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Hello, My outline will be based on (Protecting coral reef) Here is the sample for the Persuasive speech outline.

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Outline Persuasive Speech

· Directions: Use the outline form below to organize your persuasive speech. Choose your topic and three arguments to support your opinion. Section I is for your introduction. Section II is for the body (one roman numeral for each argument). Section III is for your conclusion.


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I. Introduction

 A. Hook_______________________________________________________

· Hook: Pay attention! This is important to you! Grab the reader’s attention with a quote, scenario, question, vivid description, etc. Must be related to your topic. (1-2 sentences)

B. Thesis statement______________________________________________

· Thesis statement: Simply and clearly state your position on the issue (1 sentence ) Show there is a need. Include the problem that needs a solution.

The thesis statement should include the need – the problem that needs a solution.

Three arguments. Choose three arguments you can use to convince your reader of your position. Briefly state these arguments here.

C. Argument #1_________________________________________________

D. Argument #2_________________________________________________

E. Argument #3_________________________________________________

II. Argument #1 – Use in-text citations (quotes and paraphrases from sources to support your argument)

      A. Argument #1_________________________________________________

      B.  Example #1____________________________________________

      C. Example #2____________________________________________

      D. Example #3____________________________________________

      E. Transition_____________________________________________

III. Argument #2 – Use in-text citations (quotes and paraphrases from sources to support your argument)

      A. Argument #2_________________________________________________

      B.  Example #1____________________________________________

      D. Example #2____________________________________________

      D. Example #3____________________________________________
      E. Transition_____________________________________________

IV. Argument #3 – Use in-text citations (quotes and paraphrases from sources to support your argument)

      A. Argument #3_________________________________________________

       B.  Example #1____________________________________________

      C. Example #2____________________________________________

      D. Example #3____________________________________________
      E. Transition_____________________________________________

V. Conclusion

A. Help your audience visualize a solution.

B. Include an action step __________________________________________

C. Restate thesis (different words)__________________________________

D. Restate arguments (different words)__ ____________________________

E. Clincher (tie it all together)______________________________________

· Make a closing statement. Tie your closing statement back to your opening hook.


· Watch the TedTalk 

How to Avoid Death by PowerPoint

 before you begin.

· Your PowerPoint should have slides corresponding to each section of the speech.

· Keep the slides to a minimum – 10 or less is just fine.

· Don’t include large paragraphs – bullets, fragments, and phrases are best for PowerPoint presentation.

· Use visually compelling images that match the textual information.

· Include quotes or paraphrases and the source when you refer to information that is not common knowledge.

· Keep it simple and clean.

· Include a works cited or reference slide at the end.

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