wk 1 project managment

Defining the Project

Using the South University Online Library, research any project of your choice. You may use the project you chose for the week 1 discussion as long as it meets the criteria listed below.

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The project you select must meet the following criteria:

It must fit the definition of a project as described in the PMBOK® Guide glossary and text.

  • It must be real or realistic.
  • It should be large enough for a dedicated organizational commitment (preferably a capital investment) but not too large for one organization to accomplish (minimal outsourcing).
  • It must fit into one of the “nonnumeric model” categories as described in the course textbook.
  • It must be subject to evaluation through numeric models as described in the course textbook.
  • Based on your research and project selected, create a project charter as described in Section 4.1 of the PMBOK® Guide. The project charter should include the following:

    • An outline of the information indicated in Section 4.1.
    • All items indicated in the PMBOK® Guide for which at least some elemental information exists at this point.
    • Highlights on how the project you selected meets the selection criteria listed earlier.
    • A description of the major components of the strategic management process.
    • An explanation of the role projects play in the strategic management process.
    • How are projects linked to the strategic plan?
    • An explanation of the impact of classifying projects as either compliance, strategic, or operations projects.
    • An explanation as to why return on investment (ROI) should not be the sole metric used to choose projects.
    • A discussion of the pros and cons of the checklist versus the weighted factor method of selecting projects.

    Submission Details:

  • Provide your answers in a 3- to 4-page Microsoft Word document, using APA style.
  • Support your responses with examples and research.
  • Name your document SU_MGT3035_W1_LastName_FirstInitial .

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  • Submit your document to the Submissions Area by the due date assigned.
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