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This is the feedback from the work you did. Please correct asap and send 

Thank you for submitting this 7th deliverable for the NUR4244 course. Please accept the feedback and recommendations provided below. 

Row 1 score = 3/4: We see accurate steps provided for developing an action plan with details on each step. This reflects proficiency but not mastery of this item of the deliverable.

Row 2 score = 3/4: Thank you for sharing an accurate explanation of key components of the action plan with a focus on components needed to address cultural, socioeconomic, and behavioral factors in the community. This reflects proficiency but not mastery of this item of the deliverable.

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Row 3 score = 2/4: The document shared a basic description of how an action plan could improve health outcomes of community yet no example was provided. This shows a basic competence of this item in the deliverable.

Row 4 score = 2/4: We see a basic discussion of your role in the action planning process as a public and community health nurse with minimal detail on the role in identifying health determinants and assessing the potential impact of communicable diseases. This shows a basic competence of this item in the deliverable.

Row 5 score = 2/4: The document reflects basic suggestions made for possible stakeholders that will improve collaboration yet no example was provided. This shows a basic competence of this item in the deliverable.

Row 6 score = 2/4: We see a basic design of the implementation process with minimal details on goals during each phase, including goals for communication and development of multidimensional strategies. This shows a basic competence of this item in the deliverable.

Row 7 score = 2/4: You shared basic stated ideas using professional language and attributions using credible (peer-reviewed) sources


Deliverable 7 – Public Health and Community Nursing Guiding Document


  • Describe the foundations of public and      community health nursing.
  • Analyze the influence of cultural,      socioeconomic, and behavioral factors on public health.
  • Evaluate the impact of local, state, and      national policy on public health.
  • Design multidimensional strategies of care      considering the health determinants of vulnerable populations.
  • Facilitate public health nursing care through      collaboration with resource partners, including dissemination of relevant      information.
  • Analyze communicable diseases and their      potential impact on public health.


A public health colleague has approached you about being a consultant to work with a community group to help guide them through the action planning process. She has asked you to prepare a step-by-step guide on how to develop an action plan for the community group. The guiding document you create will be used to provide an overview of the process for developing a community action plan and will be used during an upcoming community meeting with interested consumers, local community members, and public health officials.


Prepare a guiding document for the development of an action plan that:

  • Details the steps in developing an action plan      for the community.
  • Explains the key components of the action      plan, including components needed to address the cultural,      socioeconomic, and behavioral factors in the community.
  • Describes how an action plan could improve the      health outcomes of the community.
  • Discusses your role as a public and community      health nurse in the action planning process, including:

    Your role in identifying health determinants       of the vulnerable populations in the community.
    Your role in assessing the potential impact       of communicable diseases on the health of the community.

  • Suggests possible stakeholders to improve collaboration      in the community, including policy-influencers, representatives of the      different cultural and population groups affected, and social service and      healthcare partners.
  • Designs the implementation process for the      action plan with suggested goals for each phase of implementation,      including:

    Communication and dissemination of       information to the community.
    Development of multidimensional strategies of       care for the community.

  • Provides stated ideas with professional      language and attribution for credible sources with correct APA citation,      spelling, and grammar in the guiding document.


Resource Websites

  • Community Health Assessments & Health Improvement Plans


Exemplary steps provided for developing an action plan with comprehensive detail(s) on each step.

Exemplary explanation of key components of action plan with thorough focus on components needed to address cultural, socioeconomic, and behavioral factors in the community

Exemplary description of how action plan could improve health outcomes of community with comprehensive example(s)

Exemplary discussion of your role in action planning process as a public and community health nurse, with comprehensive detail(s) on role in identifying health determinants and assessing potential impact of communicable diseases.

Exemplary suggestions made for possible stakeholders that will improve collaboration with comprehensive example(s).

Exemplary design of the implementation process with comprehensive detail(s) on goals during each phase, including goals for communication and development of multidimensional strategies.

Provided stated ideas with professional language and attribution for credible sources with correct APA citation, spelling, and grammar in the guiding document.

Deliverable 7 – Public Health and Community Nursing Guiding Document


· Describe the foundations of public and community health nursing.

· Analyze the influence of cultural, socioeconomic, and behavioral factors on public health.

· Evaluate the impact of local, state, and national policy on public health.

· Design multidimensional strategies of care considering the health determinants of vulnerable populations.

· Facilitate public health nursing care through collaboration with resource partners, including dissemination of relevant information.

· Analyze communicable diseases and their potential impact on public health.


A public health colleague has approached you about being a consultant to work with a community group to help guide them through the action planning process. She has asked you to prepare a step-by-step guide on how to develop an action plan for the community group. The guiding document you create will be used to provide an overview of the process for developing a community action plan and will be used during an upcoming community meeting with interested consumers, local community members, and public health officials.


Prepare a guiding document for the development of an action plan that:

· Details the steps in developing an action plan for the community.

· Explains the key components of the action plan, including components needed to address the cultural, socioeconomic, and behavioral factors in the community.

· Describes how an action plan could improve the health outcomes of the community.

· Discusses your role as a public and community health nurse in the action planning process, including:

. Your role in identifying health determinants of the vulnerable populations in the community.

. Your role in assessing the potential impact of communicable diseases on the health of the community.

· Suggests possible stakeholders to improve collaboration in the community, including policy-influencers, representatives of the different cultural and population groups affected, and social service and healthcare partners.

· Designs the implementation process for the action plan with suggested goals for each phase of implementation, including:

. Communication and dissemination of information to the community.

. Development of multidimensional strategies of care for the community.

· Provides stated ideas with professional language and attribution for credible sources with correct APA citation, spelling, and grammar in the guiding document.


Resource Websites


Community Health Assessments & Health Improvement Plans

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