Week 5 discussion
Please see attached document with specific instructions and grading rubric. Must follow directions carefully and only use sources listed in the instructions specifically.
I need this assignment by tomorrow October 2, 2020 at 5:00 pm EST
Please read topic carefully and follow the instructions on the required references very carefully.
Please answer parts A-E in detail, I have highlighted the 2 smart technologies for part A that I would like to be featured in the discussion and made a note as to how I use them in my nursing practice, please use that information and elaborate using the required sources.
Topic 1. Smart Technologies
The integration of multiple information systems is key to viewing the complete legal healthcare record to support the point-of-care (POC) approach to patient care. Information technology at point-of-care supports safe, high quality patient care for improved outcomes. The POC approach represents the highest level of interaction between the nurse and the information system since it requires the interaction to take place during the clinical encounter.
As bedside technologies continue to advance and expand, they interface with smartphones, the EHR, and other devices to improve interdisciplinary communication and patient care.
A. Select two or more of the following smart technologies and explain how they improve your workflow and patient safety or how they could improve your workflow and patient safety. Provide examples.
1. Bar Code Medication Administration (BCMA)
2. Smart pumps
3. Electronic Intensive Care Unit (eICU)
4. Audiovisual (AV) Monitoring systems
5. Artificial Intelligence (AI)
6. Biometrics – Biometric fingerprint scanner for removing medications from the Med-Pyxis for patients medications administration. Biometric ID badge scanner for logging in and out of the electronic medical record for patient charting.
7. Robotics in Health Care – The use of robotic surgery
8. 3D Bioprinting
9. Nanotechnology
B. Discuss how wearable technology (wearables) impacts nursing practice and patient autonomy for self-care of chronic disease management. Provide examples.
D. Explain the measures being taken to protect patient security and confidentiality for wearable devices.
E. Identify the ethical and legal implications of wearable technology.
1. Handbook of Informatics for Nurses & Healthcare Professionals 6th Edition by
Toni Hebda
Kathleen Hunter
Patricia Czar
(Author) ISBN: ISBN-13: 978-0134711010 Chapter 6 (all); Chapter 11, pp. 198-199; Chapter 12 (all); Chapter 13, pp. 260-267
2. One peer reviewed scholarly journal published in the last 5 years.
RN-BSNDiscussion Rubric Feb 2018
RN-BSN Discussion Guideline and Rubric
Please read the requirements of the discussion criteria thoroughly and carefully. Download and/or Print for personal use.
The discussion
grade includes
participation, and
Initial Attendance
Initial student attendance in each course will be documented through the student’s completion of the course
certification, pre-test, and introduction, which is required to be completed within the first three (3) days of the
course. Failure to log into the course and post within the first three days will result in a recorded absence. A
student’s failure to attend during that time frame may result in administrative withdrawal from the course.
General Attendance
Learners in online courses must post to the discussion boards with at least three substantive posts on three
different days every week to meet attendance requirements. Students are expected to communicate directly with
the course instructor regarding any circumstance that may result in their absence. Absence is defined as not
fulfilling any of the above requirements and failure to post initial discussion responses by Thursday of each week.
Due to the nature of some discussions, instructors may not allow students to post in advance or after the week’s
end without prior approval. Forgiveness of absences, grade deductions, or acceptance of late assignments due to
any circumstance is up to the discretion of the instructor. Each week’s posting deadline for all posts is Sunday at
11:59 pm ET.
Participation is not the same as attendance. Course participation is met through discussion postings and submission
of assignments including quizzes/exams/weekly summaries by required due dates. Participation level is determined
by the instructor and will be evaluated throughout the week. Additional point deductions may apply.
Initial responses require the use of a scholarly nursing journal article to support the student’s own ideas and that of
the nursing community in addition to the required textbook. “Scholarly” is defined as a full-text, peer-reviewed
nursing journal article published within the last 5 years. If the article is considered a “classic”, “foundational to
nursing”, or there is a “lack of current research” for the concept, articles older than 5 years can be utilized. If older
articles are utilized, the student should be prepared to defend to the instructor and/or class, why the article was
considered and used as support. Discussion of individual experiences related to the topic is encouraged.
Academic Honesty:
It is expected that student’s will do their own work and properly paraphrase, cite, and reference any content from
other sources including the course text book when creating their discussion responses. Students are encouraged to
view Keiser University’s plagiarism policy as it relates to academic honesty. Students may not use posts that they
have used previously in the same course or from their other courses. This is considered self-plagiarism and is strictly
Plagiarism: The deliberate or unintentional use of another’s words or ideas without proper citation for which the
student claims authorship. It is a policy of Keiser University that students assume responsibility for maintaining
honesty in all work submitted for credit and in any other work designated by an instructor of a course. Students may
not submit the same work completed for one course in any other course, earning credit for the same work each
time. Plagiarism, because it is a form of theft and dishonesty that interferes with the goals of education, must carry
severe penalties. These penalties can be found in the Keiser University Undergraduate Catalog, Academic Honesty
ANY occurrences of academic dishonesty or plagiarism will result in a zero grade for the entire week’s discussion
RN-BSN Discussion Rubric Feb 2018
Criteria Criteria Description
Exemplary (A)
Above Average (B)
Average (C)
Failure (D-F)
Initial Posts:
Use of scholarly
nursing journal
articles and APA
Initial posts must
include a current
nursing scholarly
journal article
paraphrased, cited,
and referenced in
APA format in
addition to the
required textbook.
