week 7 final paper

CLED 700

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Biblical Theology Paper: Final Draft Assignment Instructions


Throughout the class, you will work on a Biblical Theology Paper. This paper will define a theological concept, trace that concept throughout Scripture (Old and New Testaments), and then apply an understanding of the concept to various aspects of leadership. Throughout the course, three specific assignments will focus on the Biblical Theology Paper:

1. Biblical Theology Paper: Proposal Assignment

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2. Biblical Theology Paper: Annotated Bibliography Assignment

3. Biblical Theology Paper: Final Draft Assignment


As the capstone of this course, you will write a 12 – 15-page research-based paper in current APA format, focusing on a biblical theology of leadership. This paper must include at least 20 scholarly, peer-reviewed, or academic sources. Reference the grading rubric for more details about the assignment.

The paper will answer this question: How would the biblical/theological foundation of [your topic/biblical theme] form and inform leadership in the following 5 areas: purpose of leadership, role of the leader, role of the follower, leadership methodology, and leadership setting?

A suggested structure for the paper is the following:

1. Introduction (including your thesis statement) – 1 – 2 page(s)

2. Explanation of doctrine – 5 pages

a. Theological term (Explain the theological term) – 2 pages

b. Biblical Foundation (Trace the term throughout Scripture) – 3 pages

3. Application of the doctrine to the life of the leader – 5 pages

a. How does this doctrine form/inform the purpose of leadership? – 1 page

b. How does this doctrine form/inform the role of the leader? – 1 page

c. How does this doctrine form/inform the role of the follower? – 1 page

d. How does the doctrine form/inform one’s leadership methodology? – 1 page

e. Apply your understanding to a specific leadership setting. – 1 page

4. Conclusion (summarize your paper) – 1 – 2 page(s)

5. Reference page with at least 20 sources

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

· Module 7: Week 7 Introduction

· Context Module Sub Header



Read: Howell: Chapters 14 — 21

External Tool

Read: Howell: Chapters 14 — 21


Watch: Following the Example of Jesus (Reliance on Holy Spirit)


Watch: Following the Example of Jesus (Reliance on Holy Spirit)


Watch: New Testament Profiles of Leadership


Watch: New Testament Profiles of Leadership



Trinity as a Biblical Theology of Leadership

Rawlings School of Divinity

CLED 700: Biblical Theology Paper: Annotated Bibliography Assignment

Arnita Norman

February 17, 2021


Trinity as a Biblical Theology of Leadership

Bagassien, T. (2018). Review of Leadership by the Book: Lessons from Every Book of the

Bible, by Brent Garrison. Journal of Applied Christian Leadership, 12(2), 110-111.

Bagassien (2018) reviewed a book by Brent Garrison titled “Leadership by the Book:

Lessons from Every Book of the Bible”. In this review, Bagassien, expounded on the different

leadership areas like in business schools, and churches explaining what leaders in those positions

seek to attain in the end. As he argued in the review, business leaders seek to maximize the

efficiency of the firms, schools offer leadership programs in order to prepare students for success

in their career, but leadership in the church should be biblically based as the Bible is the final

source of leadership. Quoting Garrison’s book, many leadership lessons should be drawn from

the bible, for instance spiritual leadership can be better obtained from the biblical character

Joseph. Joseph is the patriarchal figure chosen in the reviewed book to show the principles of a

servant leader. The importance of this source in the analysis of Trinity as a theological leadership

is that it examines leadership in different settings.

Bevans, S. (2017). A Theology of leadership, not management: Trinitarian mission and

baptismal discipleship. Annales Missiologici Posnanienses, (22), 9-19. Doi:


In his research, Bevans (2017) studied A Theology of leadership, not management:

Trinitarian mission and baptismal discipleship to explain how the difference between managers

and leaders lie in their capacity to inspire and motivate others or simply to give their followers

vision. The author uses the doctrine of trinity to show how leadership is understood today based

on Trinitarian mission. He believes that the understanding of leaders has changed and continued

to show major shifts, but the only question remains to be that of spiritual matters of leaders and

Gabriel Etzel
Good. Make sure to include within every annotation how the resource will be utilized within your paper.

