Week 6 Course Project: Presentation Script

The next step in the course project is to develop a script that you will use to record the narration for your presentation. Include headings for the slide number. Your final presentation should have 5-8 slides (not including title slide, conclusion slide, or references slide). Here are a few tips:

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  • Address all requirements for the content.
  • Balance the amount of content for each slide. If there is too much content on one slide, try to break it up into two slides or consider where you can be more concise with your wording.
  • Include citations where needed (e.g., quoted material and paraphrased/summarized ideas from a source that are not common knowledge). Note: When you get to the recording phase – you will need to read your in-text citations aloud, but you do not need to read your references slide.


  • Length: minimum of 3 pages (not including title page or references page)
  • 1-inch margins
  • Double spaced
  • 12-point Times New Roman font
  • Title page
  • References page (minimum of 8 scholarly sources)


Annotated Bibliography

Annotated Bibliography & Source Evaluation

Zaida Chacon

Chamberlain College of Nursing

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Source One: CDC works each moment of consistently to shield America from prosperity, prosperity and security threats, both remote and in the U.S. Whether or not illnesses start at home or abroad, are unremitting or serious, reparable or preventable, human screw up or deliberate attack, CDC fights disease and supports systems and inhabitants to do similarly.

Source Two: The NCSL Standing Committees meet on various occasions each year and grant legislators and staff to benefit by the experiences of various states in embellishment open game plan, investigating various roads in regards to new laws, and managing the managerial associations. Leading body of trustees people explore issues that states need to oversee, anyway boards don’t recommend procedure to the congregations on issues that are inward to the states. Gatherings do make technique requests and objectives on state-government issues to coordinate NCSL’s crusading efforts in Washington, D.C.

Source Three:The American Journal of Public Health is praised for over 100 years, the American Journal of Public Health (AJPH) is dedicated to creation of extraordinary work to look at, ask about strategies, and program evaluation in the field of general prosperity. The Journal in like manner routinely conveys productions and evaluates and fills in as a social event for the prosperity course of action examination.

Source Four: The Chamberlain library is glad to help you all through your examinations at Chamberlain. The library offers an enormous assortment of online assets including databases, e-Journals and eBooks and a center assortment of print materials at each grounds.

Source Five: This page gives a rundown of contact telephone numbers and web connects to assist you with discovering answers to your Medicare questions or program issues. Data right now reacts to singular Medicare concerns. This gives organization wide authority and exhortation on issues of equivalent work opportunity and social equality. The Office attempts to keep up an office working environment liberated from badgering and unlawful segregation. The Office of Equal Employment Opportunity and Civil Rights executes exceptional accentuation programs, deals with the EEO separation protest program for candidates and workers, facilitates preparing relating to EEO laws and strategies, and deals with the sensible convenience program.


Source One: Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA). (2018, September 14). Retrieved March 19, 2020, from https://www.cdc.gov/phlp/publications/topic/hipaa.html

Source Two: Johnson, A. M. B. (2017, October 19). Immigrant Eligibility for Health Care Programs in the United States. Retrieved from https://www.ncsl.org/research/immigration/immigrant-eligibility-for-health-care-programs-in-the-united-states.aspx

Source Three: Ku L. (2009). Health insurance coverage and medical expenditures of immigrants and native-born citizens in the United States. American journal of public health, 99(7), 1322–1328. https://doi.org/10.2105/AJPH.2008.144733

Source Four: ProPedraza, F. I., Nichols, V. C., & Lebrón, A. M. W. (2017). Cautious Citizenship: The Deterring Effect of Immigration Issue Salience on Health Care Use and Bureaucratic Interactions among Latino US Citizens. Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law, 42(5), 925–960. doi: 10.1215/03616878-3940486

Source Five: Tallon J. R., Jr (1990). Medicaid: challenges and opportunities. Health care financing review, Spec No(Suppl), 5–9.



