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for th









is the judicious use of the best current available scientific research in

making decisions about the care of patients

. Evidence

based medicine is intended to integrate

clinical expertise with the research



patient values

. Evidence-based medicine

includes three key components: Research based evidence, clinical expertise ( example: the

clinicians accumulated experience, knowledge and clinical skills, and the patients values and

preferences. Modern example of evidence based

medicine is for example how is aspirin

recommended for different genders. For men Aspirin is successful at reducing heart attack rates

but not stroke rates. For women aspirin is successful at reducing stroke rates but not heat attack

rates. Also when someo

ne has had any type of surgery the first thing is that the person should

rest because it will allow the body to heal faster, but in reality most doctors want the patient up

and walking around because it reduces the risk of blood clots or any other complica

tions and also

it leads to a faster recovery.








Write a reply/ response

for this




are research or EBM is important to healthcare leaders for many reasons, one of which

can help a physician determine the course of


ent. There are three parts total to the EBM

including “research

based evidence, clinical expertise (i.e., the clinician

’s accumulated

experience, knowledge, and clinical skills),


the patient’s values and preferences”

(Haughom). The first part of EBM is research

based evidence, which is the already established

evidence on treatments to perform based on the research that

already has been done. The second

part is clinical expertise which is the clinicians understanding and experience that they have

gained over time. The final part to EBM is the patient’s values and preferences which is a huge

part of the process of treatme

nt and crucial because ultimately, the physician has to do what the

patient wants based on their values. EBM helps allow physicians to make decisions combining

all three of the factors and allows physicians to stay up to date on current research and


ents, improves accountability, improves quality of care and finally improves outcomes

(Haughom). These healthcare leaders use the EBM to help evaluate different avenues of

treatment and then based on the evaluations they will choose the best route of treat

ment. A great

example of the utilization of EBM is when a physician does not have sufficient enough time to

read all different studies and conduct research to see if his or her patient would respond well to

this type of approach (Masic). Instead, these cli

nicians will pull from real world experience that

they have as well as experience of others to create a treatment plan that would best work for

everyone. (Masic) This allows for the process of treatment to be much quicker instead of drawn



Haughom, Jo

hn. (2015).


5 Reasons the Practice of Evidence

Based Medicine is a Hot Topic


Health Catalyst. Retrieved from https://www.healthcatalyst.com/5


Masic, Izet. (2008).


Evidence Based Medicine

New Approache

s and Challenges

. U.S. National

Library of Medicine. Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3789163/

Q.3 Write a reply/ response for this article. (Constance)

Evidence-based medicine is the integration of best research evidence with clinical expertise and patient values. Evidence-based medicine is an interdisciplinary approach which uses techniques from science, engineering, biostatistics, and epidemiology, such as meta-analysis, decision analysis, risk-benefit analysis, and randomized controlled trials to deliver “ the right care at the right time to the right patient.”

Healthcare research is commonly referred to as evidence-based medicine and it is important to healthcare leaders because evidence-based medicine provides specific knowledge regarding the treatment and diagnosis of the disease. It also provides a platform for healthcare professionals in decision-making during a critical situation.

The patients are most benefited from the evidence-based medicine as they can be cured with proper treatment, the healthcare professionals know that evidence-based medicine provides a better opportunity for providing better healthcare services to the patient. This also leads to an increase in the satisfaction level of the patients and hence increases the healthcare organization response. So the major impact is that without an EBM we cannot perform any procedure in the right sense. It has a greater hidden impact on the patient care, outcome of the patient, and so on. 




Q.4 Write a reply/ response for this article(Jose)

Professor and classmates, cultural competence in health care describes the ability to provide care to patients with diverse values, beliefs and behaviors, including tailoring health care delivery to meet patients social, cultural and linguistic needs. A key component to new care delivery models, such a patient centered medical homes and accountable care organizations, is the ability to engage and educate patients about their health status. It is very important that hospitals and healthcare systems understand not only the diverse patients and communities they serve but also the benefits of becoming a culturally competent organization. Hospitals need to prepare clinicians and their staff to interact with patients of diverse backgrounds in order to increase patient engagement and education and to help eliminate any racial and ethnic disparities in care. Having a leader in place that understands this and knows how to develop a plan to be able to meet these standards is key in having a successful organization.


Q.5 Write a reply/ response for this article. (Zenobia)

Measures to improve cultural competence and ethnic diversity will help alleviate healthcare disparities and improve health care outcomes in these patient populations. Efforts must begin early in the pipeline to attract qualified minorities and women to the field.  The Center works to increase the capacity of health care programs to design, implement, and evaluate culturally and linguistically competent service delivery systems that address growing diversity, persistent disparities, and to promote health and mental health equity. Cultural competence is the ability to collaborate effectively with individuals from different cultures; and such competence improves health care experiences and outcomes. Measures to improve cultural competence and ethnic diversity will help alleviate healthcare disparities and improve health care outcomes in these patient populations. For healthcare organizations to remain effective and successful during these tumultuous times, a new kind of healthcare leader is needed–one who has the right specific skills, personality traits and leadership qualities. Effective healthcare leadership requires applying a variety of skills, including being able to manage conflicts between team members, respond to changes across the industry, adhere to patient safety guidelines and optimize a health organization’s financial performance.


