Write a structured report on this topic

I have 2 parts to this report that needs to be complete. The topic is attached in the pdf.

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Part A:  

Part A will consist of the preliminary sections of your scientific report, i.e. the introduction and methods sections, and a description of your intended data analysis. Also one graph should be provided from your results section. Part A should be 750 words (excluding references and graph). 

The introduction should include a brief background with the statement of the research question and any hypotheses.

Your methods section should include a description of how the data was collected. Also include a brief written indication of how you plan to analyse the data using Excel.

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Finally, one appropriate graph from your results section should be included.

You must include 4 – 8 appropriate references presented in Vancouver style

This is part b. Which is mainly the whole report and its requirements: (1500 words)

  your task will be to write a structured report on the topic. To do this you will have to:

a)    research the topic to be able to present background information with references to appropriate sources.

b)    note how the data was collected and explain why this was an appropriate form of experiment/survey for this study.

c)    analyse the given data (as a minimum you need to calculate a mean and the standard deviation).

d)    present the results in at least one Figure (e.g. in a suitable graph).

e)    write a results section.

f)     write a discussion section, where you will explain your results and develop an argument using your references.

g)    present a logical conclusion summarising the outcomes of the study in the wider context of this research topic.

Topic 1 The effects of temperature on cycling performance

Studies have shown that prolonged exercising in heat results in increased fatigue
and a decrease in performance. However, the reasons for this still remain unclear.
The aim of this study was to determine how various temperatures affected the
performance of cyclists on a 40km time trial.

Data Collection

Eight male cyclists completed four 40km-timed trials under differing temperatures

C, 22

C, 27

C and 32

C). Trials were conducted in an environmental chamber.

The bike used was an electromagnetically braked cycle ergometer. Three variables,
power output, heart rate, and core body temperature were recorded during the trial.
Power output (in Watts) was recorded at a frequency of 1 Hertz. Heart rate was
recorded at a beat-by-beat frequency using a Polar heart monitor, and core body
temperature was recorded using a rectal thermometer (self-inserted) attached to a
data-logger which recorded at a frequency of 1 Hz. Participants received no verbal
encouragement during the trials.

See Data Set 1 (power output only)

Useful References:

Abbiss, C.R. & Laursen, P.B. (2005). Models to explain fatigue during prolonged
endurance cycling. Sports Medicine, 35(10), 865-898.

Abbiss, C.R., Peiffer, J.J., Peake, J.M., Nosaka, K, Suzuki, K, Martin, D.T. and
Laursen, P.B. (2008). Effect of carbohydrate ingestion and ambient temperature on
muscle fatigue development in endurance-trained male cyclists. J. Appl. Physiol.,
104, 1021-1028.

Ely, M.R., Cheuvront, S.N., Roberts, W.O. and Montain, S.J. (2007). Impact of
weather on marathon-running performance. Med Sci Sports Exerc., 39, 487-493.

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