Wk 4 – Project Communication Management Plan [due Mon] Wk 4 – Project Communication Management Plan


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I attached the last two weeks’ assignments of the scenario. I also attached an example of a paper so you can you as a reference guide. 

Discuss what communication mediums/methods (i.e. email, etc) will be used for each project stakeholder (that you just identified) and why that method is the most effective.  Create a 550-word Communication Management Plan for the project scenario  

Develop a table (insert in your paper)….note…this is a table…like what you would create in MS Word with columns/rows) in which you identify project stakeholders and the table also indicates their influence on the project.

Make sure you discuss the information contained in the table. In other words, do not just include a standalone table (i.e. see my post in the Class Announcements as well on tables/charts/figures), there must be a discussion of what your table is showing and telling the reader. Note the Table contents are not counting against the word count for the assignment.

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Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.



Communication Management Plan


May 27, 2019


Effective communication is a key to successful project management and project completion. The purpose of this Communication Management Plan is to define the communication requirements for the Shipping/Receiving Software Upgrade Project throughout the project’s lifecycle. This Communication Management Plan defines the communication requirements, media, frequency, and distribution in order to ensure that information is conveyed through proper channels in a timely and consistent fashion.

Roles and Responsibilities

To ensure the successful completion of the Software Upgrade Project, the roles and responsibilities of all key project personnel must be clearly defined with regards to project communication. In order to prevent overlap or gaps in project communication, the following roles and responsibilities have been identified:

Project Sponsor

Director of Operations,

John D.

: The Project Sponsor serves as the Software Upgrade Project’s oversight authority and is the ultimate authority of approving budgets and funding requests. As a sitting member of the executive committee, the Project Sponsor is also responsible for providing project status updates in the monthly executive committee meetings as required.

Project Team

Project Manager

, Paul S.: The Project Manager is responsible for day to day management Project Manager is responsible for establishing communication requirements for the project, chairing all project meetings, and submission of all written reports. The Project Manager may delegate communication tasks to appropriate technical representatives or subject matter experts (SMEs) but is responsible for the timely completion of such tasks. The Project Manager is responsible for all information dissemination.

Deployment Team Member, Paul D & Jenn H: The deployment team is the SME on all information technology (IT) matters as well as capital equipment and procurement. As such, the technical representative is responsible for providing the Project Manager with all related feedback for use in project communications. The deployment team will participate in all project team meetings, status meetings, and will be included on the project’s distribution list. For project meetings the deployment team will act as the timekeeper ensuring that the meeting proceeds in accordance with the agenda.

Project Stakeholders

With numerous stakeholders involved, they are responsible for providing requested information to the Project Manager for use in project communications. The project stakeholders listed below are required to attend the monthly status meetings and will be courtesy-copied, when appropriate, on all project communications.

Director of Production, Vimaris G.

Vice President of Technology, Carlos M.

Director of Human Resources, Mike P.

Communication Flow

As the project proceeds, key forms of communication must be presented to the project participants and stakeholders.


Project Manager

In Person

Project Manager


Project Team

In Person

Project Sponsor, Team and Stakeholders

Project Manager

As Needed

In Person

Project Team

Project Manager

Communication Type




Participants/ Distribution




Status Report

E mail

summary of project status

Weekly E mail

Project Sponsor, Team and Stakeholders

Status Report Project Manager

Weekly Project Team Meeting

Meeting to review action register and status

In Person

Project Team

Updated Action Register


Project Review

Present metrics and status to team and sponsor


Project Sponsor, Team, and Stakeholders

Status and Metric Presentation

Weekly Status

Report outlining weekly progress and issues

E Mail

Machine Upgrade Status Update

Team Lead

Project Gate Reviews

Present closeout of project phases and kickoff next phase

As Needed

Phase completion report and phase kickoff

Technical Design Review

Review of any technical designs or work associated with the project

Technical Design Package

Communication Conduct

This section provides guidance to all project participants for conduct expected in meetings and other forms of communication. All participants are always expected to adhere to these guidelines to prevent unnecessary or ineffective communication.


The Project Manager will distribute a meeting agenda at least 2 days prior to any scheduled meeting. All participants are expected to review the agenda prior to the meeting. During project meetings the timekeeper will ensure that the group adheres to the time allotted for a given topic and the recorder will take all notes to be distributed to the team upon completion of the meeting. It is imperative that all participants arrive to each meeting on time and prepared. Meeting minutes will be distributed no later than 24 hours after each meeting is completed.

