A. Literature Review

    • Review of current theory or literature (secondary
    research sources) (five pages minimum)

    • List a minimum of ten (10) existing sources
    • May present narrative summary of what each

    provides or contributes to your research case study

    (Add appropriate biblical principle).


    The written Formal Research Project
    submission -continued

    Continue with:
    III. Research Methodology
    (Add an applicable biblical principle)

    A. Data Collection – Explain in narrative summary how
    you collected your primary research data

    ▫ Explain your protocol for collecting data (quantitative or

    ▫ List Primary sources of data (bullet list)
    ▫ List Secondary sources of data (bullet list of general categories

    you envision using


    The written Formal Research Project
    submission -continued

    Continue with:
    B. Data Management and Analyses
    These are narrative summaries on how you managed the

    primary research data you collected it and the type of
    analyses you applied to the data, either

    Quantitative and/or Qualitative, using
    Inductive Reasoning or Deductive
    (Apply an appropriate biblical principle)


    The written Formal Research Project
    submission -continued

    You will continue with:
    C. Case study application discussion

    1. List the advantages of case studies (both
    primary and universal advantages)

    2. List the limitations of research case
    studies (both primary and secondary

    (Apply an appropriate biblical principle)


    Example of the Formal Research Project
    Oral Presentation -continued

    IV. Research Case Study Presentation (Add
    appropriate biblical principle)

    • This is a summary of the individual research narrative
    story of what the researcher did and how s/he did it.
    Written in the third person, past tense, it is the
    integration of all research components learned to-date in
    a completed capstone analysis. It is usually the most
    lengthy, voluminous section of the written capstone
    project because it is the researcher’s own research story.


    Example of the Formal Research Project
    Oral Presentation -continued

    V. Findings (Add appropriate biblical principle)

    • First, the researcher’s primary findings must
    specifically answer the research question and the
    preliminary research hypothesis. Secondarily,
    the individual case study findings must agree
    with and reinforce the secondary research
    sources (the literature review), or disagree and
    refute the secondary research sources on the
    research subject.


  • Ending the Presentation
  • • Congratulations! Now you
    have successfully completed a
    professional and formal written
    research proposal!


  • Recap of Hall 8
  • • Developing professional research and
    writing skills for success in education and

    • Learning to develop the proper format in
    delivering written research projects

    • Understanding the organization and
    development of a professional,

    written research projects


  • Recap of Hall 8 – continued
  • • Appreciate the need for a humble spirit
    and the integration of biblical principles
    (the Christian Worldview) for maintaining
    honest research

    • Reviewing your personal research strategy
    and written plan to conduct the research


  • What next?
  • • Take the Hall Quiz
    • Complete your detailed reading
    • Answer the discussion questions
    • Complete the writing assignments


  • References
  • • MPA613 Syllabus – Major Components of
    Research Case Studies

    • The Holy Bible (King James Version)



  • This concludes Hall 8
  • “For all this I considered in my heart even to declare all
    this, that the righteous, and the wise, and their works,
    are in the hand of God: no man knoweth either love or
    hatred by all that is before them. All things come alike
    to all: there is one event to the righteous, and to the
    wicked; to the good and to the clean, and to the
    unclean; to him that sacrificeth, and to him who
    sacrificeth not: as is the good, so is the sinner; and he
    that sweareth, as he that feareth an oath. This is an evil
    among all things that are done under the sun, that
    there is one event unto all: yea, also the heart of the
    sons of man is full of evil, and madness is in their heart
    while they live, and after that they go to the dead.”
    (Ecclesiastes 9:1-3)

  • Concluding Hall 8
  • • “All things are full of labour; man cannot utter it:

    the eye is not satisfied with seeing, nor the ear filled
    with hearing. The thing that hath been, it is that
    which shall be; and that which is done is that which
    shall be done: there is no new thing under the sun”

    (Ecclesiastes 1:8-9)

    • “Buy the truth, and sell it not: also wisdom, and

    instruction, and understanding”
    (Proverbs 23:23)


    • Introduction to Hall 8
      Introduction to Hall 8 – continued
      Topics we’ll cover in Hall 8
      Hall Objectives
      Biblical Foundation
      Biblical Foundation
      Lecture Information Begins
      Presenting Research Case Studies
      MPA613 – The Capstone Project
      Case Study Presentation?????
      MPA613 – The Capstone Project
      MPA613 – The Capstone Project-cont
      MPA613 – The Capstone Project-cont.
      MPA613 – The Capstone Project-cont.
      MPA613 – The Capstone Project-cont.

    • The Formal, Written �Research Case Study�
    • The Formal Written Research Project

    • The written Formal Research Project submittal -continued
    • The written Formal Research Project submission -continued
    • The written Formal Research Project submission -continued
      The written Formal Research Project submission -continued
      The written Formal Research Project submission -continued
      The written Formal Research Project submission -continued
      The written Formal Research Project submission -continued
      The written Formal Research Project submission -continued

    • Example of the Formal Research Project Oral Presentation -continued
    • Example of the Formal Research Project Oral Presentation -continued
      Ending the Presentation
      Recap of Hall 8
      Recap of Hall 8 – continued
      What next?
      This concludes Hall 8
      Concluding Hall 8

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