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Informatics for Health and Social Care

ISSN: (Print) (Online) Journal homepage: https://www.tandfonline.com/loi/imif20

Patient-centered care via health information
technology: a qualitative study with experts from
Israel and the U.S.

Maxim Topaz , Ofrit Bar-Bachar , Hanna Admi , Yaron Denekamp & Eyal

To cite this article: Maxim Topaz , Ofrit Bar-Bachar , Hanna Admi , Yaron Denekamp & Eyal
Zimlichman (2020) Patient-centered care via health information technology: a qualitative study
with experts from Israel and the U.S., Informatics for Health and Social Care, 45:3, 217-228, DOI:

To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.1080/17538157.2019.1582055

Published online: 27 Mar 2019.

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Patient-centered care via health information technology:
a qualitative study with experts from Israel and the U.S.
Maxim Topaz*a,b, Ofrit Bar-Bachara, Hanna Admic, Yaron Denekampd, and Eyal Zimlichmane

aThe Cheryl Spencer Department of Nursing, Faculty of Social Welfare and Health Science, University of Haifa, Haifa,
Israel; bGeneral Medicine, Harvard Medical School & Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA, USA; cGeneral
Medicine, Rambam Health Care Campus, Haifa, Israel; dHealth Information Technology, Clalit Health Services, Tel
Aviv, Israel; eSheba Medical Center, Ramat Gan, Israel

Although patient-centered care (PCC) is one of the cornerstones of modern
healthcare, the role that health information technology (HIT) plays in sup-
porting PCC remains unclear. In this qualitative study, we interviewed
academic and clinical experts from the US and Israel to understand to
what extent current HIT systems are supportive of PCC and how PCC should
be supported by HIT in the future. A maximum variation sampling approach
was used to identify nine experts in both HIT and PCC from clinical and
academic settings in Israel and the US. A qualitative descriptive method was
used to analyze the interviews and identify major themes. Experts sug-
gested that patient ownership of their disease is a core component of
PCC. The majority of the experts agreed that in both Israel and the US,
the current situation of PCC implementation is relatively poor. However, HIT
should play an important role in making patients owners of their health and
treatment and helping providers in delivering better PCC. Central domains
of PCC via HIT were providing clear information and support for patients
and promoting care that is based on patient values and preferences.

Patient-centered care;
quality of care; health
informatics; electronic
health record; qualitative
descriptive study

  • Introduction
  • Over the past few decades, there were several fundamental changes that shaped the way healthcare is
    viewed and practiced internationally. On one hand, healthcare has become more patient-centered
    with ever-increasing attention to patient attitudes, values, and preferences as an integral part of
    health services delivery. Another major change is the massive introduction of health information
    technology used today by many health-care providers in their everyday work, for example the
    electronic health records.

    Patient-centered care

    Patient-centered care (PCC) is defined by the Institute of Medicine as “providing care that is
    respectful of and responsive to individual patient preferences, needs, and values, and ensuring that
    patient values guide all clinical decisions”.1 In the United States (US), PCC was included as one of
    the six domains of quality by the groundbreaking Institute of Medicine report titled “Crossing the
    Quality Chasm: A New Health System for the 21st Century”.1 In Israel, providing PCC was also
    prioritized at the national level.2 Several key principles guiding the provision of PCC were developed

    CONTACT Maxim Topaz mtopaz80@gmail.com The Cheryl Spencer Department of Nursing, Faculty of Social Welfare and
    Health Science, University of Haifa, Abba Khoushy Ave 199, Haifa 3498838, Israel.

    *The corresponding author has since changed his affiliation to: Columbia University School of Nursing, 560 W 168th St, New York,
    NY 10032, USA Phone: +972-53-919-3777
    © 2019 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

    2020, VOL. 45, NO. 3, 217–228


    internationally during the past decades, for example the eight principles of PCC introduced by the
    Picker Institute and The Commonwealth Fund.3

    Over the years PCC has become one of the cornerstones of modern healthcare in many countries.
    Multiple studies have shown that the practice of PCC leads to better outcomes, for example
    decreasing the rates of depression remission,4 achieving better blood glucose levels among diabetes
    patients,5 increasing patients’ levels of physical activity,6 among many others.7 PCC is recognized as
    an important aspect of care in both inpatient and outpatient settings.8

    Even though awareness for PCC and its benefits is growing, the integration of PCC into daily
    clinical practice sometimes remains less than satisfactory. For example, our team has conducted
    a series of studies that examined the extent to which patient preferences are taken into consideration
    by doctors and nurses in four different countries (US, Denmark, United Kingdom, and Israel). We
    found that health providers are rarely eliciting patient preferences and infrequently act according to
    patient expectations to improve satisfaction with care.9,10

    Health information technology and patient-centered care

    Health information technology (HIT) has become increasingly prevalent in modern healthcare. For
    example, the adoption of electronic health records (EHRs) has peaked over the last decade. In the
    US, the Meaningful Use legislative initiative required that all health-care settings use EHRs by 2016,
    leading to an unprecedented spike in hospital EHR adoption rates from 15% in 2010 to 96% in
    2015.11 In contrast in some other countries, like Israel, EHRs have been implemented in many
    hospitals and outpatient settings for a longer period of time of about two decades.12

    HIT is envisioned to enable effective PCC13–16, however in practice, we found few studies that
    examined the role of technology in PCC.17,18 Moreover, an emerging body of evidence suggests that
    some HIT functionalities might hinder PCC.19–23 For example, in our recent survey, nurse informa-
    ticians from 45 countries reported low satisfaction with EHRs and identified many ways in which
    EHRs serve as a barrier to providing high-quality PCC.24 One-fourth of the nurses reported that
    patient information cannot be shared between the EHR systems (which is a core requirement for
    PCC), while one-third of the nurses complained on poor system usability (making extraction of
    patient information very hard). Similar concerns were reported about limited EHRs’ ability to
    facilitate care transitions,20 extensive documentation time hindering patient-provider contact,21,22

    and limited EHR usability that prevents providers from getting patient information they need.23

    Today, average health-care providers spend a staggering 20–40% of their clinical time on EHRs
    use21,22 yet very little is known about the extent to which this had impacted PCC.

    Unanswered questions about PCC and EHRs

    Although PCC is one of the cornerstones of modern healthcare, the role that HIT plays in
    supporting PCC remains unclear. In this qualitative study, we interviewed academic and clinical
    experts from the US and Israel to understand to what extent current HIT systems are supportive of
    PCC. In our interviews, we also explored the key domains of PCC that should be supported by HIT
    in the near future. We have chosen the two countries because we wanted to examine PCC in two
    different health-care systems. In Israel, the healthcare system is universal and it is centralized around
    the major payer for health services – the Ministry of Health. The Ministry of Health distributes funds
    to four health maintenance organizations who in turn provide health services to the Israeli popula-
    tion. In Israel, several HIT systems, like electronic health records and regional/national health
    information exchanges, were introduced into practice more than two decades ago.25 In comparison,
    the US healthcare system is decentralized and there is no universal payer for health services. Instead,
    about half of healthcare spending comes from private funds (households or private businesses), the
    federal government contributes about 30% and the rest of healthcare is paid for by the state and local
    governments.26 Most US healthcare is delivered privately, even if it is publicly financed. Although

    218 M. TOPAZ ET AL.

    several hospitals in the US were pioneers in HIT, most of the US HIT was introduced into practice at
    the national scale during the past decade. For example, government incentives increased the
    adoption rate of electronic health records by the US hospitals from less than 25% in 2008 to more
    than 96% adoption by 2016.11 Examining PCC in the context of HIT in two different health-care
    systems has the potential to uncover important aspects that might have been missed if we were to
    limit the study to any one particular country. For the purposes of this study, we broadly defined HIT
    as any technology that is used by health-care providers, patients, and their families during engage-
    ment in health-care services.

  • Methods
  • Conceptual framework

    Our conceptual framework is based on the Picker Principles of Patient-Centered Care first intro-
    duced in the mid-1990s.27 Using a wide range of focus groups (with recently discharged patients,
    family members, physicians, and non-physician hospital staff) combined with a review of recent
    literature, researchers from the Harvard Medical School, on behalf of Picker Institute and The
    Commonwealth Fund, defined eight primary dimensions of PCC. These dimensions included: (1)
    Respect for patient’s values, preferences and expressed needs; (2) Coordination and integration of
    care; (3) Information, communication and education; (4) Physical comfort; (5) Emotional support
    and alleviation of fear and anxiety; (6) Involvement of family and friends; (7) Transition and
    continuity; and (8) Access to care. Picker Principles of Patient-Centered Care have directed us in
    constructing this study’s interview guide and identifying codes for thematic analysis of the study

    Study sample

    In our sample size estimation, we used an approach aimed at maximizing the study’s “information
    power”.28 In general, the larger the information power of the sample, the lower the number of
    participants needed. Factors affecting information include study aim, sample specificity, use of
    established theory, quality of dialogue, and analysis strategy. In our case, the least amount of
    participants was needed given the following considerations: the study’s aim was specific; the combina-
    tion of participants was highly specific for the study aim; the analysis was supported by an established
    conceptual framework; the interview dialogue was strong (there was a clear communication between
    the researcher and study participants); and the data analytics approach was explicit (thematic analy-
    sis) .28

    We used a maximum variation sampling approach to identify experts in both HIT and PCC from
    clinical and academic settings in Israel and the US. Study experts were identified via a combination
    of literature search and clinical position seniority in major clinical institutions in both countries. The
    final sample of nine experts was well balanced in terms of representation of clinical and academic
    settings as well as representation from both countries (see Table 1). This study received an
    Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval from the University of Haifa, Israel (#355/17).

    Data collection

    The interview guide was developed by the study team based on the study goals and the conceptual
    framework (Picker Principles of Patient-Centered Care). Our first set of interview questions was focused
    on exploring the experts’ definition of PCC and their view of PCC in general and in the context of HIT.
    Next, we asked the experts about the current state of PCC in the setting they are familiar with, and
    whether and how the principles of PCC are implemented in HIT systems. Lastly, experts were asked
    about their “ideal world” vision for HIT to support PCC. All the interviews were conducted by the


    primary investigator on this study (MT), who is an experienced qualitative researcher. Five interviews
    were conducted in person and four interviews were conducted on the phone.

    Each of the study experts provided consent to participate in the study and completed a semi-
    structured interview with the study team based on the interview guide. All interviews were
    audio recorded and transcribed verbatim. The interviews lasted between one and a half to two

    Data analysis

    To analyze the expert interviews in this study, we used thematic analysis, a qualitative descriptive
    approach for identifying, analyzing, and reporting themes within data.29 Analysis phases were:

    (1) Familiarizing with data: The study team has familiarized themselves with the interviews by
    listening to the recordings, reading the transcribed data and noting down initial ideas.

    (2) Generating initial codes: An initial coding scheme was then generated based on the study’s
    conceptual framework, the Picker Institute’s Eight Principles of Patient-Centered Care.

    (3) Data coding: All coding was done using an RDQA software (R package for Qualitative Data
    Analysis).30 Two researchers trained in qualitative analysis (MT and OB) independently
    coded the transcribed interviews. The codes were assigned to informative features of the
    data (phrases, sentences or paragraphs).

    (4) Inter-coder reliability was assured by dual coding of the first three interviews; after each
    interview, the coding was reviewed for similarities and variations by comparing the level of
    agreement between the two coders. Discrepancies were discussed. The inter-coder reliability
    was determined to be greater than 95% agreement and each researcher continued and coded
    the remaining six interviews separately. When new codes emerged, they were discussed
    between the two coders and added to the coding scheme, when necessary. The two coders
    agreed on all final coding and these results were shared with the study team.

    (5) Searching for themes: Codes were collated into potential themes, which helped organize the
    data relevant to each potential theme. Themes were evaluated to estimate their fit in relation
    to the coded extracts and the entire data set.

    (6) Defining and naming themes: Themes that emerged were defined and further refined. For
    each theme, we identifying the “essence” of what each theme is about, and determined what

    Table 1. Expert sample characteristics.