Gabriel Etzel
Each annotation should include a brief introduction to the author. This provides the context for the author’s authority to speak to the topic.


not their skills or structure. He argues that the Triune God is a communion in mission and exists

as a loving communion. This resource will be significant to the theological analysis of Trinity as

a biblical theology of leadership because it will offer more insights as to how the Triune of God

is the leader of the world whose vision is the kingdom that Christians desire through their


Bowman, R. Jr. (n. d). The biblical basis of the doctrine of the Trinity. Text Commentaries, The

Blue Letter


In a commentary by Bowman, the doctrine of Trinity was discussed from a biblical point

of view. The commentary outlined trinity reference with approximately 1000 points of

consideration. The references are drawn majorly from different chapters of the bible including

reference from all the books of the New Testament. Bowman stated that Trinity is simply a

formal way of systemizing various propositions that hold that: there is only one God who is a

single divine being, the fathers of our Lord Jesus Christ is God, the Son, Jesus Crist is God the

Lord, the Holy Spirit is God the Lord and ultimately, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are each

different from one another. The attributes of God have been outlined in various areas of the

commentary. This commentary is important in the current study as it will give an insightful

understanding of the nature of God, an aspect that is important in studying of the Trinity.

Burggraff D. (2020). Current issues in Trinitarian studies. Shepherds Theological Seminary.


Burggraff (2020) is an article published be Shepherds Theological Seminary touching on

the current issues in Trinitarian studies. The article asserts that Trinity, which exists in the form

of three coeternal and coequal persons (the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit) are the foundation


Gabriel Etzel
With a resource like this one, it is fine to just use a section or a chapter of the book.


of Christianity. The article educates Christians and their leaders on the importance of

familiarizing themselves with issues surrounding Trinity as that is the only doctrine that explains

the foundation of Cristian faith. As suggested in the article, the doctrine of Trinity is revealed in

the actions of the Triune God. God the father loves us, and he send his Son to be in our place,

while the Holy Spirit entered our lives and conformed us to the image of Christ. This highlights a

common issue in Christian leadership, where the right conception of God is viewed as only a

systematic theology rather than a basic to Christina living. The significance of the resource is

that it sheds light on why Trinity is not merely an academic exercise, but a question of what God

is like, which is the role of Christian leaders to communicate the right concept of God to their


Broward, J. J. (2019). Follow the Leader: An integrated theology of leader

development. Theology of Leadership Journal, 2(1), 86-97.

Broward’s (2019) article concentrates on examining the intersection between

Christology, Trinitarian theology, and leadership studies as it relates to the integrated leader

development theology. In the article, the author discusses the difference between the three

intersections. Particularly, he refers to Trinitarian theology as the focus on leadership style that

puts mutuality, diversity, and relationships Infront of other things. He believed that the doctrine

of Trinity evidences a strong diversity and unity in that the Father, Son, and Spirit each have

their special roles, but they are one unity. The author argued that an effective leader is one who

looks at the social, safety, and multilayered aspect of those who are being led and one who

embraces fellowship. The Trinitarian theology as discussed in this article will be helpful in the

analysis of the current topic as it will highlight what Christian leaders should do to be effective

leaders according to the Holy Trinity.


Cincala, P. (2017). The legacy of God’s leadership. Journal of Applied Christian Leadership,

10(2), 8-14.

In this article, Cincala (2017) the legacy of the leadership of God limiting the discussion

to only the first letter of John and Mathew 28:18-20 where the text deals with God in his three

persons. The doctrine of Trinity can be understood from the viewpoint that God the father sent

the Son, and the Sons sent the Spirit and us. The three members of the Trinity complement each

other as argued in this topic in which we know the father through the son (John 17:3) and

through the holy spirit we have that knowledge in us (John 15:26; 16:13–15). As recorded in

Matthew 28:18–20, the profound great commission and Baptism are all based on the holy

Trinity. The importance of this article in analyzing the doctrine of Trinity as a biblical theology

of leadership because it is based on biblical readings that explain God in his three persons

(Father, Son and Holy Spirit). The article will highlight how Christian leaders should operate in

unity and in love as a reflection of the triune God especially when it comes to decision making,

serving God, empowerment and participating in community leadership.

Day, D. V., Fleenor, J. W., Atwater, L. E., Sturm, R. E., & McKee, R. A. (2014). Advances in

leader and leadership development: A review of 25 years of research and theory. The

leadership quarterly, 25(1), 63-82.

In their study Day et al. (2014) has gone forward to explain the advances in leader and

leadership development in that leadership is central to organization success, the advancement of

leadership capacity is an ongoing concern for almost all the organizations. In the traditional

setting leadership development whether through organizationally based workshops or university

classes, has occurred within a classroom setting. According to the authors, leadership has been

treated like a subject such as English or mathematics which needs formal lessons so that the


individuals may master the required fundamentals. In his view classroom-based learning is

required to ensure that learning about leadership is readily translated into an improved

leadership. The authors suggests that the best way for individuals to learn how to lead is through

case studies, self-assessments, classroom instructions, exercises or even real-life experiences.

