week 2

Base on the reading assignment, your experience, and personal research, please answer the following questions according to the provided instructions.

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  • Thoroughly explain what is recovering, data, and validation as it relates to cell phone forensics?
  • What is evidence contamination as it relates to digital forensics?
  • List and describe at least two forms of contamination and how they can be avoided
  • What is the Faraday method?
  • List and explain three of the strategies associated with Faraday Methods

Please see the attached instructions document.

The student should write a minimum of two paragraphs on each question. Every paragraph must be indented, have at least four complete sentences, subtitled (centered bold), and a different in-text citation. Do not continuously cite at the end of each paragraph. 

MSDF 534

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This paper requires the student to write a scholarly paper. The student should write a

minimum of two paragraphs on each question. Every paragraph must be indented, have at least

four complete sentences, subtitled (centered bold), and a different in-text citation. Do not

continuously cite at the end of each paragraph. You are required to write and cite according to

APA 6th Edition format. Your SafeAssign Score needs to be no more than 30%. Please ensure

that you use the Individual Project Header located in the ‘Getting Started’ folder for all IP

assignments. Failure to comply with these requirements will result in a low or zero grade.

Submit this assignment by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Sunday of Module/Week 1.

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