Week 11 Discussion

I need this completed on 02/09/21 by 7pm. 

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Please no plagiarism and make sure you are able to access all resources on your own before you bid. Main reference comes from Sinacola, R. S., Peters-Strickland, T., & Wyner, J. D. (2020). You need to have scholarly support for any claim of fact or recommendation regarding treatment. Grammar, Writing, and APA Format: I expect you to write professionally, which means APA format, complete sentences, proper paragraphs, and well-organized and well-documented presentation of ideas. Remember to use scholarly research from peer-reviewed articles that are current. Sources such as Wikipedia, Ask.com, PsychCentral, and similar sites are never acceptable. Please remember that resources used must be from peer-reviewed resources such as academic journals. Grammar, Writing, and APA Format: I expect you to write professionally, which means APA format, complete sentences, proper paragraphs, and well-organized and well-documented presentation of ideas. Please follow the instructions to get full credit for the discussion. 

Discussion – Week 11

Client’s mother: I just don’t like the way it makes him act and feel. He doesn’t act like “himself” when he is taking the medications. He isn’t sleeping, and it’s like he is a stranger when he talks to me. I am worried that the cure is worse than his condition. Isn’t there something else we can try?

Counselor: I hear that you are concerned, and you are looking for something else for us to try. I have some options that we could consider…

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Often counselors see clients who are concerned that the side effects of the medications are worse than the disorder. Although research supports the incorporation of a number of alternative therapies, many health care professionals are skeptical of alternative therapies. Additionally, some clients might hesitate to choose complementary or alternative therapies because they perceive them as unscientific.

To prepare for the Discussion:

  • Review Chapter 14 of the textbook.
  • Review the media pieces listed in the Learning      Resources.
  • Review the expectations in the Discussion Rubric.

By Day 3

Respond to the following prompts:

  • How can your own preconceived ideas about complementary and alternative therapies affect the options that you suggest to a client?
  • How important is it that counselors be well informed about alternative treatments?
  • How can you expand your awareness of alternative therapies?

Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources.

Required Resources

Sinacola, R. S., Peters-Strickland, T., & Wyner, J. D. (2020). Basic psychopharmacology for mental health professionals (3rd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Pearson.

· Chapter 14, “Treatment of Comorbidity and Other Disorders” 

Optional Resources

Borenstein, J. (2018, April 2). How chronic stress affects neural circuitry [Blog post]. Retrieved from https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/brain-and-behavior/201804/how-chronic-stress-affects-neural-circuitry

Docter, P., & del Carmen, R. (Directors). (2015). Inside out [Motion picture]. United States. Pixar Animation Studios

National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (2018). Complementary, alternative or integrative health: What’s in a name? Retrieved from https://nccih.nih.gov/health/integrative-health

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