This source will be meaningful to the theological analysis of Trinity as a biblical theology of

leadership since it offers more information of how leaders should behave in accordance to Gods

leadership ways.

Flores, N. M. (2018). Trinity and justice: A theological response to the sexual assault of migrant

women. Journal of Religion and Society; Supplement Series, 16.

In this article Flores (2018) studied Trinity and justice: A theological response to the

sexual assault of migrant women where he explains that all people are leaders in one way,

therefore an academically integrated theology of leadership development is deeply necessary.

Flores explains that it is important to define some terms such as leadership, leader, and

development. In his argument Trinitarian leadership recognizes that each of us has important

contributions to give to the task at hand based on leadership discussions. During work he

suggests that a Trinitarian leader will always prioritize the process more than the product and the

relationship more than the outcomes of which it is a long-term view in that if the relationships

and the processes are healthy, the interdependent team will produce better outcomes. Flores

argues that working on the relationship part is an inescapable part of work and therefore

Trinitarian leadership is mutually affirming, team based and relational. This source will be

significant to trinity and justice since it explains more on how Trinitarian leadership gives

efficient work.


Giles, K. (2017). The rise and fall of the complementarian doctrine of the Trinity. Wipf and

Stock Publishers.

In this book, Giles (2017) discusses the highs and lows associated with the doctrine of

Trinity. The book highlights the split that happened among theologians concerning the doctrine

of the Trinity. As the author argues, the split happened because of the different understanding

that theologians had about Trinity. In addition, Giles gives various reasons that could have

possibly taken so long for complementarian theologians to term the doctrine of Trinity as

unorthodox. Giles quotes a book by George Knight III’s that could explain the rise of Trinity and

uses the same book to understand the exclusion of women in leadership and teachings in the

Church. According to Giles, Knights introduced the idea of having different roles for women and

men, having men as the leaders and women to submit. This source will help in analyzing whether

in the contemporary church, women and men should have different roles despite the Trinity

doctrine advocating for people in leadership to work in unity and as one component for the great


Horsthuis, J. (2011). Participants with God: A Perichoretic theology of leadership. Journal of

Religious Leadership, 10(1), 81-107.

In his study, Horsthuis (2011) gives information on participation with God in A

perichoretic theology of leadership where he explains that the practice of perichoresis is a

pastoral theology that is assists in ministering persons to navigate how their ministry practice can

be done in participation with God attentively and authentically. In his view perichoretic pastoral

theology is articulated as three interrelated movements whereby the first one says that polarity is

the move from experience to relationship, whereby practices and methods pastoral theology uses

to engage human experience is drawn into conversation with perichoretic rationality and these


interactions encourage a move toward relationship in all pastoral theological work. The second

one is the move from concern to presence whereby pastoral concern for human is drawn into

conversation with perichoretic participation this kind of concern encourages a move toward

presence which hopes to disclose Gods presence in most perplexing circumstances. The third one

is the move from competence to communion whereby it encourages practices of situational

attentiveness that are rooted in communion with God and within the community of faith. The

fourth polarity is offered which incorporates the other three. This source is meaningful since it

provides important analysis towards participation with God as the most important part of the

Trinity tree.

Huizing, R. (2011). Bringing Christ to the table of leadership: Moving towards a theology of

leadership. Journal of Applied Christian Leadership, 5(2), 58-75.

Huizing (2011) researched a theology of leadership and how biblical narratives apply to

church leadership. In his study, he quotes important scholars such as Clack (2008) who offer the

necessary elements for the development of theology of leadership. Such elements include a

promotion if faithful discipleship and various leadership theories. The author compares different

leadership theories that are common in the general environment but find them as ineffective

when it comes to the leadership of the church. It is possible for people to normalize the use of

normal leadership theories in the workplace or in other setting, but when it comes to Christians,

general leadership theories cannot be relied upon to guide them to an expression of Christ-like

leadership. This source is crucial for this research because it highlights both historical and

scriptural basis of leadership and encourages Christian’s leaders to express faith under the

Gabriel Etzel
Just a general comment at this point: Make sure you are interacting with resources that support your overall thesis for the paper, but also resources that present an opposing viewpoint. Including both angles will help to strengthen the paper and demonstrate your ability to interact across the range of the resources available.


governance of God with Christ as the focus and regarding the revelation of the Holy Spirit as

given in the Bible.

Ware, B. A. (2020). The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit: The Trinity as theological

foundation for family ministry. Journal of Discipleship and Family Ministry, 1 (2).