    Category N (%)

    Professional background
    Physician 2 (22%)
    Nurse 2 (22%)
    Human factors analysis/human computer interaction experts 3 (33%)
    Other (socio-technical domain & social work) 2 (22%)

    Highest degree
    PhD 7 (88%)
    MA 2 (22%)

    US 3 (33%)
    Israel 3 (33%)
    Both* 3 (33%)

    Clinical setting (hospitals or health maintenance organizations) 3 (33%)
    Academic setting (universities) 3 (33%)
    Both academic and clinical setting** 3 (33%)

    * Experts who spent more than 5 years of their professional career in both US and

    ** Experts who are currently affiliated with universities and engaged in clinical work.

    220 M. TOPAZ ET AL.

    aspect of the data each theme captured. This helped to generate clear definitions and names
    for each theme.

    (7) Producing the report: A final report was produced with a selection of vivid, compelling
    interview quotes. The study themes were also related back to the research question and
    literature review, producing a report of the analysis presented here.

    Methodological rigor of the thematic data analyses was maintained through an audit trail and
    periodic debriefing with the study team. Reliability was measured via consistency of interpretation
    and coding of the qualitative data.31 An audit trail of process and analytic memos and coding books
    was maintained, supporting the credibility of the results.

  • Results
  • Five themes emerged from the analysis, including: “Expanding PCC definitions to include patients’
    ownership of their health”, “Lack of PCC in clinical practice today”, “HIT provides only partial
    support for PCC in today’s clinical practice”, “Ideal world: HIT should help seeing the whole patient
    as owner of their health”, “Key areas for HIT support of PCC”. The next sections describe each of the
    themes in detail.

    Expanding PCC definitions to include patients’ ownership of their health

    Overall, most of the experts in this sample described PCC as care that is based on patient’s values,
    beliefs, and goals, for example “… patient centered care is care that is appropriate to the patients’
    needs and in a personalized way, that takes into consideration the culture of the patient and the
    views, the specific aims of life or goals of life.” In a similar vein, another expert said that PCC is “…
    being respectful of and responsive to individual patient preferences, needs and values, and ensuring
    that patient values guide our clinical decision.”

    One prevalent and relatively new HIT-related theme of patient ownership of their health
    emerged. For example, in defining PCC experts suggested that “…patient is the owner of his disease
    management…” and that providers’ goal is to “…engage the patient in all phases and processes of
    care…”. Technology is envisioned to support collaborative processes of health improvement and to
    allow patients to take an active part in all care decisions and activities, for example “…[HIT should
    allow] patient to be in charge of his own health, to allow the patient to make the decisions together
    with the practitioners…” and “ …[HIT should enable] to achieve shared information, shared
    deliberation, and shared mind.”

    Lack of PCC in clinical practice today

    Although there are a few positive examples of PCC in practice, most of the experts suggested that
    PCC implementation remains poor in both the US and Israel and there is much room for improve-
    ment in order to achieve care that is driven by patient values.

    Lack of PCC organizational culture was viewed as one of the largest barriers for implementing
    PCC in practice. For example, experts suggested that “… there are still gaps [in PCC implementa-
    tion], and many organizations are struggling to create this culture of patient centered care…” or “…
    We don’t do it enough [PCC]. We are patronizing. I think we know what’s best for our patient, and
    sometimes it’s because we don’t have the time.” One expert deliberated “There are a lot of people
    making decisions throughout any episode of care. And they are not aligned with some central focus;
    which is the patient, and what the patient wants and what the patient states as preferences and needs
    and goals… it really all falls apart at that point.”

    Another common barrier was lack of adequate health providers’ training to be able to implement
    PCC. For example, “… many of them [clinicians] believe that they don’t have the appropriate


    education to deal with that [PCC]…” and “… even in the medical school or nursing school we’re not
    really taught now to be very much interested in what the patient wants …”. Another expert
    identified lack of time and resources allocated for PCC training in practice “ … although they
    very much agree with the idea of doing patient goal elicitation [homecare agency’s management],
    they don’t have the time to train nurses on it.”

    HIT provides only partial support for PCC in today’s clinical practice

    There were a few examples of HIT support for PCC implemented in clinical practice today. For
    example, experts from both countries described that patient portals are being used in inpatient and
    outpatient settings to give patients access to their information. Another example was using mobile
    devices to collect patient-reported outcomes in inpatient settings.

    On the other hand, most of the experts suggested that there is still a large gap in HIT
    implementation to promote PCC. For example, “…clinicians refrain from using the electronic health
    record, especially while talking to the patient because it’s an interruption. They feel like, either
    I focus on the computer, or I focus on the patient, I can’t do both… “, and “…I did not hear or see
    how the patient goal information was connected to the plan of care in any way. It seemed
    disconnected…”. Even in settings where information exchange is common (mostly Israel), practi-
    tioners reported using it infrequently for PCC-related aspects of care because of poor usability and
    other issues “… [about using the national information exchange system in Israel] it is time
    consuming, and I think it’s focused on medical information, but not information about the person
    in the center.”

    In addition, several experts suggested that HIT in outpatient settings is more supportive of the
    PCC. In inpatient settings, HIT systems’ design was often found to be disruptive of the PCC
    workflows, for example “… But the design is so bad that the patient won’t even be able to see
    anything [from the EHR], especially in inpatient care, because he is lying down…” or “… and I’ve
    seen the [HIT] systems in Israel and I have seen the system here [the U.S.]. And it seems that, the
    design does not support the patient narrative or the clinician work-flow.”

    Ideal world: HIT should help seeing the whole patient as owner of their health

    When asked about the role of HIT in PCC in an “ideal world”, experts suggested that informa-
    tion technology should help providers see the whole patient, and provide tools for patients to
    become owners of their health. For example, “… information technology would allow us to bring
    them all into one [patients and providers], to talking the same language, into one platform …”.
    Several experts pointed out that patients see healthcare as an integral part of their life, while
    clinicians build systems that are often setting specific, for example inpatient or outpatient HIT
    systems “… artificial focus on just [one] episode and encounter … takes away from that
    perspective of the whole patient… the EHR often just drives the user into a very focused and
    short-term view of the patient”. PCC requires systems that are much more integrative and
    include diverse sources of health data. At the very least, HIT systems were envisioned to
    summarize, collect and present PCC-related health data, like patient preferences and goals, for
    example “… natural language processing that can identify which information to pull out, instead
    of having someone search go through them“

    In addition, HIT was suggested as one of the tools to guide providers in implementing different
    steps of PCC in practice. For example, HIT can serve as an “… intelligent guide…” to trigger goal
    elicitation conversations “… So to kind of trigger that the conversation should happen, here’s
    information, and resources and evidence that can be shared with the patient…”, or HIT can be
    used to connect patient goals, problems, and interventions, for example “…Ultimately, I would see
    that, when [using HIT] the nurse does the plan of care, that the patient goals are documented, and
    then the interventions and the education are configured to reflect those goals”.

    222 M. TOPAZ ET AL.

    Finally, experts suggested a few domains of care where HIT can help facilitate providing high-
    quality PCC in the near future. The most common domain was using HIT to provide clear,
    comprehensible information and support for patients, for example “… providing them [patients]
    with additional information regarding their health condition, referring them to external recourses,
    providing them hardcopy of any customized information …”. In addition, experts suggested that
    HIT should be used to promote care that is based on patient values and preferences. For example, “
    [HIT can help in] not losing actual patient voice… it will probably be a powerful thing to really make
    a landing page for part of that summary for the care team to see; what is it that the patient’s saying,
    or what they want.”

    Key areas for HIT support of PCC

    We found support for each of the eight Picker Institute’s Principles of Patient-Centered Care in
    experts’ interviews. Table 2 provides summary descriptions on the potential role of technology for
    each of the PCC principles and presents exemplary quotes for each principle.

  • Discussion
  • Although experts in this study sample defined PCC similarly to the most prevalent definitions
    identified in the literature, one significant and relatively new theme of patient ownership of disease
    emerged. In the context of this HIT-focused study, patient ownership of disease meant creating an
    environment in which patients own, or at least have access to, their health information. In a scenario
    where patients would be able to access their health information, clinicians’ role was described as
    actively seeking to achieve shared deliberation and shared mind with the patients. HIT was seen as
    a key tool to help achieve these goals.

    This shift to patient’s ownership of their disease through better HIT is supported by the current
    literature. For example, a recent article published in the Journal of American Medical Association
    suggests that healthcare is undergoing a paradigm shift, moving from an approach in which “the
    doctor will see you now” to “the patient will see the doctor now”.32 Patients are seen as active
    participants in their care rather than passive recipients of health services. For this paradigm shift to
    happen, patients or their authorized representatives need to be able to control and access their data.
    Other studies are beginning to show that patient ownership of their data benefits patients and
    clinicians. For example, access to physician notes after medical encounters was shown to improve
    patients’ symptom management and medication adherence.33 Similarly, direct release of lab results
    to patients was found to increases patient engagement and utilization of care.34 Our results support
    this emerging evidence and highlight the critical role of HIT in achieving PCC.

    Most of the experts from both countries felt that in the current clinical settings, there is much
    room for improvement in order to achieve care that is driven by patient values. Some of the central
    barriers to PCC implementation were the lack of PCC organizational culture and lack of adequate
    clinician PCC training and education. These results are in tune with findings from other interna-
    tional studies. For example, results from recent US study of health-care professionals’ conceptualiza-
    tion of PCC show that many clinicians charged with PCC implementation lacked basic knowledge
    about PCC.35 An international study that included Israel and US has found that nurses and
    physicians are not actively asking patients about their care expectations and satisfaction.36,37

    Researchers from Sweden,38 other European countries39 and Australia40 have found similar issues
    with lack of clinician PCC understanding and rigid organizational culture prohibitive of PCC.

    We identified a few examples where HIT was used to support PCC in the current clinical practice.
    For example, two experts from major hospitals in Israel and the US described that they are currently
    experimenting with patient portals in inpatient setting where important information is presented to
    patients in several hospital departments. On the other hand, the majority of experts suggested that
    there is still a large gap in HIT implementation to support PCC. HIT was reported to be interruptive


    Table 2. Description of specific domains where health information technology should support patient-centered care.

    Sub-theme* Sub-theme description Quote/s

    and education

    Sharing information between patient
    and healthcare providers is crucial to
    support PCC. Information shared with
    the patient should be patient-tailored
    (in terms of health literacy and specific
    data shared) to improve shared
    decision making.

    “… [HIT should help] to communicate visually, or in some way
    that is cognitively understandable by laypersons.”
    “… [HIT should help in] giving patients information and resources
    where they can read it on their own, and digest it as they make
    the decision.”
    “Transparency is really important, so whether that’s in providing, the
    different options for treatment, being really transparent what those
    options are and what the risks and what are the potential benefits…”

    Respect for
    patients’ values,
    and expressed

    HIT can help providers in starting PCC
    conversations (e.g., goal elicitation),
    storing PCC-related information (e.g.,
    patient preferences) and connecting
    patient goals, health problems and

    “ … [HIT is] an instrument that would augment nurse training, so
    that there would be a guide for helping the nurse phrase the goal
    elicitation questions…”
    “… [HIT should help in] capturing that conversation happened, and
    why something was chosen, is important. Because later on, there can
    be other clinicians that aren’t aware of that conversation and why
    certain decisions were made. It can be essential and informative to
    a treatment or a care plan moving forward…”
    “…Ultimately, I would see that, when [using HIT] the nurse does the
    plan of care, that the patient goals are documented, and then the
    interventions and the education are configured to reflect those goals”.

    Coordination and
    integration of

    HIT systems should enable providers to
    see the whole patient rather than
    a series of disconnected encounters.
    Patient generated data should be
    gathered and made accessible to the
    care team across health care settings.

