week 7 new jersey

This assignment is worth 50 points toward your final grade. For this assignment, you must read two articles and answer some questions about New Jersey’s Hudson River Tunnel project that was cancelled by New Jersey’s governor.

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  • Read the CASE STUDY 14.1 of the Pinto text
  • Read the article located at 


  • View the video located at

    Chris Christie responds to N.Y. Sen. Chuck Schumer’s criticism on canceling ARC tunnel (Links to an external site.)  

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  • Then answer the questions below.
  • Your final deliverable should be either a MS WORD document or a file.

  • Submit your document to the instructor via Canvas
  • Questions

    1. In September-October 2010, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie made an important decision regarding the state’s Husdon River Tunnel project. What was his decision? What did he state as the primary reason for his decision?
    2. Based on the articles and the video, do you think his decision was justified? Why or why not? Should this project have continued?

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