Ware’s (2020) article offers a different lens in which we can understand the doctrine of Trinity.

The author focuses on explaining how family ministry is founded on Trinity. The article

considers three major areas, that is, what Christians believe Trinity to be, Trinitarian

relationships, and the truths about the Trinity to provide foundational underpinning for family-

equipping ministries in the church. The author believes that the doctrine of Trinity is the most

practical in the whole of Christian faith because the doctrine helps Christians understand how the

persons (Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit) relate to one another and work in this world.

Christians also need to understand how the triune God designed many relationships among the

humans to take place. Thus, the importance of this resource in this study is to understand the

relevance of Trinity in the family setting, especially when it comes to leadership in the family


Nashief M.S. Alib, D.K., & Disomimba, A.S. (2017). Christian theologians’ views on the

doctrine of Trinity in the Islamic philosophical criticism. International Journal of Academic

Research in Business and Social Sciences Vol. 7, Special Issue – Islam and Contemporary

Issues). DOI: 10.6007/IJARBSS/v7- i13/3195

In this article, Nashief, Alib, and Disomimba (2017) discussed the views of Christian

theologians on the doctrine of Trinity considering Islamic philosophical criticism. The authors

explained the idea of Trinity through the lens of Islamic philosophical criticism. The main goal

of the research was to confirm the oneness of God by tracing the historical background of the

Gabriel Etzel
not sure what happened with the spacing here


oneness of the creator. By giving the views of Christian theologians, the authors were able to

confirm that Jesus Christ is not God and creator, God is not three persons and the three persons is

not same substance and nature of the Son and Holy Spirit. This offers a different perspective of

Trinity as offered by other researchers who argue that Christ is God. Therefore, this article will

be useful in giving diverse views of what exactly entails the doctrine of Trinity and ho others

faithful’s view it.

Packer, J.I. (2016). What does it mean that God is three in one? Understanding the Trinity is

central to the Christian faith. Christian Bible Studies.

Packer (2016) conducted a study to understand what it means that God is three in one.

The article argues that it is important to understand Trinity because it is central to the Christina

faith. Neither the Father nor the Son nor the Holy Spirit is inanimate. God is unity and something

that we cannot completely grasp but each of the three persons in him is not a thing but a living

person. For church leaders to understand, discuss and preach the gospel, the complete

comprehension of Trinity is important. Packer provides a better and simple way to understand

the doctrine of Trinity arguing that we need to say God is a Devine Team- Father, Son, and Holy

Spirit. This teams works together as one, particularly through the gospel for the sanctification

and salvation of our needs as sinners. The importance of this resources in the analysis of trinity a

biblical theology of leadership is that it will be easy to understand the message Jesus shares in

accordance with the Trinitarian frame of reference.

Pope, L. (2016). The image of leadership: Man’s view of God as reflected in his leadership style.


In this thesis, Pope (2016) demonstrated the relationship between the working of Trinity

of a pastor and his desired leadership style. Pope agreed that Gods people are stamped as “god”


and so they are expected to act like one while leading. The researcher examined horizontal styles

of leadership which he believed are the perceived relationship that drives pastors towards desired

leadership style. Pope researched the different levels of leadership interactions through

extensive literature review and interviewed eight church leaders. He proposed that the source of

leadership is found in understanding the nature of God. The thesis argued that any leader who

implements leadership style that does not harmonize with his view of God’s nature will bring

problems to himself in the end. This dissertation will be used in understanding the leadership

styles in the church setting, especially how pastors as supposed to lead in a world where they are

viewed as “god”.

Ruffner, B., & Huizing, R. L. (2018). A Trinitarian leadership model: Insights from the Apostle

Peter. Journal of Applied Christian Leadership, 10(2), 37-51.

In their research, Ruffner and Huizing (2018) assessed how Christian leader should be

someone who can provide direction and guidance that manages competing alliances in that a

leader should consider the future impact that team members will have on outcomes. The article

argues that truth originates with God and to the extent that leadership principles reflect Gods

inherent qualities that can be helpful to Christians or secular leaders. They suggest that

contemporary leadership presupposes that understanding effective leadership requires the study

of the behavior, skills, and traits of leaders or followers. In the article Peter points us to a

different source of leadership knowledge of God where he explains how he journeyed from his

early disciple experience to the places mentioned in his first epistle, he directly encountered the

enormity and magnificence of the Trinitarian God. The same God that peter was familiar with

revealed himself through the resurrected Jesus Christ and occurred to him through the holy spirit

on Pentecost and all these confrontations changed peters mentality regarding Gods fundamental


character and nature. This source provides significant information about the analysis of

Trinitarian leadership and how peter expounds leadership through confrontation of triune God.