    “… Interoperability helps encourage and provide patient-centered
    care, because providers share the complete set of data, they know
    exactly what happened to the patient, and obviously, care would
    be better. We have a lot of evidence that quality of care has
    improved, that waste is reduced and healthcare costs are
    “… And so when you’re really delivering patient-centered care, to
    have this artificial focus on just this episode and encounter, I think
    takes away from that perspective of the whole patient. And so,
    the EHR is often just drives the user into a very focused and short-
    term view of the patient.”
    “… But so, in designing our systems, we really need to figure out
    that information flow, and that the patient entered data is highly
    important and it shouldn’t be considered secondary. We need to
    really centralize it, display it, and make sure that the whole care
    team is aware of it.”

    Involvement of
    family and

    HIT can help to actively involve
    patients’ significant others (e.g., family
    or friends) in the care processes.
    Sharing patient information should be
    done in a safe manner where the
    patient decides on the extent of access
    to data.

    “… Basically, these [electronic] tools create new opportunities for
    patients and family members, a new potential to participate
    actively in their care.”
    “… So one of the things that acute care patient portals have yet
    to fully succeed on, is showing the schedule of the day, and this is
    probably one of the, at least I’ve seen, most frequently requested
    things from patients and families. Particularly families, because
    they’re working! Or they’re there, but they want to be able to go
    grab a cup of coffee, and not miss when many doctors coming.
    I mean families have schedules they have to keep too – but we
    don’t really respect it in health care.”
    “… proxy access means you are giving somebody access to your
    whole record. You don’t have any control of the granularity of it…
    a patient should be able to have some control over what that
    looks like…”

    Emotional support
    and alleviation
    of fear and

    HIT can support provider-to-patient
    and patient-to-patient conversations to
    alleviate fear and anxiety and provide
    emotional support.

    “… [providing relevant information] allows them [patients] to be
    more comfortable in terms of understanding what’s going on
    around them, giving them more information to reduce anxiety,
    reduce uncertainty…”
    “… HIT platforms that enable patients to communicate with
    patients with similar conditions and empower them…”

    Access to care HIT can support patients’ access to
    care and enable providers to
    understand patients’ access to care.

    “… [HIT can support understanding] physical environment, does
    somebody have access to grocery stores? If you are asking
    someone to create a meal plan with certain characteristics while
    there’s no grocery stores nearby that sell that type of food”

    Physical comfort HIT systems should be designed to
    support PCC (e.g., computer screens
    that can be shown to patients who are
    lying down).

    “… But the design is so bad that the patient won’t even be able
    to see anything [from their electronic health record], especially in
    inpatient care, because he’s lying down. And it is not designed in
    a way that is supposed to be seen by a patient.”

    *Sub-themes of theme number 5 “Key areas for HIT support of PCC” are based on Picker Principles of Patient-Centered Care and
    are sorted by the frequency of appearance in the interviews (from the most discussed to the least discussed).

    **Principles “Coordination and integration of care” and “Transition and continuity” were merged since they referred to similar
    ideas in expert interviews.

    224 M. TOPAZ ET AL.

    of PCC oriented workflows and lacking PCC related functionality. For example, clinicians refrained
    from using the EHR while talking to the patient because it was considered an interruption and the
    EHR did not allow clinicians to connect documented patient goals to interventions. These results are
    supported by a growing body of literature. For example, in a recent systematic review of 41 studies
    focused on patient-physician communication, researchers have found that EHR use interrupts
    nonverbal engagement between patients and physicians and interferes with capture of psychosocial
    and emotional information.41 In another study, it was found that multiple health practices experi-
    enced common challenges with their EHRs’ capabilities to document and track relevant behavioral
    health and physical health information.42

    Experts in our study have also reported that clinicians are facing challenges with access to patient
    data across the care continuum. Surprisingly, these challenges were persistent even in Israel where
    a national health data exchange enables providers to access inpatient and outpatient information for
    a significant proportion of Israeli population.43 Some of the major reasons for not using the available
    information were the lack of EHR usability and insufficient PCC related information within the
    EHR. In multiple other studies, similar issues with EHR use have also been identified. For example,
    in a series of recent studies from the US, it was indicated that EHR did allow adequate documenta-
    tion and tracking of relevant behavioral health and physical health information such as mental health
    diagnoses or behavioral health visit notes.42,44 Other studies indicated that some PCC related
    information is available in free text clinical notes within the EHR (e.g., information about poor
    social support within discharge summaries),45 however EHRs lack built-in tools to easily search for
    this information. Our results coupled with the recent studies suggest that more efforts are needed to
    improve the current functionality of HIT to support PCC. This might require a complete redesign of
    EHRs, in a fashion that would improve user functionality as well.46

    When asked about the role of HIT in PCC in the ideal world, experts in our sample expressed
    several common ideas. First, most of the experts suggested that HIT should help health providers see
    the whole patient. Currently, information about healthcare is very fragmented and it includes
    a mosaic of clinically focused episodes of care. In order to achieve PCC, a shift is needed from
    this fragmented view to a holistic picture where patients’ values, preferences, and goals are in the
    center. For example, one expert in our sample envisioned a patient “landing” page within the EHR
    where the most important information about a patient is presented, including patients’ goals and
    values. Another common idea was envisioning HIT as a tool for patients to become owners of their
    health, which should lead to increased patient engagement and other positive outcomes. HIT was
    described as a platform that should enable health providers and patients “… achieve shared
    information, shared deliberation, and shared mind.”

    Finally, our study pointed to several domains where HIT can help facilitate providing high-quality
    PCC in the near future. The most common domains were using HIT to provide clear, comprehen-
    sible information and support for patients and to advance care that is based on patient values and
    preferences. Our results showed that HIT can help in promoting each of the eight Picker Institute’s
    Principles of PCC in practice.

    This study has several important limitations. First, this was a thematic analysis of interviews with
    nine experts and our results’ generalizability is limited. Also, the study experts were from major
    academic institutions and leading clinical centers, which also impacts the generalizability of results.
    In addition, our study experts mostly represented medicine and nursing (except for two participants
    with socio-technical and social work backgrounds) and incorporating experts from other profes-
    sional backgrounds might have resulted in different results.

  • Conclusions
  • This qualitative descriptive study with nine experts in PCC and HIT from Israel and the US aimed to
    explore the existing state of HIT for better PCC and identify venues for further development. In
    addition to common PCC definitions in the literature, experts suggested that patient ownership of


    disease is a core HIT-related component of PCC. A majority of the experts agreed that in both Israel
    and the US, the current situation of PCC implementation is relatively poor due to providers’ lack of
    training and rigid organizational cultures. In the current clinical practice, HIT was not seen as
    a critical tool for PCC implementation. However, HIT can and should play a major role in making
    patients owners of their health and treatment, and helping providers in delivering better PCC. Some
    of the central domains where HIT can be used in support of PCC were providing clear, compre-
    hensible information and support for patients, and promoting care that is based on patients’ values
    and preferences.

  • Ethics approval and consent to participate
  • This research has been performed in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki. The Institutional Review Board of
    the University of Haifa – Faculty of Social Welfare and Health Sciences grated approval for this study and research on
    human subjects on October 19, 2017, under approval number 355/17. All participants in this study have given written
    consent to the inclusion of material pertaining to themselves. They acknowledge that they cannot be identified via the
    paper and have been fully anonymized.

  • Availability of data and materials
  • The data that support the findings of this study are available on request from the corresponding author, MT. The data
    are not publicly available due to privacy restrictions.

  • Disclosure statement
  • No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.

  • Funding
  • This work was supported by the Israel National Institute for Health Policy Research (NIHPR) .[ר/2017/232]

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    • Abstract
    • Introduction
      Patient-centered care
      Health information technology and patient-centered care
      Unanswered questions about PCC and EHRs
      Conceptual framework
      Study sample
      Data collection
      Data analysis
      Expanding PCC definitions to include patients’ ownership of their health
      Lack of PCC in clinical practice today
      HIT provides only partial support for PCC in today’s clinical practice
      Ideal world: HIT should help seeing the whole patient as owner of their health
      Key areas for HIT support of PCC
      Ethics approval and consent to participate
      Availability of data and materials
      Disclosure statement

    How technology is empowering patients? A
    literature review

    Jorge Calvillo PhD,*§ Isabel Rom�an PhD*†§ and Laura M. Roa PhD†‡§
    *IT Health Scientist in Biomedical Engineering Group, †Professor, ‡Head of Biomedical Engineering Group, University of

    Seville, Seville and §CIBER de Bioingenierı́a, Biomateriales y Nanomedicina (CIBER-BBN), Seville,


    Jorge Calvillo

    Escuela T�ecnica Superior de


    C. de los Descubrimientos

    s/n 41092 Sevilla


    E-mail: jorgecalvilloarbizu@gmail.com

    Accepted for publication

    1 May 2013

    Keywords: health information
    systems, medical informatics, patient

    education, patient empowerment,

    patient participation


    Background The term ‘Patient Empowerment’ (PE) is a growing

    concept – so in popularity as in application – covering situations
    where citizens are

    encouraged to take an active role in the man-

    agement of their own health. This concept is serving as engine

    power for increasing the quality of health systems, but a question

    is still unanswered, ‘how PE will be effectively achieved?’ Beyond

    psychological implications, empowerment of patients in daily prac-

    tice relies on technology and the way it is used. Unfortunately, the

    heterogeneity of approaches and technologies makes difficult to

    have a global vision of how PE is being performed.

    Objective To clarify how technology is being applied for enhanc-

    ing patient empowerment as well as to identify current (and

    future) trends and milestones in this issue.

    Search strategy Searches for relevant English language articl


    using Medline, Scopus, ACM Digital Library, Springer Link, EB-

    SCO host and ScienceDirect databases from the year 2000 until

    October 2012 were conducted. Among others, a selection criterion

    was to review articles including terms ‘patient’ and ‘empowerment’

    in title, abstract or as keywords.

    Main results and conclusions Results state that practical

    approaches to empower patients vary in scope, aim and technol-

    ogy. Health literacy of patients, remote access to health services,

    and self-care mechanisms are the most valued ways to accom-

    plish PE. Current technology already allows establishing the first

    steps in the road ahead, but a change of attitude by all

    stakeholders (i.e. professionals, patients, policy makers, etc.) is



    As the appearance of the first Internet-based

    applications supporting new methods of health-

    care delivery, the potential of Information and

    Communication Technologies (ICT) for chang-

    ing the role of users has been well-known.

    Experts predicted a range of benefits from the

    efficient adoption of ICT in the health-

    care domain.
    For example, the possibility of

    providing citizens with mechanisms for access-

    ing information and knowledge required to


    © 2013 John Wiley & Sons Ltd
    Health Expectations, 18, pp.643–652

    doi: 10.1111/hex.12089

    understand their health status and to make

    informed decisions.
    ICT could also bring new

    ways of connectivity among patients, users and

    health providers to establish virtual communi-

    ties in which end users adopt the role of

    information providers for their peers.

    Furthermore, technology would ease the devel-

    opment of tools and solutions for maintenance

    of healthy habits, education in health, self-man-

    agement of chronic diseases and deployment

    and use of Personal Health Records (PHR)

    controlled by patients.

    Finally, technology

    promised to reduce economic costs and pro-

    mote a more sustainable health care.

    Patient Empowerment (PE) is a growing

    concept – so in popularity as in application –
    that covers situations where citizens are

    encouraged to take an active role in the man-

    agement of their own health, transforming the

    traditional patient–doctor relationship and
    providing citizens with real management capa-


    Gibson, in a review about PE in

    health, redefined empowerment as a process of

    helping people to assert control over the fac-

    tors which affect their health.
    Another litera-

    ture review defines PE as a continuous process

    through which patients (and patient groups)

    work in partnership with their health-care sys-

    tem. The objective of this collaboration is to

    enable patients to become more responsible for

    and involved in their treatment and health


    Despite differences among definitions, the

    central idea is shared: an attempt for patients

    to take charge of their own health. Some com-

    mon keys are as follows:

    1. Health-care professionals should be the first

    promoters of PE.