Q.6 Write a reply/ response for this article(Constance)

A leader’s level of cultural competence, health literacy, and healthcare ethics impact a specific type of healthcare organization. It is important for the leader to have communication skills and understand the differences between various cultures for effective interaction. A leader’s role is important in the strategic planning and functioning of the healthcare organization by implementing best standards and improving quality of healthcare. Health Literacy is important for having knowledge about healthcare and the issues for effective governance and working of healthcare systems. Leaders in a healthcare organization are required to have the ability of ethical decision making and ensuring the functioning of the organization is as per the ethical codes of conduct, rules and regulations, and laws governing healthcare. It is important for them that the organization practices high ethical standards as part of social responsibility and providing competitive services.










for this

article. (


based medicine is the judicious use of the best current available scientific research in
making decisions about the care of patients. Evidence

based medicine is intended to integrate
clinical expertise with the research evidence and patient values
. Evidence

based medicine
includes three key components: Research based evidence, clinical expertise ( example: the
clinicians accumulated experience, knowledge and clinical skills, and the patients values and
preferences. Modern example of evidence based
medicine is for example how is aspirin
recommended for different genders. For men Aspirin is successful at reducing heart attack rates
but not stroke rates. For women aspirin is successful at reducing stroke rates but not heat attack
rates. Also when someo
ne has had any type of surgery the first thing is that the person should
rest because it will allow the body to heal faster, but in reality most doctors want the patient up
and walking around because it reduces the risk of blood clots or any other complica
tions and also
it leads to a faster recovery.















for this


are research or EBM is important to healthcare leaders for many reasons, one of which

can help a physician determine the course of treatment. There are three parts total to the EBM

including “research

based evidence, clinical expertise (i.e., the clinician
’s accumulated
experience, knowledge, and clinical skills),


the patient’s values and preferences”
(Haughom). The first part of EBM is research

based evidence, which is the already established
evidence on treatments to perform based on the research that

already has been done. The second
part is clinical expertise which is the clinicians understanding and experience that they have
gained over time. The final part to EBM is the patient’s values and preferences which is a huge
part of the process of treatme
nt and crucial because ultimately, the physician has to do what the
patient wants based on their values. EBM helps allow physicians to make decisions combining
all three of the factors and allows physicians to stay up to date on current research and
ents, improves accountability, improves quality of care and finally improves outcomes
(Haughom). These healthcare leaders use the EBM to help evaluate different avenues of
treatment and then based on the evaluations they will choose the best route of treat
ment. A great
example of the utilization of EBM is when a physician does not have sufficient enough time to
read all different studies and conduct research to see if his or her patient would respond well to
this type of approach (Masic). Instead, these cli
nicians will pull from real world experience that
they have as well as experience of others to create a treatment plan that would best work for
everyone. (Masic) This allows for the process of treatment to be much quicker instead of drawn

Haughom, Jo
hn. (2015).

5 Reasons the Practice of Evidence

Based Medicine is a Hot Topic
Health Catalyst. Retrieved from https://www.healthcatalyst.com/5









Masic, Izet. (2008).

Evidence Based Medicine

New Approache
s and Challenges
. U.S. National
Library of Medicine. Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3789163/


Q.1 Write a reply/ response for this article. (Jose)

Evidence-based medicine is the judicious use of the best current available scientific research in

making decisions about the care of patients. Evidence-based medicine is intended to integrate

clinical expertise with the research evidence and patient values. Evidence-based medicine

includes three key components: Research based evidence, clinical expertise ( example: the
clinicians accumulated experience, knowledge and clinical skills, and the patients values and

preferences. Modern example of evidence based medicine is for example how is aspirin

recommended for different genders. For men Aspirin is successful at reducing heart attack rates
but not stroke rates. For women aspirin is successful at reducing stroke rates but not heat attack

rates. Also when someone has had any type of surgery the first thing is that the person should

rest because it will allow the body to heal faster, but in reality most doctors want the patient up

and walking around because it reduces the risk of blood clots or any other complications and also

it leads to a faster recovery.



Q.2 Write a reply/ response for this article. (Alexandra)

Healthcare research or EBM is important to healthcare leaders for many reasons, one of which

can help a physician determine the course of treatment. There are three parts total to the EBM

including “research-based evidence, clinical expertise (i.e., the clinician’s accumulated

experience, knowledge, and clinical skills), and the patient’s values and preferences”

(Haughom). The first part of EBM is research-based evidence, which is the already established

evidence on treatments to perform based on the research that already has been done. The second

part is clinical expertise which is the clinicians understanding and experience that they have
gained over time. The final part to EBM is the patient’s values and preferences which is a huge

part of the process of treatment and crucial because ultimately, the physician has to do what the

patient wants based on their values. EBM helps allow physicians to make decisions combining
all three of the factors and allows physicians to stay up to date on current research and

treatments, improves accountability, improves quality of care and finally improves outcomes

(Haughom). These healthcare leaders use the EBM to help evaluate different avenues of

treatment and then based on the evaluations they will choose the best route of treatment. A great

example of the utilization of EBM is when a physician does not have sufficient enough time to
read all different studies and conduct research to see if his or her patient would respond well to

this type of approach (Masic). Instead, these clinicians will pull from real world experience that

they have as well as experience of others to create a treatment plan that would best work for
everyone. (Masic) This allows for the process of treatment to be much quicker instead of drawn


Haughom, John. (2015). 5 Reasons the Practice of Evidence-Based Medicine is a Hot Topic.

Health Catalyst. Retrieved from https://www.healthcatalyst.com/5-reasons-practice-evidence-


Masic, Izet. (2008). Evidence Based Medicine- New Approaches and Challenges. U.S. National

Library of Medicine. Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3789163/

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