Week 4 Discussion Question


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I have 2 discussion questions- 

I will need done by tomorrow

The Professors instructions are very clear- whoever I choose I will need you to pull your sources for answers from the attached 

Below is the professors expectations for the format of EACH DISCUSSION RESPONSE- 

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Response needs to be at least TWO FULL PARAGRAPHS APA format! 

Instructor’s Comments:  the requirement for each discussion response is a direct citation from the textbook for all initial discussion responses. Additionally, the post response should be formatted in APA. You are also free to use other peer-reviewed resources as long as the direct citation from the textbook is also included in the response. Please consider looking at hoe to cite a reference. A citation is different than a reference. A reference goes at the end.It would be your responsiblity to find the journal number, the issue number, and the page numbers for this article.Please respond with the proper reference formatted in APA 7th edition.


Topic 4 DQ 1      

Compare and Contrast online learning context verses face to face. What techniques need to be incorporated in order engage all learning styles in both of these contexts? 

Topic 4 DQ 2      

What strategies can an instructor employ to ensure effective delivery of the information before class starts and at the beginning of class?

use sources from – 






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