    2. An empowered patient should be educated

    to think critically, make informed decisions

    and then adjust to prescribed care plans (i.e.

    become a health literate).

    3. Dependency on people should be partially

    transformed to dependency on systems.

    4. Technology for PE may also bring problems

    due to digital divide existing in society

    between people with and without technology

    skills (what is called ‘digital literacy’).

    At organizational level, it is assumed that

    PE is a cornerstone for the transformation and

    evolution of the health-care domain, becoming

    a philosophy inspiring policies and services.

    As an example, the European Commission, the

    European Council and the World Health Orga-

    nization (WHO) – Europe – are supporting
    actively the development of PE solutions by

    acting in several points such as bringing access

    to information and trust advice to people, pro-

    moting health literacy of patients or supporting

    new models of chronic care.

    Thus, the con-

    cept PE is serving as engine power for increas-

    ing the quality of health systems by policy



    Beyond psychological implications, empow-

    erment of patients in daily practice relies on

    technology and the way it is used.

    As the

    application of ICT in the health-care domain

    has been performed in an uncontrolled way

    and with no formalization or guidelines, now

    empowerment of patients (as will be shown in

    this paper) is shared by a wide spectrum of dif-

    ferent and separate research fields such as

    end-user applications, homecare, information

    systems and communications. This multidisci-

    plinary divergence increases the complexity of

    the matter because it often requires a knowl-

    edge translation among areas. Moreover, PE

    (even the term) is performed through many dif-

    ferent ways depending on the specific research

    field addressing it. These facts lead to a frag-

    mented application of heterogeneous technolo-

    gies for empowering patients.

    To our knowledge, several literature reviews

    focus on PE, but none has both a general pur-

    pose and an emphasis on technology. The

    scope of these reviews varies in different ways.

    Aujoulat et al.

    examined how the term

    ‘empowerment’ has been used in relation to

    care and education of patients with chronic

    conditions over an 11-year period (1995–2006).
    This review bases on the theory of patient edu-

    cation as a mechanism for empowerment in

    chronic scenarios and its benefits for patients.

    Laugharne et al.

    had mental health as

    domain for their review of trust, choice and PE

    from 1980 to 2005. This review stated that PE

    © 2013 John Wiley & Sons Ltd
    Health Expectations, 18, pp.643–652

    How technology is empowering patients? J Calvillo, I Rom�an and L M Roa644

    was accomplished at organizational level (e.g.

    policies of patient involvement in health care),

    but there was no evidence of real performance

    of PE in daily practice of mental health care.

    Technology applications were not reported in

    this paper. Macq et al.

    reviewed literature to

    extract findings of PE in tuberculosis control.

    They identified trends and barriers of empow-

    ering of tuberculosis patients but did not

    include any reference to technology applica-

    tions. Another review focused on methodolo-

    gies for PE was published by Virtanen et al.

    This paper made a literature review to describe

    the nature of empowering discourses between

    patient and nurse. The main result was a heter-

    ogeneous range of discourse methodologies to

    empower patients, but no technology was iden-

    tified to do it. Finally, Lober et al.


    a review strongly oriented to find synergies

    between health care and ICT. Although its

    health focus was oncology nursing, it presented

    papers of general purpose. This review mainly

    placed emphasis on new models of interaction

    between patients, doctors and others thanks to

    the Internet and social media as well as known

    areas such as monitoring and administration

    systems. This was a broad review but with a

    research methodology covering rather than for-

    mal published papers (i.e. web references, tools

    and technical reports).

    Through a literature review, our paper aims

    at clarifying how technology is being applied

    to PE as well as future trends and milestones.

    The review focuses on identifying current

    trends of technology applied to PE, in particu-

    lar, which technologies are being used, how

    they are applied and how empowerment is pro-

    posed and accomplished. Because approaches

    of technology applied to PE have recently

    appeared, this paper makes a review from the

    year 2000 to October 2012 considering that

    prior works are theoretical or related to social

    interaction. Finally, although there exist other

    concepts related to empowerment for nurses,

    doctors and others,
    considering them is out of

    the scope of our review.


    We searched for relevant English language arti-

    cles using Medline, Scopus, ACM Digital

    Library, Springer Link, EBSCO host and

    ScienceDirect databases from the year 2000

    until October 2012 (papers in press included).

    The first step was collecting articles that

    included ‘patient’ and ‘empowerment’ in title,

    abstract or as keywords. For the sake of thor-

    oughness, several searches were performed by

    substituting ‘patient’ by ‘citizen’, ‘user’, ‘con-

    sumer’, ‘human’ and ‘subject of care’ but

    always with focus on the health domain.

    Another set of searches was performed to col-

    lect publications with the terms ‘empowering

    patients’, ‘empower patients’, ‘empower peo-

    ple’, ‘health informatics’, ‘health information

    systems’, ‘patient-centred’ or ‘patient-centric’ in

    title, abstract or keywords. Opinion papers, let-

    ters and reviews were excluded. Figure 1 shows

    the selection process for this article review.

    Identified abstracts and contents were

    screened by two peers in parallel to determine

    eligibility for further review. The following eli-

    gibility considerations were made:

    1. The development, validation or assessment

    of technology for PE should be presented in

    the article. Those papers expressing opinions

    or conducting reviews were excluded;

    2. The empowerment action should be per-

    formed for the direct benefit of patients.

    Technology applied to empowerment of

    medical staff, relatives or others were not

    considered, even although this had indirect

    benefits for patients;

    3. Many technology applications in health lead

    to more efficient care but not to empowering

    individuals. For example, remote monitor-

    ing with no intervention by patients, or

    EHRs only for health professional use. This

    kind of applications means better health for

    patients but not increasing the trust, auton-

    omy or safe sense of patients. Articles where

    patient empowerment is not properly justi-

    fied or stated were excluded.

    © 2013 John Wiley & Sons Ltd
    Health Expectations, 18, pp.643–652

    How technology is empowering patients?, J Calvillo, I Rom�an and L M Roa 645

    From the eligible papers, the reviewers

    extracted data such as publication year, if they

    were focused on particular medical specialties,

    technology used or how PE was claimed to be



    Searching the online databases resulted in

    12 389 articles. After combining results and

    excluding duplication, 9540 articles left. Later,

    reviews of abstract and content were per-

    formed. 9087 and 187 articles were excluded,

    respectively, according to eligibility criteria pre-

    viously defined. Thus, only 266 papers satisfied

    all the requirements of the process. The set of

    references included in the review can be con-

    sulted via web.

    As first point of this review, it

    is worthy to mention that the number of

    articles published about technology for PE has

    increased notably. However, the number of

    papers does not follow an exponential ten-

    dency, but it presents an increasing variability

    between consecutive years (Fig. 2).

    The articles selected have been classified

    according to the medical specialty or disease

    which the technology developed is planned to.

    Figure 3 shows the results. Technology in

    45.9% (123) of articles is applied to all knowl-

    edge areas of health as in the case of medical

    information management or patient educa


    Both examples may cover the whole range of

    health issues and diseases. 11.5% (31) of arti-

    cles focus on medical specialties (e.g. dermatol-

    ogy and paediatrics), and 13.6% (36) present

    solutions applied to some specific disease (e.g.

    HIV and depression). Diabetes (10.8%, 29),

    oncology (8.2%, 22) and chronic diseases

    Search strategy

    (n = 4.186)

    Search strategy

    (n = 6.285)

    Search strategy

    (n = 595)

    Combine results
    (n = 12.389)

    Abstract review
    (n = 9.540)

    (n = 2.849)

    Content review
    (n = 453)

    Excluded in
    abstract review

    (n = 9.087)

    Articles included
    (n = 266)

    Excluded in
    content review

    (n = 187)

    ACM Digital

    Search strategy
    (n = 213)

    Springer Link
    Search strategy

    (n = 613)

    EBSCO host
    Search strategy

    (n = 497)

    Figure 1 Flow of article selection in the literature review.









    2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012






    Publication year (until October 2012)

    Figure 2 Number of articles published on technology for patient empowerment over the years.

    © 2013 John Wiley & Sons Ltd
    Health Expectations, 18, pp.643–652

    How technology is empowering patients? J Calvillo, I Rom�an and L M Roa646

    (5.2%, 14) have been classified separately due

    to the relevant number of articles on these top-

    ics. Finally, technology in 4.8% (13) of

    reviewed papers is centred on other areas such

    as Pharmacy and Lactation, which cannot be

    grouped easily by the previous categories.

    Once determined the health issue in which

    PE is approached, the next point is to classify

    what technology is used to accomplish it

    (Fig. 4). Web services and communication net-

    works are the most used technologies (74 and

    51 articles, respectively). Both technologies are

    applied to different scenarios and purposes but

    always easing remote communication and

    access to health information and services.

    Besides them, both PHR and Electronic Health

    Record (EHR) approaches share outstanding

    positions. The reason could be that they have

    been considered cornerstones for the techno-

    logical revolution of the health-care domain,

    and there are many efforts developing them.

    EHR and PHR are similar each other although

    address PE differently. EHR provides the

    patient with access and knowledge of his/her

    health information; meanwhile, PHR grants a

    patient with administration privileges too.

    Another relevant set of approaches focuses on

    translating the methodology of patient support

    groups to virtual world using social media and

    online communities. In these scenarios, the

    patient receives advice from peers and he/she

    can be an information provider for others.

    Finally, other relevant technologies are as fol-

    lows: Internet as source of information, soft-

    ware and mobile apps, security mechanisms,

    devices and communication media (such as tra-

    ditional and IP telephony or e-mail).

    The last point of this review categorizes how

    the different approaches empower patients. The

    same technology may deploy two different










    Figure 3 Classification of selected articles according to the

    health area where they empower patients.











    Technology applied

    Figure 4 Number of articles categorized by technology they use to empower patients.

    © 2013 John Wiley & Sons Ltd
    Health Expectations, 18, pp.643–652

    How technology is empowering patients?, J Calvillo, I Rom�an and L M Roa 647

    approaches for PE. For example, e-mail com-

    munication could be used for strengthening

    doctor–patient relation or alerting patient of
    modification of his/her health information

    record. Figure 5 summarizes the findings. Note

    that most articles adopt two or more mecha-

    nisms for PE. The most popular way for

    empowerment is patient education, shared for

    40% of reviewed articles. It is widely argued

    that an educated patient can make more

    informed decisions, improve compliance,

    reduce anxiety levels and participate actively in

    the treatment of his/her diseases. This fact is

    more relevant in chronic scenarios where the

    patient must modify his/her life and adapt to

    permanent conditions. If healthy scenarios

    were considered, benefits of patient education

    could be translated to the maintenance of

    health and prevention tasks through citizen

    education. Enhancing commodity of patients is

    another important approach for


    It is accomplished by reducing the complexity

    of daily tasks such as the patient–doctor com-
    munication (e.g. e-mail or instant messaging),

    online access to administrative services and tel-

    ediagnosis. Self-care is a benefit of patient edu-

    cation with a significant number of articles

    proposing mechanisms to accomplish it. The

    access to own health information and to reli-

    able advices improves awareness of patients in

    their condition and adherence to treatment

    plans. Another relevant paradigm to empower

    patients is to turn them into providers of sup-

    port and advice for peers. As providers,

    patients feel useful, and as receivers, they

    obtain support and comprehension of peers

    that suffer (or suffered) similar conditions.

    Security also counts as a driving force for

    PE in different ways. Control of distribution

    and disclosure of personal information are the

    most relevant PE mechanisms followed by

    control over its edition, and privacy and

    confidentiality of communications. Due to the

    confidential content of health information,

    patients are very concerned with security

    requirements. Many reviewed articles consider

    scenarios with no mechanism to protect data

    and communications, but security is an essen-

    tial requirement of technology applications in

    the health-care domain. Other PE ways are to

    strengthen the doctor–patient relation, to
    access general or personalized information and

    to promote behaviour modification, etc.


