Week 3 final project

Final Project

  • Use the appropriate descriptive statistics from W2 Project or run new descriptive statistics for Recall1 using Microsoft Excel.
  • Assuming that the sample statistics you computed are exactly equivalent to the corresponding population parameters, and using the formula X = (±z)(sd) + M (see below) identify the following:

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    The exact score on Recall1 that would fall at the upper 5% cutoff (extremely high score?) (Be sure to use the formula given below and round to two decimal places)
    The exact score on Recall1 that would fall at the lower 5% cutoff (extremely low score?) (Be sure to use the formula given below and round to two decimal places)

    To find these hypothetical scores, solve for X (your raw score) using the following formula, and round to two decimal places:

    X = (±z)(sd) + M, where

    z = The z-score cutoff for 5 percent in the tail (±1.645)

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    sd = Your sample standard deviation for Recall1

    M = Your sample mean for Recall1

    1. Use Microsoft Excel to compute z-scores for Recall1, following the instructions given in your lecture. Copy the table below into your Microsoft Word document, and complete the table, indicating the appropriate z-scores corresponding to each of the participants whose score is given.

    Subject ID

    Recall at Time 1











    1. Write a brief paragraph interpreting these z-scores (e.g., how each individual did in relation to the class in terms of the mean and standard deviation of the z-score distribution (not the raw score mean and SD) the percentile the participant would fall into).

    Submission Details:

    • Name your document SU_PSY2008_W3_Project_council_A
    • Save your Microsoft Excel file as SU_PSY2008_W3_Project_council_A
    • Submit both files to the Submissions Area by the due date assigned.

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