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Purpose:​The purpose of this report is to give senior management a clear picture on the aging of

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our non-motor claims outstanding portfolio as at 30/12/2019 by:

� Amount of Outstanding non-motor claims for each year, as well as Claims analysis for
Outstanding number in each Branches.

Executive Summary:

​Non-Motor claims outstanding as at 30/12/2019 was $ 1,650,254,

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The table below displays the total accumulation amount of O/S non- motor claims that still
remind form different years start from 2014 till 2019 in the 3 branches as follows:

Branches O/S Claims

R- Region Claims O/S

K- Region Claims O/S

HO- Region Claims O/S

IN​-​ Region Claims O/S

J- Region Claims O/S

Grand Total 1,650,254

Executive​ ​Summary:

� Overall, non-motor claims outstanding for the year 2019was $ 27,000.
� The breakdown by branches for the year 2019 are as follows:

Branches O/S Claims
R- Region Claims O/S
K- Region Claims O/S
HO- Region Claims O/S
IN​-​ Region Claims O/S

J- Region Claims O/S

Grand Total 27,000.

� Further analysis on each branch could be found in the next slides.

Khobar Branch:

� The outstanding amount from 2015 was $ 2,000 and it’s pertains to two cases, first
claim was $ 1,000 and the second claim was $ 1,000 Both of them are related to Fire
damage to Electrical Equipment. And they are belonging to Fadil Electricity Company
with our share 7.5%.

� The outstanding amount from 2016 was $ 1500 related to fire damage to property. And
the claim belongs Fadil Electricity Company with our share 7.5%.

� The outstanding amount for the year 2017 was 10 cases which was one death case and
the major case was related to Fadil Electricity Company by $ 433,661 with our share
7.5%. and the remining cases is related to engineering, property and casualty and the
amount was below $ 30,000.

� In the year 2018, there is two major fire claims related to Fadil Electricity Company and
our share 10% . The total amount for the first claim was $ 1,000 and the second was
$ 4,000.

HO- Region Claims O/S:

� I​n 2017, there was only one claim on which was damage on property with total claim
amount $ 348,000.

� In 2018, the causality line had two major claims which one under the CGL policy with
amount $ 250,000. The second one was Directors& Officers policy claim by $ 150,000.
For property line had two claims under PD Word Middle East with amount $ 200,000
and $33,194 for the property damage. The last claims was for goods damage under
marine policy by $ 122 .

� The company had 11 outstanding claims with total amount $ 2,978,000. The next slide,
table will display the only major claims in Marine line in amount $ 100,000 and above​.

R- Region Claims O/S

� The outstanding Amount from 2017 pertains to two cases, first case amounting by $
213,555 for Burglary case related to Mac tech Company. The second case amount by $
263,000 for fire damage case and it’s related to factory Company.

� The number of outstanding claims for the year of 2019 were 10 cases amounting by
$15,000,216, the table will display in the next page.

J- Region Claims O/S:

� In year 2014, there was fire damage claim under Jem sanding company with amount
was $ 300. This policy had Co-insurance.

� in year 2015, There was two claim one related to property and the amount was $ 10,200
and the second one related to marine by $ 15,000, both had co-insurance.

� The outstanding amount for the year 2016 pertains to a marine cargo case related to
BCN Company claim for fire to the vessel with amount $ 11,000.

� In 2017 had one case which related to Elit company with amount $50,200.

� The number of outstanding claims for the year of 2018 was 5 cases amounting
$255,300. the highest claims related to dishonestly of employee case which the amount
was $ 500,300, and the amount of the second case was $260,000.

� The number of outstanding claims as of 31/12/2019 is 15 cases amounting $ 3,121,000.
All 15 claims display in next table.

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