    In the introduction section, the objective of the

    review was stated: to identify how PE is being

    approached through technology and which

    milestones would be required to accomplish a

    real empowerment of patients. We selected and

    described the results of 266 papers on technol-

    ogy applications for PE. The number of such

    approaches shows a strong increase in recent

    years (Fig. 2). Two facts could be responsible

    of that tendency: the advancements in ICT

    (with the consequent wider application to

    health) and the currently rising awareness of




    Paradigms for empowering patients

    Figure 5 Number of articles categorized by how they empower patients.

    © 2013 John Wiley & Sons Ltd
    Health Expectations, 18, pp.643–652

    How technology is empowering patients? J Calvillo, I Rom�an and L M Roa648

    providing patients with an active role and

    capabilities of management.

    In a broad sense, the term ‘patient empower-

    ment’ is often used in the literature and health

    policy to characterize an essential key for

    involving patients in their health care. In most

    approaches, PE is addressed from a psycholog-

    ical perspective (i.e. studies of how health-care

    professionals could make patients more confi-

    dent and involved in their health-care pro-

    cesses), but also in some cases, technology is

    applied for empowering patients. Thus, impli-

    cations on daily practice are restricted to mod-

    ify attitudes of patients (what we classify as

    Milestone 1 of empowerment, as it will be fur-

    ther explained in the following) and not to

    involve them actively in processes.

    From the results of the review, some interest-

    ing points can be extracted for discussion.

    First, there is a wide spectrum of technologies

    empowering patients. There are initiatives that

    use promising technologies (such as games and

    virtual worlds

    or textile monitoring
    ), and

    others reuse common (and sometimes in disuse)

    technologies (e.g. audio call

    or video record-

    ). According to current and future tech-

    nology trends for empowering patients, it can

    be stated that approaches in this domain fol-

    low the general tendencies of research and

    development in ICT. As revolutionary technol-

    ogy in every sector of society, Web services is

    also one of the most used technologies for

    empowering patients. Its application covers

    several approaches such as information web

    pages, interactive portals, infrastructure of dis-

    tributed services and remote data access. Its

    versatility, popularity and development in

    other domains make it the first choice for

    developers of solutions in health domain.

    Booming technologies in other sectors (e.g.

    social media and mobile apps) are being stea-

    dily applied to empower patients. Forums,

    blogs and social networks are suitable vehicles

    to translate support groups from real life to

    electronic world, ease the communication

    among patients and professionals and

    strengthen the continuity of care beyond

    physical appointments. In addition, the wide

    adoption of smartphones in daily life brings

    many potential trends for patient empower-

    ment such as ubiquitous access to health infor-

    mation for patients and professionals or

    smartphone applications for monitoring

    chronic conditions, disease prevention tasks

    and promotion of healthy habits.

    Finally, an interesting result is the slightly

    higher use of PHR (12.7% of articles) for

    empowering patients than of EHR (10%).

    According to public opinion, PHR is a natural

    evolution of EHR towards a real data manage-

    ment by patients. Thus, the common assump-

    tion a priori is that PHR would be a much

    more significant trend for empowering patients

    than EHR. But that is not right because

    although EHR does not delegate management

    capabilities to patients, it contributes to

    empower them through the access to their

    information. Often, the scenario of patients

    suffering burdens for accessing their own

    health data is underestimated or not consid-

    ered. But our review reveals that is still a nec-

    essary action line without which other

    approaches (such as data management in

    PHR) cannot be addressed.

    From the literature review, we can conclude

    that different levels of empowerment exist (as

    has been stated in previous works
    ). All the

    reviewed approaches have the same objective

    (i.e. to empower patients), but the grade of

    autonomy or involvement that the subject

    obtains varies from one solution to another.

    These levels of empowerment may serve as

    overview of milestones in the road of patient


    1. Milestone 1: Patient is aware of his/her

    health condition and properly informed by

    doctors. There is a first change of attitude

    from passive and ignorant to active and par-

    ticipant to face diseases. In this stage,

    patients are well informed about prognosis

    and treatment options, and this makes them

    to be more likely to make decisions, adhere

    to their treatment plan and have better out-


    2. Milestone 2: Individual (not necessarily

    patient) active not only in the treatment of

    © 2013 John Wiley & Sons Ltd
    Health Expectations, 18, pp.643–652

    How technology is empowering patients?, J Calvillo, I Rom�an and L M Roa 649

    diseases but also in the maintenance of his/

    her health and prevention tasks. Now citi-

    zen is willing to perform healthy activities,

    monitor food and hygiene habits, modify

    damaging behaviours, etc., in order to pre-

    vent diseases or enhance his/her wellness.

    Doctors play the role of encouraging these

    attitudes which result in a healthier popula-


    3. Milestone 3: Citizens are educated (and not

    simply informed) in health. A democratiza-

    tion of knowledge is accomplished, that is,

    citizens can proactively access information,

    knowledge and advices not guarded by

    health professionals. Health knowledge must

    be understandable, reliable and accessible

    for any citizen according to different skills.

    Now doctor and patient are collaborators at

    the same level, and there is a mutual trust.

    Figure 5 shows how education of patients is

    the first concern (with 39.4% of selected

    articles). From their point of view, doctors

    plead for educated patients that adopt effec-

    tively their care plans and willing to know

    more about their health conditions.

    4. Milestone 4: Citizens are not only health

    information sinks but also sources. Technol-

    ogy allows citizens to act as health informa-

    tion and advice providers for peers

    worldwide with little or no supervision by

    doctors. Citizens embrace a new dimension

    in empowerment when their health experi-

    ences can help others and when they are

    counselled by people who speak their own


    Finally, there may be some obstacles against

    patient empowerment. First, citizens must able

    to trust in technology empowering them in

    order to play their proactive roles. Thus, con-

    sidering carefully, the application of technology

    to empower patients is required. For example,

    Web pages as information sources are promis-

    ing for rising health literacy of patients, but

    they can lead to misunderstandings and wrong

    decisions without a precise assessment by trust-

    worthy third party; or privacy and confidential-

    ity of information flows from/to EHR and

    PHR should not be a secondary feature of sys-

    tems. Indeed, security is an essential require-

    ment on communication and health

    information systems, but only 6% of articles

    focus on (or include as complement) security


    Another major obstacle is reluctance of doc-

    tors to lose their power. Health professionals

    encourage citizens to be informed and adhere

    to their treatment plans, but sometimes more

    knowledge is not desirable. This fact is conse-

    quence of people using Internet as first source

    of health information without considering the

    harm that unreliable and understandable infor-

    mation can make. But a well-educated patient

    through precisely assessed information sources

    by health professionals is a win–win scenario.
    Obviously, also citizens may desire to hold the

    status quo, that is, maintain a passive role on

    their health, as some studies pointed out previ-


    Thus, involved actors’ attitudes

    towards PE will determine the real swift of

    health-care delivery models and the role of

    each actor.


    In conclusion, practical approaches to

    empower patients vary in scope, aim and tech-

    nology. The set of areas where empowerment

    may be accomplished is so wide (as was

    showed in Fig. 5) that almost any current ini-

    tiative of ICT applied to health covers mecha-

    nisms for empowering patients. As has been

    reviewed, there exist different (in scope and

    autonomy grade of citizens) levels of empower-

    ment that may be mapped to specific mile-

    stones. Current technology already allows

    establishing the first steps in the road ahead,

    but a change of attitude by all stakeholders

    (i.e. professionals, patients and policy makers)

    is required. Furthermore, despite motivation,

    PE strongly depends on accessibility of solu-

    tions and interfaces. For a real empowerment

    of patients, all citizens must be capable of

    accessing systems empowering them, no matter

    their digital literacy, economic level, education

    or disabilities.

    Therefore, if obstacles and

    © 2013 John Wiley & Sons Ltd
    Health Expectations, 18, pp.643–652

    How technology is empowering patients? J Calvillo, I Rom�an and L M Roa650

    gaps are successfully addressed, at medium-

    term technology will ease the emergence of a

    new patient fully equipped for the health-care

    challenging scenarios of the 21st century.

    Source of funding

    This work has been partially supported by the

    CIBER-BBN (inside project PERSONA), the

    Biomedical Engineering Group at University

    of Seville, an Excellence Project of the Anda-

    lusian Council (TIC-6214) and a grant from

    the Fondo de Investigaci�on Sanitaria inside

    project PI082023. CIBER-BBN is an initiative

    funded by the VI National R&D&i Plan

    2008–2011, Iniciativa Ingenio 2010, Consolider
    Program, CIBER Actions and financed by the

    Instituto de Salud Carlos III with assistance

    from the European Regional Development


    Conflicts of interest

    No conflicts of interest occurred.


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    © 2013 John Wiley & Sons Ltd
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    Copyright of Health Expectations is the property of Wiley-Blackwell and its content may not
    be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder’s
    express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for
    individual use.

    Instruction read carefully

    here are essentially three types of peer-reviewed journal articles:

    1. A study (can be 
    quantitative, and primary or secondary
    )- where the authors of the article actually carried out a study with a stated methodology, collected data, and analyzed the data to reach a conclusion about a specific study question

    2. A literature review- where the authors of the article search the existing journal articles and studies about a specific topic and write a comprehensive review about the topic- but do not actually carry out a study and/or collect data

    3. A meta-analysis- where the authors of the article combine the results of several high-quality articles that used similar methods to collect and analyze data into one summary statistic- starts with a literature review, but goes a step further by doing data analysis of the data and outcomes from other studies 

    In past semesters, students have stated that they sometimes don’t feel truly comfortable with the differences between these three types of articles. They all have different formats, purposes, and types of information, so it’s important that we can establish the core differences early in the semester so you know what to look for moving forward. In chapter 22, you will learn about numbers 2 and 3 (for more information, you can check out this article: 

    Systematic Literature Reviews and Meta-Analyses (Links to an external site.)


    For this assignment, you must write a 2-3 page (that means a minimum of 2 full pages and no longer than 3 full pages) paper (in APA format) with the following:

    1. Pick ONE broad topic within healthcare (examples: cancer, Medicare, anxiety, pregnancy, health information technology, nutrition, physical therapy, etc.).

    2. Find ONE peer-reviewed article in EACH of the above three article types about your topic (so three articles total- one study article, one literature review article, one meta analysis article).

    3. For each article, describe the following:

    · Purpose of the article

    · Format of the article (i.e. length, subheadings, etc.)

    · What did you learn about your topic from this kind of article?

    4. Finally, address the following:

    · Which article seems the most informative about your topic overall?

    · Which article was easiest to read? Which was the most difficult?

    How will you know which article is which type? Studies usually have specific sections for methodology (i.e. where they explain what they did in detail) and data collection/analysis. Literature review articles usually do not have a methodology or, if they do, their methodology consists only of the guidelines they followed to find the articles they used. Meta analysis articles do have methodology and data analysis sections, but they describe which existing articles they used (kind of like a literature review). An even better indicator: most literature review and meta analysis articles will have the terms “literature review” or “meta-analysis” somewhere in the title or abstract- read carefully!


    Using routine health information data for
    research in low- and middle-income
    countries: a systematic review
    Yuen W. Hung1, Klesta Hoxha1, Bridget R. Irwin2, Michael R. Law3 and Karen A. Grépin4*

  • Abstract
  • Background
  • : Routine health information systems (RHISs) support resource allocation and management decisions at
    all levels of the health system, as well as strategy development and policy-making in many low- and middle-
    income countries (LMICs). Although RHIS data represent a rich source of information, such data are currently
    underused for research purposes, largely due to concerns over data quality. Given that substantial investments have
    been made in strengthening RHISs in LMICs in recent years, and that there is a growing demand for more real-time
    data from researchers, this systematic review builds upon the existing literature to summarize the extent to which
    RHIS data have been used in peer-reviewed research publications.

  • Methods
  • : Using terms ‘routine health information system’, ‘health information system’, or ‘health management
    information system’ and a list of LMICs, four electronic peer-review literature databases were searched from
    inception to February 202,019: PubMed, Scopus, EMBASE, and EconLit. Articles were assessed for inclusion based on
    pre-determined eligibility criteria and study characteristics were extracted from included articles using a piloted
    data extraction form.

