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Discussion 1 Accounting for Leaders:

Discussion1_Accounting for leaders : 1 page references in APA format:

During week three you will be reading about applying overhead costs to a job or batch. Problem 3-54 on page 127 in your textbook has a great ethical issue around the under application of manufacturing overhead. Please read the scenario presented in that problem. Then in your post answer the two questions posed. Question #1 asks you for each of the tree alternative courses of action that Jackson is considering, explain whether or not the action is appropriate. For question #2 assume that Jackson again approaches Brown to make the necessary adjustments and is unsuccessful. Describe the steps that Jackson should take in proceeding to resolve this situation.

Discussion2_Marketing Strategies : 1 page references in APA format:

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What are some of the social influences on consumer behavior? What are some of the behavioral influences on organizational buying? How do these affect the consumer buying decision? As you reflect on this week’s readings and your personal experience, answer the questions and share at least one connection between consumers and an organization. Think in terms of specifics as there are numerous potential influences and the relationship is often reciprocal.

Marketing Plan Milestone 1Marketing Strategies : 5 page references in APA format:

This is the first of three papers that will lead you to, and be part of, your final paper. You will need to choose a company that has or could have a marketing problem that needs to be solved. It can be a for-profit or nonprofit organization. Your final paper will combine the Milestones, reflecting feedback received, and add to them. See the full description of the final paper in the course syllabus.

The Milestone 1 paper will identify and describe your chosen company, what business it is in, and set out the problem that needs to be solved. This is a situational analysis. See the description on page 246 of your textbook. Paper length: 3-4 pp. not including title page and references. Due by Sunday at 11:59 pm.

All papers in this course are to be in APA format, with a title page, running head, and references. APA is in 12- point Times New Roman, double-spaced throughout. See this reference for more details on APA style.

Remember, papers may only be submitted as Word documents.

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