Initial posts include
strong and
appropriate nursing
scholarly journal
articles substantively
and accurately
paraphrased, cited,
and referenced that
clearly supports the
discussion topic with
excellent APA format
in addition to the
required text.
Initial posts include
supportive nursing
scholarly journal
articles paraphrased,
cited, and referenced
appropriately but
exhibit minor gaps in
clarity of content or
accuracy of APA.
Includes reference
from textbook.
Initial posts include
nursing scholarly
journal articles or
other source and was
paraphrased, cited,
and referenced with
major gaps in clarity
of content or
accuracy of APA.
May or may not
include reference
from textbook.
Initial posts did
not include a
nursing scholarly
journal article or
were not
with any clear
Other sources
may have been
present with or
without proper
ces. May or may
not include
reference from
Responses to
Use of scholarly
articles or other
sources and APA
All responses to
peers must include
a minimum of one
(1) professional
source AND at least
one peer response
must include a
scholarly journal
article paraphrased
cited, and
referenced. (Sources
can include
scholarly articles
from nursing or
other relevant
disciplines, ANA
Essential texts,
professional web
sites, or the course
text. The use of web
sites such as
Wikipedia or a non-
supportive website
are not allowed)
All responses to
peers include a
professional source
substantively and
paraphrased, cited,
and referenced that
clearly supports the
peer discussion
response with
excellent APA
format. Includes at
least one scholarly
journal article.
Most all responses to
peers include a
professional source
paraphrased, cited, and
appropriately with only
some minor gaps in
clarity of content or
accuracy of APA.
Includes at least one
scholarly journal
Some responses to
peers include a
professional source
paraphrased, cited,
and referenced with
or without gaps in
clarity of content or
accuracy of APA.
May or may not
include a scholarly
journal article.
None or a couple
responses to
peers include a
cited, and
referenced with
or without gaps
in clarity of
content or
accuracy of APA.
Content Quality
and Critical
Thinking (35)
responses are
comprehensive and
relate directly to the
weekly topic by
exploring the
various aspects
(details) through
discussing or
debating and adding
Addresses all
of the discussion
Comprehensively and
accurately analyzes,
synthesizes, or
evaluates the
selected topic and
related aspects
Addresses most
aspects/components of
the discussion
question. Selectively,
analyzes, synthesizes,
or evaluates the
selected topic and
related aspects with
minor gaps in
Addresses some
of the discussion
question. Minimally
analyzes, synthesizes,
or evaluates the
selected topic with
major gaps in
accuracy, or clarity.
Presents only
knowledge with
no real analysis,
synthesis, or
evaluation of the
RN-BSN Discussion Rubric Feb 2018
to the content with
textbook and/or
other citations for
support. Responses
show evidence of
analysis, synthesis,
or evaluation of
topic and related
Analysis –
structure by
breaking down the
parts of the
relationships and
Synthesis -putting
things together to
form a whole:
concept building
Evaluation -ability
to judge the value
of the material
being presented.
applying knowledge,
experiences, and
presenting a clear
understanding of the
week’s concepts.
accuracy, or clarity.
Student addresses
classmates and/or
Instructor by name
and is respectful of
others’ ideas and
opinions. Responds
to questions asked
by instructor or
peers (if question is
posed by Saturday
of the course week).
by name for all posts.
Tone and responses
are respectful and
engaging. Responded
to all questions
posed by
(even if question was
posed on Sunday).
Most posts addressed
students/Instructor by
name. Tone and
responses are
respectful and
engaging. Responded
to all questions posed
by Instructor/peers (if
question was posed by
Some postings
by name. Some
postings may not
professionalism. May
or may not
responded to
questions posed by
Postings did not
Conventions (5)
Uses proper
sentence structure
and paragraphing
including accurate
grammar, and a
professional tone.
Postings are very well
written in scholarly
style with excellent
writing conventions.
Postings are mostly
well written with minor
errors in writing
Postings are
generally poorly
written with major
errors in writing
conventions making
the content difficult
to understand or
conventions are
in consistency
and accuracy
making the
Attendance and
Each Initial post to
the required
discussion threads
are made on or
before Thursday
11:59 PM ET of each
course week.
A minimum of two
(2) responses to
If all attendance and
requirements are
met, no deductions
to overall grade are
Compliance deductions
are taken off manually
from the graded
discussion rubric raw
Deductions are as
-5 each late initial post
RN-BSN Discussion Rubric Feb 2018
peers are posted on
two (2) different
days from initial
post and by Sunday
11:59 PM ET within
the course week.
One of your
required responses
can be a response
to a question asked
by the Instructor.
A total minimum of
three (3) responses
(initial post and two
responses to peers)
are present on at
least three different
days throughout the
course week.
-5 Participation on less
than 3 days for the
-30 for each response
to peer not posted
-40 for each initial
response not posted