Why is Happy Wheels shutting down?

Happy Wheels

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– one of the most interactive games and the most played online free web browser-based game of all time.

The game is best known for its graphic violence and features several player characters, who use different, sometimes atypical, vehicles to traverse the game’s many levels. 

Happy Wheels is a side-scrolling, physics-based, there is a dark and tricky physics-based puzzling arcade game that is fun for some and horrifying for others. 

Features: over 60 unique and challenging levels, deadly obstacles: spikes, mines, wrecking balls, harpoons, and much more, smooth, realistic physics…

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How To Play

Use arrow keys to move.

Use the space key to primary action (after ejecting: Grab).

Use Shift/Ctrl to perform secondary actions.

Use Z to eject.

Tips and Tricks

You can pause/resume/restart on the game screen.

You can change character in-game.

You can view/save your replay.


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