Serrano, C.A., 2018. The temple, the body, and the people: Ancient metaphors for the modern

church. Journal of Biblical Perspectives in Leadership, 8(1), pp.3-11.

Serrano’s (2018) article examined the modern church and its view on both orthodoxy and

orthopraxy. The article also focused on growth models and church health metrics that apply to

certain types of ecclesial expressions. One of the major questions asked in this article is that if

the church is diverse, how ecclesial leaders can measure the effectiveness, growth, health, and

church life. In this case, the author explores the various biblical metaphors for the church while

discussing the implications of those metaphors on ecclesial life, health, and growth metrics. The

bible is referenced in this article to show the varied metaphors that portray the truth of the

church. This article is important as it shows how the church leadership is so diversified

especially in the modern church, a factor that call for diverse Christian leaders to direct the

spiritual growth of believers.

Schwarz, C. (2017). On threefold revelation of God. Journal of Applied Christian Leadership,

10(2), 16.

In this article, Schwarz (2017) has explained that God exhibits all aspects of character in

perfection and consequently all manifestations of his roles in perfection. The scholar has

examined Gods action as a model leader where they have looked at his role as a king and his use

of power and how the trinity embodies aspects of perfect leadership and community. His study

proposes that leadership in the Old Testament has been quite extensive since it covers the study

of individual kings of the divided kingdoms of Israel. He argues that when revisiting the

covenantal constraints on kingship outlined in Deuteronomy 17:14-20 and when reviewing key


passages from the perspective of a prophet who called the kings, ruling classes and people back

to a wholehearted following of God, we find a clear picture of how God judges the success and

failures of leaders. In his work he examines the concept of kingship within Israel, the structure of

leadership within Israel in which a balance of power seems promoted with the official offices of

king and Levitical priest in the criteria for assessing the success or failure of leadership. This

article is important since it gives meaningful analysis trinity as biblical theology of leadership

and how the success and failure of leadership is judged.

Wallace, J. R. (2019). An examination of how YHWH assesses good and bad leadership: Kings

of Judah and Ezekiel 22 as focal points Ezekiel 22. Journal of Biblical Perspectives in

Leadership, 9(1), 149-167.

In his research Wallace (2019) has studied assessed good and bad leadership. He explains

that God plays a good role as our leaders and therefore he has the right to judge what could be

called proper leadership when the people of Israel demanded for king, they were provided with

one although creation of this type of office changed the structure of leadership in Israel. His

study suggests that priests provided spiritual leadership acted as mediators and worked to ensure

healing, forgiveness and reconciliation and promoted law and order, according to him priests

were good leaders with positive leadership skills. When the office of the kings was created some

laws like the civil laws which came with the position of the king cheapened the sacrifices and the

work of God thus leading to the abandonment of justice thus weakening leadership. He also

claims that although kings did not perform their duties the right way the existence of three

leadership structures –kings, priests and prophets when operating properly created a balance on

the concentration of power. This resource gives meaningful skills of leaders; hence it will be

significant in analyzing the idea of leadership based on biblical leaders.


Zscheile, D. J. (2007). The Trinity, leadership, and power. Journal of Religious Leadership, 6(2),


Zscheile’s (2007) research aimed at studying the trinity, leadership, and power where he

explains that leadership is a life-giving force that allows one to take risks for new possibilities or

even pursue a fresh path. As the article suggests, the reason why leaders are potentially so life

giving is the fact that leaders create spaces in which people must live the errands of life. He also

gives information that for one to be good leader must believe his doctrine with God to shape his

leadership skills. On matters of trinity, he suggests that we must look to the triune Gods own

active leading in our midst through the Holy Spirit to remake our community in its own image by

shaping our leaders in the right way. He suggests that leadership has been misused within

Christian leadership historically by creating some uniformities in cultural, ethnic and gender, for

leaders to understand their own particularity and that of others then they need to have unique

gifts from God. This source is important since it gives significant analysis of trinity and

theological leadership because it suggests that for leadership to be successful, they need to have

close relation with God.

Gabriel Etzel
Thank you for your work on the annotated bibliography. I know it is a lot of work, but it should set you up well for completing the paper. See my comments throughout the paper. As a general reminder about the resources. Be sure to include the following: 1) Theological reference material (which should be more than just encyclopedic material), 2) academic commentaries (to provide an in-depth analysis of the text), and 3) leadership material (to assist with the application of the doctrine).

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