Electronic Mail (Email)

All email pertaining to the Software Upgrade Project should be professional, free of errors, and provide brief communication. If the email is to provide a status report, it should be distributed to the correct project participants in accordance with the communication flow matrix above. All attachments should be in one of the organization’s standard software suite programs and adhere to established company formats. If the email is to bring an issue forward then it should discuss what the issue is, provide a brief background on the issue, and provide a recommendation to correct the issue. The Project Manager should be included on any email pertaining to the project.

Informal Communication

Informal communication is a part of every project and is necessary for successful project completion. However, any issues, concerns, or updates that arise from informal discussion between team members must be communicated to the Project Manager so the appropriate action may be taken.


The signatures of the people below indicate an understanding in the purpose and content of this document by those signing it. By signing this document, you agree to this as the formal Communication Management Plan for the project.

Project Manager

Approver Name




John D. Project Sponsor

Paul S..


Lucidchart. (n.d.). How to Write a Foolproof Project Management Communication Plan. Retrieved from


Ray, S. (2019, March 01). What is a Project Management Communication Plan? Retrieved from

How to Create a Project Communication Plan (Template Included)


Project Activities and Sequences Scenario Paper
Qiana Reynolds
University of Phoenix
Project Management/CPMGT-301
December 7, 2020
Instructor: Gary Denney

Project Activities and Sequencing Scenario

Work Breakdown Structure and a project schedule are crucial to have a successful outcome for the Acme Shipping and Warehouse company. The Work Breakdown Structure is fundamental because it breaks each task and milestone into more refined, and gives a project manager knowledge to continue the project. Acme Shipping and Warehouse is a company that has outdated software that needs to be updated. This includes the software within the tracking, shipping, and receiving database. Within this paper, we will identify the project’s scope, define the needs of the stakeholder, create the Work Breakdown Structure schedule, and list the tools and milestones necessary to complete the project.
Project Scope

Within the operation area, Acme Shipping and Warehouse’s focus is to install the new software updates for the company called Roadrunner software. This software ensures tracking, receiving, shipping, and even inventory is being tracked correctly. The computers will be down, and there will be five employees who will be trained in updating the software on the computers. In this case, only the trained employees will have the chance to undertake the Roadrunner software and administer the updates company-wide.

Project Stakeholders
The first stakeholder is Acme Shipping and Warehouse company Operations Managers, who are directly affected by the project’s success or failure. Next are the customers who acquire products and services, which will cause computer downtime. As presented by SEBoK authors, there is a need from the stakeholders for requirements that will be represented in terms of the individual’s view within the business enterprises level of operations (SEBoK authors.2015). The last stakeholder is the project team, who will directly collect the data, oversee the project’s execution, and opinions from all involved in its comprehensive software update.

Work Breakdown Structure

Work Breakdown Structure





Train employees

Confirm computers

Allow time for delays.

Greater efficiency?

working condition

Extend store hours

Software updates

Confirm contract with

All components in

on hand

Roadrunner Software

Working order?

Schedule employees

Make working space

Install software

Meets project goals?

Find funding for Sunday pay.

Specify operating

Meets stakeholders



Necessary Tools
According to Levin, PMP, PgMP, and Wyzalek, PfMP (2015), launching the strategic plan involves using the organization’s many departments and resources in the form of projects” (Chapter 3). First, the project team needs to contact the vendors who supplies the Roadrunner software. Then approval from the department manager of the trainers to release them from their regular duties and spend additional hours administering the updates.
The techniques involved in the issue of the aspects affected are inclusive of the methodology associated with the development of a work breakdown structure. There are two simple stages within the phase to make for the elements of the following topics.
The tools that are available include the example of the instrument which are used for the actualization of the needed process, in this case, include the likes of
1. WBS template
2. Tree diagrams
3. Table
4. Microsoft project
Project Milestones
The milestones of a project are like significant trail markers you insert in your project schedule. In this project, there are five milestones. “Each of those five deliverables—initiation, planning, execution, control, and closeout—branch of the main deliverable” (“The Ultimate Guide To… Work Breakdown Structure”, 2020). The project initiation, which included the project charter created and developed. During this milestone, the project goals and initial plan are brought together. Planning of the project, for example, the software purchase. This milestone is also created and developed within the platform of operation. Under this segment is needed to develop a training schedule to charter for the affected issues, which is the software update.
Project launch of the computer software is next. The computers are set-up for installation of the new software. Lastly is the project closeout, which involves testing all computers to make sure it’s working correctly.

