Write a paper on a use case of big data analytics. Here is the framework for the paper


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Write a paper on a use case of big data analytics. Here is the framework for the paper

1. Find a use case for big data in an area of your interest. Some sources of big data –

a. Google Ngram

b. US Census data

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c. Global climate data

d. Facebook ad placement

e. Netflix recommendations. Netflix original content creation (how does Netflix decide what type of show to produce?)

f. 1000 Genome project

2. Describe the dataset for your big data source and use case.

3. Research how these data are used for analytics. What is the use case for the specific big data?

4. Explain the methodology used for analyzing the data.

5. Report on the results of analysis.

6. Show the benefit of big data analytics in your use case.

7. Describe how big data could impact your life in the future.

Big Data Use Case

College of Science and Engineering

Engineering Department

EMGT 5731: Business Analytics

Individual assignment 7: Big data USE case

Pairing option is available


To research a use case of big data and report on the findings


· Research a big data use case

· Explain how big data is being used

· Report conclusions

Software Prerequisites

· Varies depending on use case

UCC Products Required

· None

BIG data use case

Write a paper on a use case of big data analytics. Here is the framework for the paper

1. Find a use case for big data in an area of your interest. Some sources of big data –

a. Google Ngram

b. US Census data

c. Global climate data

d. Facebook ad placement

e. Netflix recommendations. Netflix original content creation (how does Netflix decide what type of show to produce?)

f. 1000 Genome project

2. Describe the dataset for your big data source and use case.

3. Research how these data are used for analytics. What is the use case for the specific big data?

4. Explain the methodology used for analyzing the data.

5. Report on the results of analysis.

6. Show the benefit of big data analytics in your use case.

7. Describe how big data could impact your life in the future.

Nitin Kalé & Nancy Jones © 2016 – 2 –

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