Week 10 Discussion

   Week 10 Discussion 1   

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  • “Public Health Preparedness” Please respond to the following:
  • From the first e-Activity, analyze the measures your state and  local community have in place to prepare hospitals for two (2) different  types of threats to public health. Question whether the design of these  measures allows for the sufficient protection of the population in the  face of an imminent threat. Justify your response.
  • From the second e-Activity, examine two to three (2-3) changes  to the preparedness policies of your chosen state and federal government  agencies. Determine the significant social, political, or environmental  factors that have influenced these changes. Provide support for your  rationale.

  “Policy Analysis” Please respond to the following:

  • Compare and contrast the rational and political models of policy  analysis. Debate the advantages of the model that you believe is most  influential in policymaking. Support your rationale with two (2)  specific examples of your chosen model’s influence.
  • Suppose you are a health policy analyst for a government  contracting agency that a local hospital has hired to complete a policy  analysis. From the third e-Activity and your textbook, formulate the  problem statement for one (1) of your chosen health policies. Then,  outline two (2) additional key steps in the development of a policy  analysis for your client.

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