Project Tasks/Subtask Diagram


Roadrunner software update


Projects 1







Software update evaluation


Project 2




Training timetable



Training documentation


Projects 3




Communication plan



Communication templates


Project 4

Computer software update



Backup critical files



Update computer software



Verify software update



Remedies and solutions


The Ultimate Guide to… Work Breakdown Structure (2020). https://www.projectmanager.com/work-breakdown-structure
Levin, PMP, PgMP, Dr. G., & Wyzalek, PfMP, J. (2015). Portfolio Management, a Strategic Approach. https://portal.phoenix.edu/library.html.
SEBoK authors. (2015). Stakeholder Needs and Requirements. Retrieved from http://sebokwiki.org/w/index.php?title=Stakeholder_Needs_and_Requirements&oldid=51430

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Portfolio Management and Strategic Management Concepts and Organization Paper

Qiana Reynolds

University of Phoenix

Project Management/CPMGT-301

November 30, 2020

Instructor: Gary Denney

Explain how strategic portfolio management relates to project management

The process where the company’s finite and critical resources are focused on critical areas where they can be maximumly utilized to achieve the company’s goals and objectives is called strategic portfolio management. Strategic portfolio management is related to project management in the way work is subdivided into different definite projects. Once the work is subdivided, resources are effectively allocated so that each part of the project achieves the targeted goals and objectives. Strategic portfolio management ensures that resources are best fit in the projects that are resourceful to the company in making trade-offs in all the portfolios. In portfolio management, we have four key elements. The following are the critical elements of an investment portfolio that show the relationship with project management: effective diversification. Asset classes are the traditional view of effective diversification in project management and strategic portfolio management. Asset’s underlying source of risk is the most significant consideration in creating effective diversification.

Strategic portfolio management is the high view of projects that the company is running to meet its strategic goals and objectives. Project management, on the other hand, is ensuring that the projects are excited rightly. Portfolio management is then ensuring that exciting projects are the right and intended. Traditionally, program management, or project management, pays attention to doing the work right, but strategic portfolio management ensures that it is only doing good work (Pennypacker, 2015). Another difference is that portfolio management focuses on the company’s long-term goals and objectives whereas project management focuses on its short-term goals and objectives. The project management portfolio is to ensure the development and implementation of the project efforts in the company’s best practices ever.

Explain the difference between project-based and non-project-based organizations.

Organizational design is the choice the company makes in terms of pf structures to achieve a happy workforce, fast decision making, and peak efficiency. In project-based organizations, systems are put in a way that the project implementation process is highly effective. PBO is the organizational form meant temporary systematic performance. Project activities are conducted by the PBO, which offers the best functional approaches like the organizational matrices when the company is conducting several activities (Martinsuo, 2018). PBO is significant to the organization. It reduces the hierarchy, and the bureaucracy as the work results are what matters and not the strategies employed along the way (Gemünden, 2017). PBO works because it is structured in a way that creates synergy amid portfolio management and project management.

As a businessman, one needs to analyze the difference between non-project-based organizations and project-based organizations. A structural model is cultivated in showcasing the hierarchy meant to explain how each department connects with other departments. The company’s personnel and departments are organized around individual projects in the PBO. For instance, an organization with operational PBO has project managers that will oversee that employees are delivering on their duties. Team members of the project are selected from individual departments to implement on the company’s projects. In most companies, we have multiple teams working independently and collaborating only where necessary.

Non-project-based organizations are organizational structures whose designation is not bounded on company projects. Most business models use the form of non-project-based organizations. In non-project-based organizations, one manager supervised various departmental managers that oversee their various departments. Examples of these departments include the customer service department, sales department, human resource, and marketing department. Business organizations that don’t pay attention to projects but rather on basic functionality form non-project-based organizations.

Discuss how communication differs for a project manager in a project-based organization versus a non-project-based organization.

Communication for a project manager in the project-based organizations will be quite different from the communication from the project manager of the non-project-based organizations. In the project-based-organizations, the project manager will act as the divisional manager in charge of projects in the organization. The project manager will be liable for all the projects’ activities in the human resource department, sales department, and finance department. In simple terms, a project manager is functional and takes care of the elements of time at a time. The project manager, therefore, needs to communicate with all stakeholders of the organization to make sure that the companies’ goals and objectives are met.

