Week 8 – Homeland Security

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Discussion Questions: In week one, you were asked to describe two strengths and two weaknesses you’ve discovered about homeland security in your previous studies. Now that you completed your program of study, share your final insights or perspectives on Homeland Security in relation to the strengths and weakness you listed. 

– Attached is weeks 1 assignment.

Homeland Security security

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Homeland Security






The Homeland Security Department of the United States is considered to be the federal U.S executive department which is accountable for public safety, somehow compared to the home ministries or interior ministries of different countries. Its mission include; border security, anti-terrorism, customs, immigration as well as cyber security in addition to disaster management and prevention. Its operations began in the year 2003 hence being the U.S cabinet department that is the youngest (Schwemle and Library of Congress, 2019).

Its two strengths are;

The department of Homeland Security is known to have its own strengths that are associated to it. They basically include; contrary to the Office of the Homeland Security, the Department of Homeland Security is known to have an agency that is permanent in addition to a budgetary authority that is over its intended mission. The second strength that is associated with the department is it tends to have a national strategy that is considered to be excessively comprehensive. The development of this particular security department mainly entails the federal government reorganization that is the largest since the second world war.

Its two weaknesses include;

It does not have adequate expertise in relation to technology in addition to security tradecraft which involves the analysis in addition to gathering of intelligence. Due to its dangerous amateurism that is in high levels it has ended up compromising its capability of keeping the seaports as well as the land ports considered to be of safe entry. The Customs and Border Protection in addition to Border Patrol tend to be technically not categorized as officers of law enforcement. Technology wise, it lacks its own laboratories, adequate scientists in addition to R&D on staff, therefore the department is supposed to try and get help in evaluating massive gadgets that are considered to be solutions for cargo security (United States, 2019).


Schwemle, B. L., & Library of Congress. (2019). Department of Homeland Security human resources management: Homeland security issues in the 116th Congress. (CRS reports (Library of Congress. Congressional Research Service).) Retrieved from


United States. (2019). DHS Field Engagement Accountability Act: Report of the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, United States Senate, to accompany H. R. 504, to amend the Homeland Security Act of 2002 to require the Department of Homeland Security to develop an engagement strategy with fusion centers, and for other purposes. Retrieved from


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