Week _ 3_ Assignment

Week _3 _ Discussion (Due Today) (Portion 1)

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Write a 175- to 265-word response to the following:

  • List and briefly discuss four management development methods.
  • Discuss the pros and cons of at least eight performance appraisal methods. 

Both bullet points must be addressed in the same post. Do not separate them and create two posts.

(Portion 2_Due Tomorrow) 
Read and respond to at least two of your classmate’s discussion posts. Be constructive and professional with your thoughts, feedback or suggestions.

Note: For full participation, students are required to complete 3 substantive posts over 2 days, totaling 3 posts each week. This differs from the previous format of 8 substantive posts over 3 days. 

Week _ 3_ Assignment (Due Sunday)

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Prepare an 8- to 10-slide presentation of your team’s strategic approach to performance management that addresses the following:

· Explain the pros and cons of five performance appraisal methods.-


· Evaluate the differences between performance management and disciplinary issues. Provide one example of each and describe the possible outcomes. Why does it make a difference in managing performance?-


· Describe types of rater errors that can occur during performance review conversations.

· Present three examples of how an organization can prepare managers for the performance review. –


· Compare formal and informal appraisal processes. Explain why both components are important to the performance management process. –


· Create recommendations for organizations to implement a performance management approach to the appraisal process.

· Include speakers notes. 

John Wrote:

· List and briefly discuss four management development methods.

Coaching- this is generally seen as a popular method since it can also help new employees learn how things are done, techniques they may need for their positions.

Job Rotations- Is an good way to help potential long term workers develop new skills and mindsets by having them work in new positions that they may not normally go for.

Project Assignments- Members are given a team based task that they are to accomplish together which can allow the development of teamwork, communication and skills regarding their positions.

Understudy- This person is generaly in training to take over another persons position along with their tasks at any point so the person has to remain updated on all tasks and any related requirements in the event of a necessary replacement.

· Discuss the pros and cons of at least eight performance appraisal methods. 

Graphic Rating Scale- (Pro) easy to use and can be quickly generated. (Con) Results can vary by the user and give can give inaccurate reviews.

Essay Performance- (Pro) Allows evaluator to provide information in detail. (Con) highly subjective and can vary from person to person.

Checklist Scale- (Pro) Gives immediate information on a persons performance. (Con) Can leave out vital information that is needed.

Critical Incidents- (Pro) Has list of events that involves the employee and is regularly updated. (Con) great possibility of managers to only focus on negative aspects instead of all aspects.

Work Standards Approach- (Pro) Set goals for employee to reach. (Con) Difficult to compare ones performance to another.

Ranking- (Pro) allows employees to find out how they are doing in comparison to others. (Con) Can make people too competitive with others.

Management by Objectives- (Pro) Based on results. (Con) Can leave out how the results were obtained.

Jennifer Wrote:

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In response to class. Management development allows each employee the opportunity developing skills needed to achieve goals. These methods help in areas such as behavior, knowledge and skilled jobs. Some of these methods are listed below.

A) Secession planning- This method allows organization to build work force programs to build top level entry positions. This method develops systematically elements to develop top performance.

B)Candidate Assessment- focuses on individualism, strengths, weaknesses. This plan is used to develop a plan of training, leadership and self motivating.

C) Job training consists of training, job placement or based on skill determine job promotions.

Rotation- To move employee snare management to another department to give advance training or future placement. This method heels avoid stagnation . This eliminates the possibility of constant reputation of position.

Performance Appraisal process- Allows management to measure performance that is related to individuals standards. The pros of this method can give accurate measures if evaluated correctly. The cons would be to only focus on standards where placement may not be suitable for the individual based on physical or mental needs. This can be directed only to please the organization.

Alternation Ranking Method- This allows management to evaluate performance that is ranked worst employee or best. This can wing out poor performance to assure productivity. The cons of this method would be based on favoritism acts. Based on the lack of knowledge to conduct ranking processing can lead in the wrong direction of placement for accurate working procedures.

Paired Comparison- This method can be more precise in ranking quantity and quality of work by evaluating more than one worker to see who would rank the highest. The cons would be to only focus on production and not the interest of the worker. This can lead to complications if a issue is not noticed and corrected. In turn leaving other issues such as termination due to non compliance or the individual may quit. To many of these actions lead to a higher percentage of turnover rates.

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