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Media Literacy

Eighth Edition

  • W. James Potter
  • University of California, Santa Barbara

Please include three references that you consulted (other than our class textbook). List the references in correct APA format at the end of your assignment submission. If you need assistance with APA, please see the tutorials in The Center for Writing Excellence.

Proofread and edit your work to make sure it is organized well and is “businesslike and professional” in appearance. There should be no copy errors of any kind (spelling, grammar, punctuation, sentence structure, etc.). For writing help, visit The Center for Writing Excellence or download and use Grammarly, a free program that can help identify errors as you type.

Media Matrix

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0 Version 3


University of Phoenix Material

Media Matrix

Complete the matrix below by defining each of the media keywords listed. Then, discuss whether this keyword creates benefit, risk, or both for an individual. Explain your responses. Next, answer the short-answer questions that follow the matrix. Include a reference page consistent with APA guidelines.

Key Word


Media Literacy


Media Exposure

Building Blocks of Media Literacy (List and describe)

Mental Codes

Meaning Matching


Meaning Construction

Answer the following questions with short answers (one to three complete sentences).

1. Choose one of the seven (7) skills of media literacy described in your textbook. Why is this skill important? Provide an example of its significance based on your own experiences.

2. What is a media message? Give two examples of media messages you have encountered today.

3. The text talks about having “more control over media” (p. 31). What is meant by this, and why is it important for you as an individual, and for society?

4. How might media literacy help you in your personal life? How might it help you in your professional life?

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