Week 1 Biology

The instructions for this assignment is below.  I chose the Virginia big-eared bat to do the presentation on.

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I just need the Power Point done.  I will do the audio myself.

I attached an example also.

The topic of the course project will be any species native to your area. The organism should come from one of the four major kingdoms (Protist, Fungus, Plant, or Animal) and be indigenous to the area in which you reside. The organism should not be a domesticated pet but rather a species that is native to the local area where you live. You should make sure to select a different species than your classmates – so include the name of your species in the title of your post.

  1. Create a narrated PowerPoint presentation (or other multimedia program as approved by your instructor)

    (2-3 slides) and upload it as a file attachment to your discussion post. 
    For instructions on how to create audio narration in PowerPoint, see the following link: Record a Slide Show With Narration.

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biology Power Point

Dionae Muscipula
Allison Ives 
August 4, 2020
Introduction to Biology
Dr. Katrina Olsen


Why I chose this organism.
I currently reside on Camp Lejeune, in Jacksonville North Carolina. 
I am not originally from here and wanted to research my options more. 
I came across an article on 3 species they see on Camp Lejuene more than just common species
Venus Flytraps are not common in the wild.

Bing Pictures. (n.d.). Retrieved August 05, 2020, from https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2%2Cvenus+flytrap
Perez Rivera, J. (2012, September 10). Lejeune home to many threatened, endangered species. Retrieved August 05, 2020, from https://www.lejeune.marines.mil/News/Article/513092/lejeune-home-to-many-threatened-endangered-species/

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