What is the role of poetry in the world?

  What is the ‘role’ of poetry in the world? DESCRIPTION: Imagine you are writing an article for the MDC Herald about literary culture in South Florida. The writing prompt is broad, but I would like you to answer this question in the context of Wislawa Szymborska’s Nobel lLecture and 3 poems we discussed this semester: “Dear White America,” “Daddy” and “Alabanza: In Praise of the Local 100” and make it relevant to what is going on today in our community. Your essay should discuss these three poems. REQ: -Intro with thesis -2 body paragraphs with direct citations from at least 3 of the above mentioned texts. -Conclusion that answer the “so what?” question that shows the reader why what you’ve just written ‘matters’, which is, in many ways, the whole point of Szymborska’s Nobel Lecture. -500 – 650 words -MLA FORMAT .

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