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Write a JAVA SCRIPT that simulates the tossing of 10 coins.

· There should be a separate function flip that takes no arguments and returns false for tails and true for heads and heads and tails are decided based on a random value.

· There should be a

· Let the program toss all the 10 coins each time the user clicks the Toss button.

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· Display the results in a table that shows for each toss the frequency of Heads and frequency of Tails and the percentage based on the total tosses.

· For each of the coin toss, show a picture of all the 10 coins with the correct side (Heads or Tails ) based on the toss result.

· Every time you click on the Toss button the frequencies have to be updated in the table and the percentages respectively.

· Note: If the program realistically simulates the coin tossing each side of the coin should appear approximately 50%.

· Include the two images and as usual the source of the images in comments.

· Have an appropriate heading for the page and for the table.

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