  • Results
  • : We identified 132 studies that met our inclusion criteria, originating in 37 different countries. Overall, the
    majority of the studies identified were from Sub-Saharan Africa and were published within the last 5 years. Malaria
    and maternal health were the most commonly studied health conditions, although a number of other health
    conditions and health services were also explored.

  • Conclusions
  • : Our study identified an increasing use of RHIS data for research purposes, with many studies applying
    rigorous study designs and analytic methods to advance program evaluation, monitoring and assessing services,
    and epidemiological studies in LMICs. RHIS data represent an underused source of data and should be made more
    available and further embraced by the research community in LMIC health systems.

    Keywords: Routine health information systems, Low- and middle-income countries, Systematic review

    Routine health information systems (RHISs) collect and
    provide information at regular intervals on services and
    activities delivered in health facilities [1]. RHISs have
    been implemented in many low and middle-income

    country (LMIC) health systems to support resource allo-
    cation and day-to-day management decisions at facility,
    district, provincial, and national levels, as well as to fa-
    cilitate strategy development and policy-making [2, 3].
    Despite the fact that RHISs are being implemented at
    scale in many LMICs, and that they have been widely
    recognized as an important component of health sys-
    tems strengthening [4, 5], prior studies have suggested

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    * Correspondence: kgrepin@hku.hk
    4School of Public Health, Hong Kong University, Pok Fu Lam, Hong Kong
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    Hung et al. BMC Health Services Research (2020) 20:790





    that researchers continue to prefer using intermittent
    cross-sectional population-based surveys rather than
    RHISs data to conduct studies, including the monitoring
    of health programs and policy evaluations [6–8].
    In order to improve health system performance, reli-

    able, timely, and transparent data on health services are
    crucial [9, 10]. RHISs collect such data and thus could
    provide important insights into health system perform-
    ance [4]. Substantial investments have been made in the
    development and strengthening of RHISs in many LMICs
    over the past two decades [5, 11], and interventions tar-
    geting data collection, processing, analysis, and dissemin-
    ation have increased the accessibility of RHIS data [5,
    12]. While early RHISs were established using paper-
    based health facility reports, newer web-based systems
    have been adopted in many LMICs over the last decade
    [13, 14]. The most common of these is the District
    Health Information System 2 (DHIS 2) platform, which is
    used as the foundation for the national health manage-
    ment information systems (HMIS) in at least 46 countries
    and has been piloted in at least another 21 countries [15].
    Studies have shown that the implementation of newer in-
    formation and communication technology systems, along
    with supportive feedback mechanisms to encourage their
    use in routine practice, can lead to substantial improve-
    ments in RHIS reporting and data quality [5, 13, 16, 17].
    Despite the documented improvements in data quality,

    recent studies have shown a persistent underuse of RHIS
    data for research purposes in LMICs [8, 18]. A number
    of factors may contribute to the underuse of RHIS data.
    Numerous studies and commentators have questioned
    the usefulness of RHIS-sourced data to monitor and
    evaluate health services due to data quality concerns,
    such as incompleteness and inaccuracy [19–23]. Add-
    itionally, RHIS data are often not publicly available for
    secondary analyses, which further limits their use [24].
    Due to these concerns, the research community has
    shown a persistent preference to use data sourced from
    intermittent cross-sectional population-based surveys ra-
    ther than data sourced from RHISs to conduct research
    on health service utilization and policy evaluation in
    LMICs [8, 18, 25, 26]. However, population-based sur-
    veys also have drawbacks, including the fact that they
    may be costly [26] and are often unable to generate suf-
    ficient data at the district or other subnational-levels
    [27]. In addition, reliance on such data may encourage
    the use of potentially weak evaluation designs [8] and
    may make establishing an appropriate baseline challen-
    ging when trying to evaluate specific programs [28].
    Intermittent cross-sectional population-based surveys
    themselves also suffer from a number of quality
    concerns and thus should not be considered the gold
    standard for estimating service coverage or other
    population-based estimates [29].

    Given the potential of RHISs to play a greater role in
    the evaluation of health policy and programs and to
    monitor the performance of health systems, it is import-
    ant to better understand the extent to which such data
    are currently being used in research studies. To date,
    there have been no systematic reviews of the use of
    RHIS data for research purposes beyond studies that
    were specific to malaria control [18], a gap this paper
    seeks to address. Specifically, we systematically reviewed
    the published literature to identify and describe the dif-
    ferent ways in which RHIS data have been used in peer-
    reviewed research, including the types of health
    conditions studied. We also summarized the different
    methodologies that have been used to analyze RHIS data
    in research and the types of strategies that were applied
    to circumvent common RHIS data issues, such as in-
    complete or inaccurate data. It is our goal to provide
    guidance to other researchers who may be interested in
    using such data for research purposes by helping them
    to gain a better understanding on how such data have
    been successfully used in other contexts.

    This systematic literature review followed the Preferred
    Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-
    Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines. Peer-reviewed published
    studies that used data from RHISs in LMICs were in-
    cluded in this study, where RHISs were defined as data
    systems designed to collect and generate information on
    services provided by health facilities at regular intervals
    of a year or less [1]. This included data systems that col-
    lect information on clinical service delivery, pharmaceu-
    ticals, or diagnostic service provision, as well as routine
    administrative management. Conversely, systems that
    collect individual-level data for clinical decision-making
    purposes and pilot systems to test the implementation of
    a new data collection component or method were not
    considered to be RHISs.

    Search strategy
    Relevant studies were identified through an electronic
    search of four databases of peer-reviewed literature:
    PubMed, Scopus, EMBASE, and EconLit — from incep-
    tion through February 20, 2019, the date we launched
    the search. For each database, we identified studies that
    contained any of the following free text terms in their ti-
    tles or abstracts: ‘routine health information system’,
    ‘health information system’, or ‘health management in-
    formation system’, and any LMIC, as defined by the
    World Bank’s 2019 classifications (Appendix 1). Articles
    were included in the study if they met the following cri-
    teria: a) full-text article available in English, b) original
    research, and c) used data from a RHIS in at least one
    LMIC for research purposes. In order to be considered

    Hung et al. BMC Health Services Research (2020) 20:790 Page 2 of 15

    as having used data from a RHIS for research purposes,
    studies had to involve an analysis, either descriptive or
    analytical, of RHIS data, or applied RHIS data to inform
    their study design. We excluded studies that: a) only de-
    scribed RHISs, b) only described the administrative
    decision-making process, c) only focused on RHIS data
    collection issues, or d) only assessed RHIS data quality.

    Selection of studies
    Figure 1 shows the number of articles identified and
    retained at each stage of the systematic review process.
    After removing duplicates from the various database
    searches, we identified 1459 potential articles. Two re-
    viewers independently screened the search results by
    title and abstract for inclusion eligibility. When there
    was insufficient information to determine eligibility at
    the title and abstract screening stage, the article was in-
    cluded for full-text screening. Full texts of the potentially
    eligible articles were then obtained and further screened

    for inclusion eligibility. At both stages, the reasons for
    excluding individual articles were recorded. The full-
    texts for all but one article were found. Disagreements at
    each stage were resolved through discussion. Where an
    agreement could not be reached, a third reviewer made
    the final determination.

    Data extraction and analysis
    Two authors extracted data from all included studies
    using a piloted data extraction form. For each included
    article, data were extracted on study design, study ob-
    jective, disease or health condition categories, study
    sample, description of RHIS data used, use of other data
    sources, analytic methods of RHIS data, strategies ap-
    plied to circumvent data quality issues, and study find-
    ings. Due to the heterogeneity of the studies in terms of
    study design, study purpose, health conditions, and ana-
    lysis methods, we thematically analyzed the studies ac-
    cording to research purpose, types of diseases studied,

    Fig. 1 PRISMA flowchart of study identification and screening process of publications use RHIS data

    Hung et al. BMC Health Services Research (2020) 20:790 Page 3 of 15

    analytic methods applied, impact factor of journals in
    which the articles were published, and types of strategies
    used to circumvent RHIS data quality issues.

    Of the 1459 unique articles retrieved from the database
    search, 132 studies met the inclusion criteria after full-
    text screening and were thus included in the review. The
    characteristics of these studies are presented in Table 1.
    Our review identified studies from 37 different countries.
    Three quarters of the studies were from Sub-Saharan
    African countries (74%), followed by South Asia (11%).
    The vast majority of the studies were published in the
    last decade, and more than half were published after
    2014 (55%), suggesting an increase in the use of RHIS
    data for research purposes over time. Most of the studies
    included an analysis of RHIS data (97%), and a few used
    RHIS data to inform the study but did not describe ana-
    lysis of RHIS data. One study, for example, used infor-
    mation from RHISs to justify for the selection of the
    indicators to be used at the individual-level in their
    study. Among the studies that analyzed RHIS data, most
    utilized an ecological study design (79%). Of those, more
    than half included statistical inferences (61%), while the
    remaining studies only used RHIS data for descriptive
    purposes (39%). Nearly a fifth of the studies were mixed
    methods or case studies (18%), a third of which included
    statistical analyses of RHIS data (33%). A quarter of
    articles included a description of how they managed
    missing data (25%), while only a small number of
    studies described how they detected and dealt with
    extreme values (14%).

    Types of disease and research purpose
    Figure 2 shows the different research purposes for which
    RHIS data were used, along with the health topics inves-
    tigated. The most common purpose of the studies was
    program evaluation (51%). RHIS data have been used to
    evaluate a wide range of interventions, ranging from
    programs that targeted specific diseases to interventions
    or policies that affected multiple types of diseases or
    health services. These included: the effect of malaria
    control strategies [30–36], user fee exemption policies
    [37–40], health financing schemes [41–44], interventions
    on health governance [45–53], the administration of
    new vaccines and vaccination campaigns [54–56], as well
    as community-level interventions such as approaches to
    enhance community participation and improve referrals
    from traditional birth attendants in increasing the de-
    mand for maternal and child care [57–59].
    Additionally, RHIS data were used to monitor or as-

    sess service provision (23%) and to describe disease epi-
    demiology (17%). Similar to the program evaluation
    studies, these studies also investigated a diverse set of

    health services and the allocation of healthcare re-
    sources. Some of these studies found large discrepancies
    between RHIS data and an estimated disease burden in
    populations or highlighted the lack of service provision.
    A few studies also used RHIS data to describe specific
    programs [60–64], conduct impact evaluations (non-
    programmatic) [65–68], and estimate costs [69, 70].
    Most of the studies investigated a communicable dis-
    ease (95%), of which malaria was most studied health
    condition (24%). A few studies focused on mental
    health (2%), diabetes mellitus (1%), and permanent
    tooth extraction (1%). Only two studies used RHIS
    data to research the health workforce or the equity of
    funding allocations [71, 72].

    Analytic methods using RHIS data
    Among articles that conducted statistical analyses using
    RHIS data (n = 68), time series analyses to test or ac-
    count for trends were most commonly performed (25%),
    followed by geostatistical analyses (16%), pre-post com-
    parisons (15%), interrupted time series (ITS) (10%), and
    difference-in-difference analyses (7%). Other longitudinal
    analyses (13%), other cross-sectional analyses (12%), and
    scenario analysis on cost effectiveness (2%) were also
    conducted. Table 2 presents the range of methodologies
    identified across studies using RHIS data, as well as the
    corresponding articles.

