Week 1 project


This week, we’ve begun to learn about the steps necessary to begin planning an event. The purpose of this assignment is to develop an event concept that includes each of the elements that are essential to create your plan.

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  • Complete this week’s Lesson activities.
  • Download the Event Concept Worksheet.
  • EBS441-OTheEventConceptWorksheet 284 KB

    Select a one-day event from the list below:

    1. Album Release Party
    2. Fashion Show
    3. Movie Premiere
    4. Business Conference

    For your event, each of these conditions will apply:

    • This is a one-day event.
    • There will be no more than 250 attendees.
    • The event must be profit-oriented (no fundraisers, charity events, or cause-related events).
    • Avoid celebrity involvement.


    Describe the details of your event concept using the worksheet template provided. Follow the instructions on the worksheet to complete each question based on the following topics:

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    • Event vision: Summarize the concept of your event.
    • Event goals: What is the purpose of your event?
    • Event objectives: What are the measurable outcomes for your event?
    • Target audience: Who do you expect to attend this event? Be sure to include demographic and psychographic considerations as required in the Event Concept Worksheet.
    • Date and time: When will this event take place? What time of day? What time of year?
    • Marketing and promotion: How will people find out about this event? 


    1. Save your worksheet 
    2. Name your document as follows: LASTNAME_FIRSTNAME_EventConcept


    © The Los Angeles Film School

    EBS 441-O—Event Management

  • Student Name:
  • After you have read the instructions for the assignment, please complete this worksheet.

    1. Event Vision
    In two or three sentences, sum up the concept of your event.

  • Event Name:
  • Event Goals

    This is the purpose of the event. List at least two goals for your event.




    Event Objectives

    These are event outcomes. List at least three measurable outcomes for your event.




    © The Los Angeles Film School
    EBS 441-O—Event Management

    4. Target/Intended Audience
    Who do you expect to attend this event? You should consider the demographics for the majority of the attendees,
    including such factors as age, gender, marital status, race/ethnicity, and income levels. You should also consider the
    psychographics for this group, including factors like the publications they are likely to read, the genre of music they prefer, how
    and where they shop, where they dine, and how they would spend an extra $100 if given the opportunity.

    5. Date/Time
    When will this event take place? There are several factors you might consider here. What time of day will this event take place?
    What time of year? ( his is particularly important if it is an outdoor event ) Does the type of event it is affect your choice of date
    and time (for example, maybe it is a fashion show for summer wear)? Should this event take place on a weekend or a weekday?
    Why? How is your choice of date and time affected by the demographics and psychographics of your target audience?

    © The Los Angeles Film School
    EBS 441-O—Event Management

    6. Marketing/Promotion
    How will people find out about this event? This is not a specific marketing plan, but, based on items 1 through 5 above, what do
    you think are your best options for letting your target audience know about this event?

    7. Additional Information
    In this space, you can add any additional comments, or use this if you need additional space to answer one of the previous

      Student Name:
      Event Name:

    1. Event Goals 2:
    2. Event Goals 3:
    3. Event Goals 1:
    4. Event Objectives 2:
    5. Event Objectives 3:
    6. Event Objectives 4:
    7. Event Objectives 1:
    8. Event Objectives 5:
    9. Event Vision:
    10. Date/Time:
    11. Marketing/Promotion:
    12. Target Audience:
    13. Additional Information:

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