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Assignment #1: Submit a 1-pager graphic + text document that provides evidence as to how your major/field of study connects to water scarcity. For example, if you study public health, share the best evidence you find how your field of study connects to water scarcity. Provide graphics, charts, data, text, whatever you think is the most compelling reason for people to pay attention to water scarcity from your particular field. Keep the document to no more than 1 page. Design and layout are completed up to you to decide how to build! If you need guidance or to discuss further, drop me a note and we’ll arrange a time to talk through it.

This practice–using info graphics, is catching significant steam in the marketplace. Here’s your chance to try one yourselves! If you want a quick guide to what they are, check out this blog post:

Follow These 10 Basic Elements of Design For Infographic Mastery

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or check out this video:

Infographic Do’s and Don’ts

Assignment #2: Water Scarcity Focus Group (with template provided below).

The remainder the text below gives guidance for Assignment #2.

A. Final Project Assignment #2: Provide critical feedback for the water project on their online presence. Here is the link to The Water Project’s site:


. This is the primary location where you’ll be doing research.

B. How to complete the Final Project: The goal is to provide The Water Project with critical feedback about how you perceive their online presence. We’ve done this same activity in the past couple terms and as I mentioned on the conference call, this has been instrumental in the organization changing their online materials to more accurately describe their work in ways that align with potential donors. We are not doing fundraising for The Water Project, only providing them with valuable feedback to help them think outside of their own perceptions of their own work.

C. How to get started: download the attached template from this announcement. Included in the template are the instructions/prompts for the project (which you will also find below).

Some key things you should consider for this project:

· It aligns with the values exercise. Please use Milestone #5 in conjunction with the project. Weave in your own reflection from Milestone #5 Values Exercise with your answers for this project. If you have values that align with what you perceive are values at The Water Project, please share how and why.

· Please keep the format as I presented it below and send it back to me as a x. In other words, I want consistency from each of you in your responses. That will help me to present this material in a consistent way to the community partner. Please do not convert to PowerPoint or some other format. Simply keep it in the structure, font, spacing, and format I presented below.

· You are the expert on yourself. The more transparent and open you can be about the questions, the better the learning for The Water Project. They want to know the good and bad. The want an accurate depiction of how you perceive the organization, their work, their values, and how they present themselves to the public.

· One or two sentence answers should be avoided. Please take time to dig deep to answer these questions. Use as many descriptive words as you can. Tell stories about how it made you feel, link your answers back to your personal experiences in life. For example, if you donated to an organization in the past, share how it made you feel (see question #4 below) to be a donor.

· If you want to have family members or friends join in crafting your answers, that’s fair game! I know…that’s a bit strange. But ultimately the goal is to give The Water Project as much feedback as possible. If you want to have someone join you in this effort, feel free. But if you do have someone else join in making comments, just let us know who is adding to the effort.

· If you are working in a group I will confirm that group with you personally. I’d expect responses to be more expansive for a group than for an individual project. If you want to touch base about that, drop me a note and we can discuss.

· Add links, articles, and other information you find relevant to your responses to the prompts. I do not have a required format in which to do so…cite as you see fit.

· There is no minimum or maximum required content. I’d ask only that you put as much energy into this as possible. If the answers are shallow, the content will not be very useful to the organization.

· Your project will consist of responding to the prompts below. Please answer all six questions, and address all of the sub-questions as well. A quality project will take into consideration all of the comments above and answer all the questions below. If you have any questions on the intent of the project, or want guidance from me along the way, please simply drop me a text at 503-317-1902.

Final Project Prompts (send back to me with the format as provided below)

Your Name: ______



     a. What do you think about the identity of The Water Project? Answer:

b. What is your general perception of the people behind the organization? (Feel free to look at info about the team (or not), learn about their partners on the ground in Africa, research what kind of people start campaigns). Answer:

c. What do you perceive about the people behind the work? Answer:


2)      What evidence do you see in who they are? Specifically, what evidence do you believe they value as an organization? (please refer to your values exercise ‘list of values’ from Milestone #5 and a guide)


3)      After visiting the website, what other comparable brands they are like (for profit or non-profit)?



 4)      What are some of the brands you love and why? Please only respond about brands from companies, not non-profits.


5)      What is compelling to give or not to give to The Water Project?


· What do you think will happen to the community they are serving?


· What would you gain from it as a donor?



6)     Of all the information on the website, what was the most compelling for you?


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