Week 5: Course Project: Individual Draft
1) I need this assignment Week 5: Course Project: Individual Draft (1200 words)
2) write a discussion post Week 5: Team Discussion: Individual Draft Peer Review related to #1 Individual Draft assignment (100 words)
3) comment on Antonio’s post, Robert’s post, Andres’s post, Paul’s post, and Denise’s post. (Each comment 40 words)
Total word 1500
Economic Gene editing incorporating human personality feeling through gene editing.
Consider production, consumption, costs, variables of supply and demand, corporations, private enterprise, and the impact on the nation’s economy (employment, displacement, and outsourcing). Are certain industries impacted more than others?
Look up financial projections—expectations for growth, startup companies, the stock exchange, and the like—anything related to business and the U.S. and global economies. Who are the chief players in the business environment, and what are their roles? How much has been invested in research and development? How will the price fluctuate? What economic trends are to be observed? Who will make money from the technology?
Consider the politics of development. Who is funding the research and development? Who controls the purse strings, and why? Look at foundations and charitable organizations, the outcomes, and the nature of consumers.
Be sure to use charts and tables and quantitative data in this section. Tables, figures, data, and statistics must be current, valid, and used appropriately.