Week 8 Discussion Bus 599

 Plan Assumption and Financials

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Before beginning work on this discussion post, review Chapter 16, “The Financials,” in your textbook. You have already read this chapter during the previous week. With your review this week, specifically examine:

  • “Assumption Sheet,” pages 323–324 and “Sample Plan: Assumptions,” page 332.
  • “Sources and

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    Use of Funds

    ,” page 317 and “Sample Plan: Sources and Use of Funds,” page 331.

    Break-Even Analysis

    ,” pages 320–321.

    The financial plan must be based on decisions and facts. Investors want to know whether your business plan is realistic.

    For This Week’s Discussion, Please Respond to the Following

    Provide a written overview of the plan assumptions and key financials based on the information contained in your business plan and your Business Plan Financials Excel Template.

    Use headings (bold) to address each required topic. 

     Be sure to include:

    Key Financial

    Specific Worksheet in the Business Plan Financials Excel Template where the information can be found

    Projected Sales

    Sales Projections  worksheet

    Personnel Overview

    Setup and Staff Budgeting worksheets

    Financing to Date and Funds you plan to raise from investors

    Capital Investments worksheet

    Use of Funds

    Capital Expenditures worksheet

    Break-Even Analysis

    Break-Even worksheet

    Projected Profits

    Income Statement worksheet

    Important: do not copy tables from the Excel document in your discussion response.  This is an overview of the key financials. 

    Post at least one substantive comment to another student’s post.


    • You will use the information from this discussion post in the Week 10 assignment, Business Plan—Final.

      A bullet point under Part 1 asks you to incorporate financial information that will help to convince the investors

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