Week 7 Presentation of Community Teaching Project

Utilize the epidemiologic process to identify a community health need or problem. Plan, implement, and evaluate a group health teaching project to meet the identified need.

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Assignment Instructions: 

  1. Select a topic and get instructor approval to move forward with it. ( Epidemic-Zika outbreaks)
  2. Select your target community group that you will focus on educating. It should consist of approximately 10 individuals. A minimum of two different teaching sessions should be presented to the same group at least one week apart.
  3. Once your topic is approved and a teaching group is chosen, you will create a teaching plan, hold your teaching sessions, and then evaluate the implementation.
  4. The final product you submit will be a presentation that details the entire process: your chosen topic, the teaching style you used, and an evaluation of your actual teaching. (See categories below for details to include.)
  5. Prepare a 15- to 20-slide presentation that is a minimum of 20 minutes in duration. You should have APA formatted in-text citations within your slides for any outside sources used and your final slide should be a reference slide that lists all resources used for the assignment.

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