    Time series analysis

    Time series analysis using RHIS data was most often ap-
    plied to evaluate programs and identify disease epidemi-
    ology, with one study assessing the impact of an
    infectious disease outbreak on primary health service
    utilization [82]. Studies analyzed indicators using large
    quantities of monthly or yearly data to estimate change
    (range of time units: 5–168). For instance, two-thirds of
    the studies analyzed three or more years of monthly
    data. Many of the studies utilized the highly disaggre-
    gated nature of the data by using either facility or district
    level data, with the exception of two studies which mod-
    elled national trends [33, 116]. Studies commonly ap-
    plied strategies to account for temporal autocorrelation
    and the correlation between geographical units, includ-
    ing generalized linear models [58], multi-level analysis
    [77, 78], and ordinary least-squares regression with ad-
    justment for seasonality and lag [34, 37, 117]. Among
    studies that modelled multiple facilities or administrative
    regions, random effects were commonly applied to ac-
    count for heterogeneity.
    In addition to RHIS data, a number of included studies

    incorporated data from external sources in their models
    based on geographical location such as district or region.
    Studies of malaria, for example, commonly included cli-
    mate data from satellites in their models to control for

    Hung et al. BMC Health Services Research (2020) 20:790 Page 4 of 15

    important temporal factors, for example precipitation,
    humidity, and temperature [73, 117]. Other studies in-
    corporated information from other national community
    surveys, health facility surveys, and program data as co-
    variates [34, 77]. While most studies controlled for po-
    tential confounders by including covariates in analytic
    models, one study on maternal health service applied
    propensity score matching to further remove biases from
    differences in covariate distribution [37].

    Geostatistical analysis

    Geostatistical analyses using RHIS data were predomin-
    antly conducted for epidemiological purposes and the
    monitoring and assessment of service provision by
    exploiting geospatial information included in the RHIS
    at the facility or district level. Three of the studies that
    applied geostatistical analysis were cross-sectional, while
    the remainder were spatial-temporal. About half of the
    studies focused on malaria, of which three compared
    and illustrated various kriging methods to provide a reli-
    able estimate of malaria burden amid missing reporting
    [105–107], and one study applied geostatistical modeling
    to select the most relevant health facility indicators for
    severe malaria outcomes [108]. Studies on other topics
    investigated the spatial or spatial-temporal dynamics of
    malaria in pregnancy [100], childhood diarrhea [101],
    clustering of malaria and HIV [102], and meningitis
    [118]. About half of the studies did not include data
    from external sources, and others triangulated data
    sourced from satellite data, Demographic and Health
    Surveys, national Malaria Indicator Surveys, and Service
    Delivery Indicator Surveys in their analyses. Studies that
    included covariates in the geostatistical analysis applied
    Bayesian hierarchical Poisson models or Bayesian geosta-
    tistical negative binomial models [103, 108, 110].

    Pre-post comparison analysis

    Pre-post comparison was commonly applied among
    studies that used RHIS data for program evaluation, and
    several studies used simple descriptive statistics to

    Table 1 Characteristics of research studies that used RHIS data

    n Percent

    Geographical region

    East Asia and Pacific 8 6.1

    Latin America and the Caribbean 9 6.8

    Middle East and North Africa 2 1.5

    South Asia 15 11.4

    Sub-Saharan Africa 98 74.2

    Year of publication

    < 2000 3 2.3

    2000–2004 7 5.3

    2005–2009 10 7.6

    2010–2014 40 30.3

    2015–2019 72 54.5

    RHIS data as source or to inform study

    Data source 128 97.0

    Inform study 4 3.0

    Types of study design

    Ecological study – cross-sectional 13 9.8

    Ecological study – longitudinal 51 38.6

    Ecological study – descriptive 41 31.1

    Case study 11 8.3

    Mixed methods study 13 9.8

    Cross-sectional study 1 0.8

    Pre- and post-intervention study 1 0.8

    Nested clustered randomized controlled trial 1 0.8

    Data use purpose

    Program evaluation 67 50.8

    Epidemiology 23 17.4

    Monitoring and assessment of service provisions 30 22.7

    Program description 6 4.5

    Impact evaluation 4 3.0

    Cost estimation 2 1.5

    Health conditions/service type

    General (multiple aspects) 21 15.9

    Secondary health utilization 2 1.5

    General causes of death 1 0.8

    Maternal and Child health/healthcare 12 9.1

    Maternal health/healthcare 24 18.2

    Child health/healthcare 11 8.3

    Vaccine prevented childhood illnesses 10 7.6

    Malaria 30 22.7

    Malaria & HIV/AIDS 1 0.8

    Malaria & other parasitic diseases 1 0.8

    HIV and related diseases 8 6.1

    Mental health/healthcare 3 2.3

    Table 1 Characteristics of research studies that used RHIS data

    n Percent

    Other diseases 5 3.8

    Healthcare workforce and other resources 2 1.5

    Data issue of RHIS: missingness

    Described how missing data was managed 33 25.0

    No description of how missing data was managed 99 75.0

    Data issue of RHIS: outlier

    Described how outlier was detected 19 14.4

    No description of how outlier was detected 113 85.6

    Hung et al. BMC Health Services Research (2020) 20:790 Page 5 of 15

    compare the periods before and after interventions.
    As pre-post comparison is subject to the limitation of
    temporal confounders and secular trends, two of the
    studies included contextual factors in regression mod-
    elling [35, 119].

    Interrupted time series analysis

    Most of the studies that conducted ITS analysis used it
    to evaluate interventions, and one assessed the impact of
    an infectious disease outbreak on maternal and child
    health service use [68]. The studies used large quantities
    of monthly data to model trend and level change (range
    of time unit: 44–132). RHIS data were minimally aggre-
    gated in these studies, which mostly analyzed facility or
    district level data, and similar to studies using time series
    analysis, accounted for autocorrelation through incorp-
    orating autoregressive structures or clustered standard
    errors in their modelling.
    As ITS analyses are generally unaffected by confound-

    ing variables that do not change over time by design

    [120], baseline characteristics were typically not included
    in these models. Nonetheless, ITS analyses can be af-
    fected by time-varying confounders that rapidly change
    and some models included contextual factors from other
    data sources, such as climate and program data. To
    strengthen the quasi-experimental design, two studies
    also included a contrast group of time series to control
    for contextual changes that occurred at the same time as
    the interventions [38, 45].

    Difference-in-difference analysis

    Five studies applied difference-in-difference techniques
    using a wide range of time periods (range of time units:
    4–48) and levels of geographical units (facility, district,
    provincial). Only one study included contextual charac-
    teristics from other data sources in its analysis. Analytic
    methods varied from descriptive comparison between
    and within intervention and control groups [41, 59, 87,
    88], to ordinary least square regression with propensity
    score matching [42].

    Fig. 2 Types of service and research purpose of RHIS data use (n = 132)

    Hung et al. BMC Health Services Research (2020) 20:790 Page 6 of 15

    Table 2 Types of analytic methods applied among studies that analyzed RHIS data

    Data use

    Type of disease/service

    of data

    Level of

    Analytic methods Other information sources


    Time series analysis

    Child health, malaria, tooth

    15 (year)
    – 120


    Time series correlograms;
    ordinary least-squares regres-
    sions adjusted for seasonality
    and lag; non-linear time series
    correlation and regressions

    GPS coordinates, Climate
    Hazards Group Infrared
    Precipitation with Station Data,
    satellite data, meteorological
    department data, program



    General, maternal and
    child health, maternal
    health, vaccine prevented
    childhood illnesses, malaria

    5 (year)
    – 168


    Ordinary least squares
    regression; negative binomial
    generalized linear model;
    random effects negative
    binomial regressions; switching
    regression methods weighted
    by propensity scores

    Program data, program reports,
    data from Bureau of Statistics
    and Ministry of Health, Malaria
    Indicator Survey, Demographic
    Health Survey, Health Facility
    Survey, community survey,
    satellite data, sentinel site case-
    investigations/surveillance, ab-
    straction from hospital

    [33, 34,
    37, 40,
    54, 55,
    58, 77–


    General 84

    Facility Linear mixed-effect time-series
    analysis with a segmented re-
    gression parameterization

    None [82]

    Interrupted time series analysis

    General, maternal and
    child health, maternal
    health, malaria

    – 132

    vs. control

    Generalized least square model
    with autoregressive structure;
    generalized least square model
    with controls, with
    autoregressive process and
    moving average process;
    segmented linear regression

    Meteorology Department data,
    program data, facility survey

    [38, 45,


    Maternal and child health 44

    District Segmented linear regression
    with district fixed effect and
    clustered standard error at
    district level

    Demographic Health Survey [68]

    Difference-in-difference analysis

    General, child health,
    maternal health

    4 (year)
    – 48


    Ordinary least squares
    regression with and without
    propensity score matching;
    Wilcoxon rank-sum test on me-
    dian difference-in-differences
    between facilities; descriptive
    comparison of means

    Verified data from
    Performance-Based Financing

    [41, 42,
    59, 87,

    Pre-post comparison analysis

    Child health, maternal
    health, maternal and child
    health, vaccine prevented
    childhood illnesses,
    malaria, HIV or related

    2 (year)
    – 48


    Chi-square test; Pearson
    correlation; Wilcoxon signed-
    rank test; paired sample t-test;
    linear regressions; Poisson re-
    gression; negative binomial re-
    gression; logistic regression

    Bureau of Statistics data,
    program reports,
    Meteorological Department
    data, entomological sentinel
    surveys, Demographic and
    Health Survey, UN Interagency
    Group for Childhood Mortality
    Estimation(CME Info) database,
    abstraction from facility
    registers, community surveys,
    vital registry, provincial
    maternal death notification

    [35, 39,
    48, 57,


    Child health 26

    District Pearson chi-square test District hospital registers, Safe
    and dignified burials for all
    deaths database


    Other longitudinal analysis

    Hung et al. BMC Health Services Research (2020) 20:790 Page 7 of 15

    Impact of research using RHIS data
    Most of the studies that conducted statistical analyses
    using RHIS data were published in journals with impact
    factors (88%, Fig. 3), two-thirds of which were two or
    higher, and more than a fifth of which were greater than
    three. Among those studies published in journals with

    the highest impact factors, most of them focused on
    program evaluation (53%), followed by monitoring
    and assessment of service provision (20%), epidemi-
    ology (20%) and impact evaluation (7%). These studies
    encompassed a range of health topics commonly stud-
    ied using RHIS data.

    Table 2 Types of analytic methods applied among studies that analyzed RHIS data (Continued)

    Data use
    Type of disease/service
    of data
    Level of
    Analytic methods Other information sources

    Maternal health, malaria 12 (year)

    – 16

    District Chi-square test; negative
    binomial regression

    Review of hospital death

    [94, 95]

    of service

    HIV or related diseases 3 (year) District Descriptive comparison over

    Surveys with health facility



    Genera, child health,
    malaria, malaria and other
    parasitic diseases

    3 (year)
    – 24


    Poisson regression to explore
    association between
    intervention coverage and
    disease burden; Mann–Whitney
    U Test to compare prevalence
    in intervention and non-
    intervention area; linear regres-
    sion model; student t-test

    Sentinel surveillance data,
    program reports, national
    facility and community survey,
    Bureau of Statistics data,
    program data

    [47, 52,
    66, 97–

    Geostatistical analysis

    Child health, malaria,
    malaria and HIV/AIDS,
    meningococcal meningitis

    1 (year)
    – 520

    District Cluster analysis; cross-
    correlations of different spatial
    scales between time series of
    cases; Bayesian hierarchical
    Poisson model and smoothed
    model estimates plotted on dis-
    trict maps

    Malaria Indicator Survey,
    Demographic Health Survey,
    program data


    of service

    Malaria, maternal health 1 (year)
    – 57


    Kriging (ordinary kriging, space-
    time ordinary kriging, local
    space-time ordinary kriging);
    Bayesian geostatistical negative
    binomial model

    Service Delivery Indicator



    Malaria 36

    District Bayesian geostatistical models
    and Bayesian generalized linear

    Malaria Indicator Survey,
    malaria control program data,
    satellite data, Demographic
    Health Survey, ACTWatch
    household surveys


    Other cross-sectional analysis

    Maternal health Median

    of 24

    Province Linear regression model None [111]

    of service

    General, child health,
    maternal health, mental

    1 (year) Facility,

    Descriptive statistics, Tobit
    regression model, bivariate and
    multivariate linear regression

    Nutrition Service Delivery
    Assessment, abstraction from
    Integrated Nutrition Register,
    structured questionnaire with
    district health officers, District-
    level household and facility
    surveys, National Register of
    Health Service Providers, data
    from Institute of Geography
    and Statistics



