Weekly Summary

  When posting here in the Weekly Summary section please do not post “answers only” but rather show how you obtained your answers in a step by step manner. If your solution is correct, it is in your best interest for us to see how you obtained the answer. If your solution is incorrect, showing your steps will help us to follow your process and we can then work together to find your mistake. No bonus points will be awarded for answers without explanations.

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A maximum of 5 bonus points will be awarded for 5 correct answers  with step by step explanations.

  1. If f(x) = 8x + 16, then find f -1(x).
  2. Determine if the following functions are inverses of each other:
    f(x) = 7x + 14
    g(x) = (1/7)x – 2
  3. Write the exponential equation y = 5x in logarithmic form.
  4. Write the logarithmic equation log7x = y in exponential form.
  5. Use the change-of-base formula to convert x=log390 to common logarithms.  Then use a calculator to round the value of x to the nearest thousandth.
  6. Find the amount of money accumulated if you invest $10,000 at 3% interest compounded quarterly for 2 years.  Round your answer to the nearest cent.
  7. Find the amount of money accumulated if you invest $10,000 at 3% interest compounded continuously for 2 years.  Round your answer to the nearest cent.
  8. Solve the following exponential equation:
    5x = 2
    Round your solution to the nearest hundredth.
  9. Solve the following exponential equation:
    ex = 10
    Round your solution to the nearest hundredth.
  10. Solve the following logarithmic equation:
    log7x + log7(3x-2) = 0
    Be sure to check all of your solutions in the original equation

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