Wk 2 – Reasons, Emotion, and Communication in Critical Thinking Worksheet


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  1. This week’s readings and activities focused on how reason, emotion, and communication may influence critical thinking. In this assignment, you will identify the concepts of reason, emotion, and communication in your everyday critical thinking practices. 

    Complete the Reason, Emotion, and Communication in Critical Thinking Worksheet.

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HUM/115 v9

Reason, Emotion and Communication in Critical Thinking Worksheet

HUM/115 v9

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Reason, Emotion, and Communication in Critical Thinking Worksheet

Review the definitions from THiNK: Critical Thinking and Logic Skills for Everyday Life provided below:

Reason is the process of supporting a claim or conclusion on the basis of evidence. It involves both the disciplined use of intelligence and the application of rules for problem solving.

Emotion is the experience of feelings such as happiness, grief, or fear, as opposed to cognitive states of consciousness.

Emotion in Critical Thinking

1. Provide an example of when you


have used reason to assist with critical thinking and discuss how it affected the outcome of the situation (your response should be 75-125 words long).


2. Provide an example of when emotion has had an effect (either positively or negatively) on your critical thinking. Discuss how emotions either positively or negatively affected the outcome of the situation (your response should be 75-125 words long).


Communication in Critical Thinking 

Complete the 

Think Tank Self-Evaluation Questionnaire (Communication Style)


After completing the self-evaluation, respond to the following questions (your response should be 75-125 words long): 

· According to the self-evaluation, which communication style (or styles) do you have? Discuss which of the communication styles you feel best describes you and why?

· How is your critical thinking influenced by knowing what type of communicator you and others are?

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