Williams 1302 Unit 1 and Unit 2 DB

DB 1

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PART 1: Introduce yourself to your fellow students and instructor. Share your college degree plans, briefly explaining what degree you are pursuing, why, and how you think taking this course will assist you in achieving your personal or professional goals in life.

PART 2: Think about the ecological biome that you currently live in or grew up in and share your thoughts with the class. How would you classify your biome – temperate forest, temperate grassland, etc.? What are the dominant types of vegetation and animal species that live there? How have human activities changed your biome over time?

For inspiration, see the Unit I lesson and the


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from HHMI Biointeractive. Click on the link in the BiomeViewer to learn more about various biomes, including your own. Once on the website, click the Launch interactive button and a new screen will appear with a base map of the Earth’s biomes. A color-coded key to the biomes is on the left size of the screen. Click a place on the map or enter a place name or latitude and longitude coordinates in the dialogue box on the right side of the screen to learn more about a specific biome, especially your own. Very cool!

Best, Chuck

A separate post to the initial discussion question (50% of grade) and reply to another student (50% of grade) are required for this discussion board. 

Please give something to respond to another peer also…..

DB 2

Hi folks! Globally, the human population is increasing exponentially (see the graph below). What do you think are some of the reasons for this population explosion? What are the implications for unchecked human population growth, both for our species and the others we share planet Earth with and how may be deal with this issue in an ecologically ethical manner? For inspiration, check out this video from the American Museum of Natural History.

A separate post to the initial discussion question (50% of grade) and reply to another student (50% of grade) are required for this discussion board.  Please include the name of the person or question to which you are replying in the subject line. For example, “Tom’s response to Susan’s comment.”

Best, Chuck

Please note: APA format and references are not required for discussions. This is a college-level course and I expect that all discussion board posts and replies are written in complete sentences using proper grammar, punctuation and spelling. Please refrain from submitting “I agree” replies that essentially restate another student’s post. Substantive points will be deducted for restated replies. Please see the attached grading rubric for information on how discussion board posts and replies are assessed:

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