White Collar Crimes Assignment


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· This assignment will be based on research on official government websites and completing a comparison of enforcement of laws, governmental power, social stigmas and harshness of punishment.


Conduct a comparison between the laws used in the U.S. and those used in another country to confront white collar crime. The Internet is a research tool for this assignment, but use only official websites, such as those of national government agencies, the United Nations, or the European Union. What are the principal differences between the laws used in the U.S. and those found in your chosen country? Does the government seem to have more power to intervene in business in the U.S. than in the other country, or is the opposite true? In what ways do the methods of practical enforcement of these laws differ between the two countries? Does white collar crime seem to carry an equal social stigma in each, or does the harshness of punishment and informal social sanctions vary as well? Explain in detail.

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· Written essay; 2– 3 pages in length (not counting cover or reference source page); 12 Times New Roman font; double spaced with 1” margins on all sides.

· APA formatted pages and applicable reference citations

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