Topic Selection – Martin Luther King Jr

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Martin Luther King Jr.

Martin Luther King Jr., a scholar, and a Baptist minister had a significant positive influence on a civil rights movement for economic, social and political change in the 20th century (Nayar, 2016). He was focused on bringing about political, economic, and social changes in the Black-American community as his significant aspects of the issue of racism that was associated with it. These aspects had affected the American people for long, whereby people were classified according to their skin colour. This was rampant even in the public transport sector, whereby the blacks were massively discriminated. King saw these developments to be stumbling blocks towards achieving social, economic, and political goals in the United States (Owens Sr, 2019). He then got himself involved in the fight for human rights for all American citizens.

Martin Luther King Jr’s Ideas

Martin Luther King Jr. was a determined civil rights activist who took up the challenge to fight racism that was considered as the major problem facing the U.S. in the 1950s. He used his influence in the church as a leader of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) to offer inspirational speeches whenever he had a chance to do so. As a young man, he led his fellow black Americans in the famous Montgomery Bus Boycott, which lasted for 382 days (Nayar, 2016). He had skilful rhetoric energy that helped him in the urge for equality for all races in the United States. He was a skilled scholar whose equality managed to engage many people across the world in the fight for equality in the United States of America.

Effect of Martin Luther King Jr.’s Ideas

King played an essential role in ensuring that the legal isolation of the African-American citizens in the United States of America came to an end. He was determined to ensure that all Americans enjoyed equal rights while in the United States of America since they were also human beings who needed to be treated with dignity. Also, his efforts led to the formulation of the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the 1965 Voting Rights Act (Nayar, 2016). He also worked closely with the black American students to fight for the rights in various public institutions and places. He managed to meet with various civil rights and religious leaders who spearheaded lectures on race-related issues.

The Context in Which Martin Luther King Jr. Proposed His Ideas

King’s participation in the SCLC organization provided a good platform for over sixty ministers to address people nationwide on race-related issues. He sponsored more than 20 mass meetings in 1958 in major cities across the South of the United States to register all eligible black voters. King used his communication skills to deliver various speeches in various parts of the United States. For instance, he gave a persuasive speech,’ “I Have a Dream,” which touched many people across the world (Owens Sr, 2019). The speech changed the mindset of people who felt that they had a role in ensuring human rights and equality in the United States.

The Response of The Government and People

The Federal Government of the day was not friendly to King’s efforts. It felt that he was there to fight it hence they used the police machinery to sabotage his actions and meetings. He was arrested in several occasions and charged in various law courts across the United States. Even though the Government was threatening him, he managed to convey his message across the world, which triggered support for his release from time to time. For instance, he wrote a letter from Birmingham jail to express the torture that he was subjected to as he strived to fight for equality in American society (Owens Sr, 2019). On the other side, citizens supported his actions for equality in the United States. He received moral and financial support from all black Americans as he fought for his course. Some white American activists joined him to push for equality in their society. These efforts helped him to achieve his goals in the long run.


Conclusively, King’s ideas and actions influenced the changes in the political, social, cultural, and economic spheres, which helped the Americans to realize that they had a responsibility to ensure America moved forward. Through King’s efforts, the US Supreme Court governed that the separation on buses was unlawful in 1956. Black Americans were allowed to travel comfortably as their fellow whites, which was not the case before the Montgomery bus boycott. He achieved his dreams of engaging all people in the United States irrespective of the skin colour in the building of a new United States, where humanity was paramount. In the present world, King’s efforts are being recognized as the pillar that changed the economy of the United States by encouraging an all-inclusive society.


Nayar, P. K. (2016). Radical Graphics: Martin Luther King, Jr., BR Ambedkar, and Comics Auto/Biography. biography, 147-171.


Owens Sr, B. A. (2019). Crusader Without Violence: A Biography of Martin Luther King, Jr. by Lawrence Dunbar Reddick. Alabama Review, 72(4), 312-316.


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