Week 6

 ENT/586: Informational Technology For Entrepreneurs And Leaders

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Wk 6 Assignment: Enterprise IT Strategy Plan [due Mon]

Wk 6 Assignment: Enterprise IT Strategy Plan [due Mon]

Assignment Content

  1. Resource: Enterprise IT Strategy Plan Grading Guide

    Baltzan, P., and Phillips, A. (2015). Business Driven Information Systems (5th ed).
    Week 1 through 5 articles and videos
    Week 1 through 5 individual homework assignments
    It is recommended students search the Internet for an Information Technology (IT) Strategy Plan template.
    Scenario: You are an entrepreneur in the process of researching a business development idea. You have come to the stage in your research of creating a high-level Information Technology (IT) strategy for your new enterprise. This plan is a high-level strategic planning document that will inform more detailed operational plans for the individual components. Considerin the business intelligence plan how the enterprise will use information technology, selected data, and data analytics to develop competitive intelligence, identify market trends and opportunities, and measure enterprise performance.
    Synthesize the individual assignment deliverables from Weeks 1 through 5 and create a broad high-level Information Technology (IT) Strategy plan for your chosen business organization in a minimum of 3,150 words which includes the following:
    An executive summary that includes your chosen enterprise, industry sector, product, intended market with an overview of the business focus, corporate culture, ethical framework, and discussion of how the IT value chain will support enterprise innovation and competitive advantage
    A technology governance plan for managing the selection, acquisition, management, use, and security of business information systems
    A systems acquisition plan that includes steps to initiate, analyze, design, acquire, implement, and maintain business information systems
    An outline in the data collection plan of the data requirements, data collection, and management process
    An information systems risk management plan that includes the process of identifying, analyzing, and mitigating information systems risk, including a brief summary of the disaster recovery and business resumption planning process
    Cite a minimum of 3 peer-reviewed references from the University of Phoenix Library.
    Format consistent with APA guidelines.
    Submit your assignment.

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