Week 12 Assignment: Status Update


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Please update your instructor on the status of your progress

  • Please include your agreed upon topic you submitted in week 1 – note if there have been any changes that you and your instructor have agreed upon
  • What theory, model, framework have you decided to use?
  • What method have you finalized, Qualitative, Quantitative, Mixed Methods, or are you building a project, e.g., a software application

    If you are building a project, have to located a baseline evaluation method to measure your data

  • What Research Design have you decided on (if you know) e.g., Regression Analysis, Sum of Least Squares, Multi-Case Study, Delphi Method.
  • If you have chosen a survey, did you get permission to use that survey?
  • What population have you chosen (if you know), also if you are going to interview respondents at a company’s site, did you get permission from that company?
  • Is your Chapter 2 between 40 to 60 pages, and contain 50 to 75 scholarly references, the majority of which are within the last 3 years.
  • If you are planning to interview people, have you taken the Qualitative elective offered, or have experience in interview people (you will have to show this)
  • Have you taken your CITI training yet, are you preparing too?
  • Please note, this is not a rubric based assignment; your instructor will grade you on your progress and how you fill out this form.

    For example, on the question:

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    Is your Chapter 2 between 40 to 60 pages, and contain 50 to 75 scholarly references, the majority of which are within the last 3 years.

    If it is not, select No. If it is, select Yes;

    We want to measure progress, to make sure you aware of the areas where you need to focus, and to offer you help whenever possible.

    Remember, there are no correct or incorrect answers here.

    Please update your instructor on the status of your progress

    · Please include your agreed upon topic you submitted in week 1 – note if there have been any changes that you and your instructor have agreed upon

    · What theory, model, framework have you decided to use?

    · What method have you finalized, Qualitative, Quantitative, Mixed Methods, or are you building a project, e.g., a software application

    · If you are building a project, have to located a baseline evaluation method to measure your data

    · What Research Design have you decided on (if you know) e.g., Regression Analysis, Sum of Least Squares, Multi-Case Study, Delphi Method.

    · If you have chosen a survey, did you get permission to use that survey?

    · What population have you chosen (if you know), also if you are going to interview respondents at a company’s site, did you get permission from that company?

    · Is your Chapter 2 between 40 to 60 pages, and contain 50 to 75 scholarly references, the majority of which are within the last 3 years.

    · If you are planning to interview people, have you taken the Qualitative elective offered, or have experience in interview people (you will have to show this)

    · Have you taken your CITI training yet, are you preparing too?

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