Week 3

I need this assignment done please read the assignment content no plagiarism. Please everything is in the directions.                Assignment Content

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  1. Develop an inquiry-based learning STEM lesson that incorporates writing and that is appropriate for the pre-K through Grade 3 classroom.

    Include the following in your lesson:

    Grade level
    Content standards
    Objectives for each subject area
    Guiding questions to stimulate discussion, critical-thinking, problem-solving, and reasoning
    Academic language and instructional strategies used
    Rubric or checklist that allows students to self-assess
    Rubric or checklist that allows for descriptive feedback
    Supports for diverse learners.              Assignment Content

  2. Develop an inquiry-based learning STEM lesson that incorporates writing and that is appropriate for the pre-K through Grade 3 classroom.

    Include the following in your lesson:

    Grade level
    Content standards
    Objectives for each subject area
    Guiding questions to stimulate discussion, critical-thinking, problem-solving, and reasoning
    Academic language and instructional strategies used
    Rubric or checklist that allows students to self-assess
    Rubric or checklist that allows for descriptive feedback
    Supports for diverse learners
    Write a 260- to 350-word summary to accompany your lesson that explains the following:
    How the content standards are addressed
    How technology is used to promote learning locally and globally
    Appropriateness of project to extend content learning and communication skills                                                                

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