Week 9

Your company promoted you to a management position in a new research facility in India. Surprisingly, you have adjusted to the new culture, language, and city, despite never having lived outside the country before. You arrive to work early to get a jump start on your day and notice on the payroll report that there are a few employees who have taken an occasional three-day weekend. None of the employees have taken a full week off, however. You know from previous management training classes that overworked employees are more prone to stress-related health issues and less safe at work. You must also consider the company’s bottom line. You want your employees to take more time off work to enjoy time with friends and family, but how? Please respond to the following questions:

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  • Which motivational theory or theories do you think would help communicate the importance of vacation time to your employees?
  • How would you convince your employees that taking time off work is more beneficial in the long run for them and for the company?

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