    HIV and related diseases 1 (year) District Mixed-methods Register reviews and a series of
    patient folder (health record)


    Hung et al. BMC Health Services Research (2020) 20:790 Page 8 of 15

    Strategies to circumvent RHIS data quality issues
    Data quality is commonly cited as a barrier to using
    RHIS data in research, and slightly more than a quarter
    of the included studies described the strategies that they
    used to handle missing data and/or identify extreme
    values (Table 3). These strategies consisted of exclusion,
    imputation, interpolation, verification, and accounting
    for missing data in modeling. Exclusion of missing data
    was the most common practice, and among studies that
    used this technique, they excluded facilities from the
    analytic samples [38, 41, 45, 52, 65, 79, 83, 84, 87, 94, 96,
    121], restricted the study period based on explicit cri-
    teria [54, 122], or applied sensitivity analysis to compare
    various exclusion criteria [41, 89, 90]. Imputation
    methods varied from assigning specific values to the
    missing observation [42, 87, 118, 123–125], to various
    modeling strategies such as conditional autoregressive
    model [110], generalized linear regression [124], and it-
    erative singular value decomposition [124]. A sensitivity
    analysis was also conducted to select a specific imput-
    ation strategy [124]. Interpolation involves predicting
    values at unsampled locations. Methods described in-
    cluded the use of space-time kriging [105–107], and the
    adjustment of results by calibrating with other relevant
    information [52, 53, 55]. Some studies assumed data
    were missing at random, which was accounted for in
    specific modeling methods such as mixed-effect models
    [65, 124]. When the source of data could be reached,
    some studies also described verifying the missing infor-
    mation using registries where the original data were re-
    corded [39, 73, 97, 111, 122].
    Slightly fewer articles described methods to identify

    and handle extreme values in the RHIS data, of which
    three types of strategies emerged: setting specific

    thresholds, visual inspection, and analytic assessment.
    Thresholds were set based on the distribution of the
    data, such as proportions or standard deviations from
    univariate regression. Several studies used visual inspec-
    tion of outliers [38, 107], while the use of jackknifing
    analysis and the identification of influential points
    through Cook’s distance statistics were also applied [112,
    126]. Upon identification of extreme values, several
    strategies were utilized: exclusion, replacement with the
    average value, replacement with the missing value, verifi-
    cation with a data source, or discounting the observation
    in statistical estimation. However, studies that replaced
    the extreme value with an explicit value potentially in-
    troduced bias into their estimates. A few studies also de-
    scribed the strategies applied to assess the reliability of
    the RHIS data, some of which were routine processes
    administered in the health systems [39, 97].

  • Discussion
  • In recent years, there have been increased investments
    made to improve the quality of RHIS data in many
    LMICs. Over the same time period, we found an in-
    crease in published research using RHIS sourced data,
    especially over the past 5 years, likely due to the in-
    creased availability, accessibility, and quality of RHIS
    data [18]. While these studies have made contributions
    to the literature, we also found that the total number of
    studies conducted (n = 132) remains a small part of the
    overall literature base on health system evaluation and
    performance in LMICs.
    Malaria and maternal health conditions were the most

    commonly studied health conditions, despite the fact
    that RHISs collect data on a wide range of other diseases
    and conditions. In particular, the use of RHIS data for
    non-communicable diseases (NCDs) research was very
    limited. As LMICs are undergoing an epidemiologic
    transition and the importance of NCDs is increasing
    [127], LMIC health systems face the increasing chal-
    lenges of addressing the dual burden of communicable
    and non-communicable diseases [128, 129]. In spite of
    the limited implementation of non-communicable disea-
    seinterventions [129], the few studies that used RHIS
    data for non-communicable disease research mainly ana-
    lyzed the gap in service provision and estimated disease
    burden, highlighting the large unmet need for health
    care in affected populations. A couple of the studies de-
    scribed how their research was limited by data availabil-
    ity and quality, such as the lack of diagnostic categories
    of the investigated health conditions in the RHIS. Future
    research should investigate how RHIS data on non-
    communicable diseases could better help to provide
    insights on its epidemiology and service provision to ad-
    dress these health conditions.

    Fig. 3 Distribution of impact factor of journals that published
    research studies that conducted statistical analysis of RHIS
    data (n = 68)

    Hung et al. BMC Health Services Research (2020) 20:790 Page 9 of 15

    Our systematic review found that many of the studies
    took advantage of some of the features of RHIS data, in
    particular by exploiting the high frequency nature of
    these data at the level of health facilities, as well as com-
    bining external information to enhance estimations and
    enable assessing new research questions. The triangula-
    tion of populational health characteristics,

    environmental factors, and service coverage strengthens
    the analysis and the understanding of their influence
    [130]. In addition, the overlay of different information in
    analyses of RHIS data allows for the advancement of re-
    search methods. For instance, a recent study demon-
    strated how to assess the effects of facility readiness on
    severe malaria outcomes through constructing a

    Table 3 Strategies applied in research articles to counter issues of RHIS data

    Type of strategy Description of strategy

    Missing data

    Exclusion Exclude facility data if a certain threshold was reached (e.g. more than two-thirds of months in
    a year; more than a sixth of baseline data; facilities with any missing data)

    Restrict analysis to a period with a low level of missing data

    Sensitivity analysis to compare analysis of restricted period and full period

    Imputation Assign missing observations with mean-value for the year

    Assign missing observations with the average of precedent and subsequent data

    Imputation using conditional autoregressive model

    Missing value was replaced as positive (binary form) to prevent exaggeration of the
    fade-out effect

    Sensitivity analysis of imputation strategies: 1) single imputation using means, trimmed means,
    and median, 2) Poisson generalized linear modeling, 3) iterative singular value decomposition

    Interpolation Interpolation using space-time kriging

    Adjust results by dividing each indicator by the percentage of reports submitted

    Adjust the data by calibrating to the total population using proportion reported in a household
    survey to have occurred in health facilities

    Account in the modeling method

    Manual verification of the missing data with register at the health facility

    Missing data was assumed missing at random and accounted for in the mixed-effect models
    using standard maximum likelihood estimation

    Identifying extreme values

    Specific threshold Establishing a lower and upper limit based on proportion of the annual average or feasible value

    Univariate regression on individual facility-level to identify deviation from the mean time trend
    (e.g. if exceed 8 standard deviations)

    Visual Visual inspection of outliers

    Analytic assessment Jackknifing analysis to assess influence

    Student residual higher than an absolute value of 2 and influence on the estimated coefficients
    determined by high Cook’s distance statistics

    Handling of extreme values

    Exclusion Extreme values were excluded from analyses

    Replacing extreme value with average Extreme values were assigned the average value of the year; with exceptions of low average values

    Replacing extreme value with missing Outliers set to missing

    Verification with data source Any drastic change in monthly data reported electronically were manually verified with register at
    the health facility. Discrepancies were replaced with data in the register

    Discount observation in estimation Outliers were allocated a dummy coding to discount the observation in the calculation of

    Assess reliability

    Data validation process Randomly selected 10% of the total sample to check accuracy and reliability of data with reports
    and registers

    Verify data with another source (e.g. payroll)

    Established routine data validation process by health information and records officer
    (e.g. monthly data review meetings)

    Hung et al. BMC Health Services Research (2020) 20:790 Page 10 of 15

    composite facility readiness index based on health facil-
    ity characteristics and spatial data, and using RHIS data
    as the outcome variable [108]. The detailed routine
    nature of RHIS data and the ability to link with other
    geographically based information, including data on
    population, environmental, health behavior, and facility
    characteristics, can generate high impact research and
    advance our understanding of disease epidemiology and
    health improvement efforts in LMICs.
    Despite the increasing use of RHIS data for research

    purposes, the quality of these data remains imperfect
    and such issues should be identified and addressed in
    order to limit estimation error and bias. RHIS data qual-
    ity issues remain a particular concern in some settings
    [131–133], however, other studies have shown that strat-
    egies that have been implemented to improve RHIS data
    across different international contexts can be successful
    [5, 134]. Multiple strategies were discussed in the articles
    we reviewed in our paper, including strategies to address
    common data quality issues such as missingness and
    data validity, for example the simple exclusion of miss-
    ing data and various imputation and interpolation
    methods. However, the majority of the studies that used
    RHIS data did not describe the extent of the quality is-
    sues or the steps they took to overcome them. The use
    of sensitivity analyses in assessing the effect of specific
    cut-offs or methods was scarce. Explicit descriptions of
    the extent of the data quality issues and the reasons for
    selecting a particular approach should be encouraged in
    future research.
    While our review used major databases and systematic

    methods, it nevertheless has some limitations that are
    worth noting. First, we included only peer-reviewed
    studies that were published in English, and therefore
    may have overlooked potentially relevant studies
    published in the grey literature or written in other
    languages. Additionally, given our focus on original re-
    search, we did not search the broader body of literature
    for books, reports, or grey literature. Our literature
    search also identified phrases that described health infor-
    mation systems in title and abstracts only, possibly
    resulting in the exclusion of studies that only mentioned
    RHIS data use in the full text. Finally, additional variants
    on these search terms may have generated more articles
    or a slightly different set of articles.

    In this systematic review we summarized the use of data
    collected from RHISs in LMICs. Overall, we found that
    researchers are increasingly using data sourced from
    RHISs to conduct health system planning and evaluation
    studies in LMIC health systems, however these data
    likely remain underutilized by the broader research com-
    munity. As many of the studies included in this review

    were published in prominent journals and were able to
    use strong quasi-experimental or geo-spatial methods,
    we believe this makes the case for greater use of these
    data for research purposes in the future, which will likely
    happen as RHIS data become more openly available to
    the research community. However, there is a need to
    help build the case to use these data for a broader range
    of health conditions and to develop more of a consensus
    on methods to deal with data imperfections, given that
    our findings underlined the limited use and comparison
    of these methods. That said, our review clearly demon-
    strates the feasibility of use RHIS data in conjunction
    with rigorous study designs and analytic methods in
    LMICs. We suggest that future program evaluations
    should consider their use more broadly, to assess an in-
    creased variety of health conditions in conjunction with,
    or as a replacement for, household or facility survey

  • Supplementary information
  • Supplementary information accompanies this paper at https://doi.org/10.

    Additional file 1.

  • Abbreviations
  • DHIS 2: District health information system 2; HMIS: Health management
    information system; ITS: Interrupted time series; LMIC: Low- and middle-
    income country; NCD: Non-communicable disease; PRISMA: Preferred
    reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses; RHIS: Routine
    health information system

  • Acknowledgements
  • We acknowledge that this work was conducted on the Haldimand Tract,
    traditional territory of the Neutral, Anishinaabe and Haudenosaunee peoples.

  • Authors’ contributions
  • YWH, KH, and KAG identified the search strategy. YWH and KH conducted
    the literature screening, and KAG was consulted when required. YWH, KH,
    and BRI extracted data from the included studies. YWH wrote the
    manuscript. KAG and MRL provided feedback and edits on the manuscript.
    The authors read and approved the final manuscript.

  • Funding
  • This work was supported by AXA Research Fund. The foundation had no
    role in the design and implementation of the study, writing of the findings,
    or decision regarding any of these aspects of the study.

  • Availability of data and materials
  • Not applicable.

  • Ethics approval and consent to participate
  • Not applicable.

  • Consent for publication
  • Not applicable.

  • Competing interests
  • The authors declare that they have no competing interests.

  • Author details
  • 1University of Waterloo, School of Public Health and Health Systems,
    Waterloo, Canada. 2Department of Health Sciences, Wilfrid Laurier University,
    Waterloo, Canada. 3Centre for Health Services and Policy Research, The

    Hung et al. BMC Health Services Research (2020) 20:790 Page 11 of 15



    University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. 4School of Public Health,
    Hong Kong University, Pok Fu Lam, Hong Kong.

    Received: 18 April 2020 Accepted: 16 August 2020

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