The project manager in the non-project-based organization will not be a divisional manager because of their functionality. Unlike in the project-based organizations, managers in the non-project-based organizations don’t have the functionality to manage projects. However, the manager will have to communicate with all other company stakeholders as it is in the project-based organizations.

Discuss two challenges that a project manager might face in a non-project-based organization

In non-project-based organizations, the project manager will have a rough time in the company management because he or she is given minimal authority in his day-to-day duties. In other words, unlike project-based-organizations, the project manager won’t be the divisional leader where he takes the responsibility of the departments like the financial, legal, and sales departments (Lehtonen, 2017). In non-project-based organizations, the project manager will be involved in functions where he will be required to work, but the supervisory duties will be relatively minimal. The manager in the non-project-based organizations will have the challenge of fund allocation and budget. When the company is based on projects, it will be straightforward for the project management department to be allocated their budget, but when it is the case with non-project-based organizations, a small amount of money will be assigned to the department; hence the project manager will find a hard time in executing his or her duties.

In non-project-based associations, the venture director will make some harsh memories in the organization of the executives since the person is given an insignificant expert in his everyday obligations. All in all, dissimilar to extend based associations, the undertaking supervisor won’t be the divisional pioneer where he assumes the liability of the offices like the monetary, legitimate, and deals offices. In non-venture-based associations, the task chief will be engaged with capacities where he will be needed to work, yet the administrative obligations will be very negligible. The supervisor in the non-venture-based associations will have the test store designation and spending plan. At the point when the organization depends on ventures, it will be effortless for the task the executive’s office to be allotted their financial project; however, when it is the situation with non-venture-based associations, a little measure of cash will be distributed to the division consequently the undertaking administrator will locate a hard time in executing their obligations.

Discuss how would you overcome the challenges that you identified

As a leader, I recommend that one performs the best as the project manager. Despite the challenges of life, as a manager, you communicate rightly with the company’s stakeholders so that the budget and funds are set rightly to meet the company’s goals and objectives. The manager and anyone else have to ensure that they are on good relational terms with the people surrounding them. The company will make sure that the project is funded rightly and heavily hence achieving the company goals and objectives. As a money manager, one necessity to examine the contrast between non-project-based associations and undertaking-based associations is that an auxiliary model is developed in exhibiting the chain of importance intended to clarify how every division interface with different offices. The organization’s staff and divisions are coordinated around singular activities in the PBO. For example, an association that has operational PBO has venture supervisors that will direct that representatives are conveying on their obligations. Colleagues of the undertaking are chosen from singular offices to actualize on the organization’s ventures. In many organizations, we have numerous groups working freely and teaming up just where fundamental.


Martinsuo, M., & Lehtonen, P. (2017). Role of single-project management in achieving portfolio management efficiency. International journal of project management, 25(1), 56-65.

Martinsuo, M. (2018). Project portfolio management in practice and context. International journal of project management, 31(6), 794-803.

Pennypacker, J. S. (2015). Project portfolio management maturity model. Pennsylvania, USA: Center for Business Practices.

Teller, J., Unger, B. N., Kock, A., & Gemünden, H. G. (2017). Formalization of project portfolio management: The moderating role of project portfolio complexity. International journal of project management, 30(5), 596-607.




Version 9


University of Phoenix Material


Scenario 1: Software update

You work for a small shipping company and warehouse. The owners have decided to update the software used for tracking, shipping, receiving, and inventory. Fifteen computers need to be updated. Hours of operation are 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Saturday. Each computer must be updated manually by one of two trained employees, both of whom must be borrowed from other managers. The update procedure consumes 4 hours of the updater’s time and generates an additional 1.5 hours of computer downtime. The work must be performed at a central loading station, away from the current location of the computer.

Scenario 2: Smartphones for upper management

Your company currently provides all executives with Internet-enabled smartphones. To save money, your company has decided to expand the smartphone program to all employees who currently have a company cell phone and laptop. Ten senior managers expect to be priority recipients of the new technology, 100 employees currently have a company laptop and cell phone, and 15 employees have not yet been assigned company equipment. Funding will be approved if the initiative will save money in the long-term.

Systems Upgrade Work Breakdown Structure

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