Web and Data Security Individual Project Paper ( computer law)

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SEC410 Web and Data Security Individual Project Paper

You have been hired as consultants to design and implement a security initiative for an expanding global eCommerce corporation with two websites and locations in New York and London. There are currently about 300 employees in the company.

In the next three months, the corporation will be acquiring another company in a different line of business with plans to offer products for sale online. This new company is in Paris and will have a Research and Development (R&D) and a Sale Dept., with a total of 150 to 200 employees. They will create new products and sell it online.

Part of your role would be to recommend the best way for integrating both environments. However, not much information is available about the IT setup for the company being acquired. The other company might even have a mix of different operating environment – it is unclear since the IT staff in that company is not very communicative.

Some critical staff members in the other company are not happy with the upcoming merger and have sworn to be as uncooperative as possible. The Network Manager for the other company is a difficult personality. There are plans to fire him but unfortunately, he is the only one who knows the network architecture completely and he is not willing to share. You must find out everything about the new environment and propose specifics on how to seamlessly integrate both Enterprise Level environments.

In the initial conversation with executives of the global company, you realize that the company does not have a security policy. After much discussion, they have agreed that you should come up with a detailed security policy customized for the company.

In a follow-up meeting with the executives and IT staff of the global corporation, you were also assigned the task of identifying:

· Two (2) security audit tools (vulnerability/web scanners). (Examples Nessus security tool, Nexpose, openvas, rapid fire tools)

· Two (2) intrusion detection systems. (Example Alert Logic, Snort)

· Two (2) network firewall products that would be suitable for the global company. (Example Cisco systems, Juniper)

· Two (2) automated network asset inventory tools to know what exists at the new location and determine what will be integrated into the merged company. (Example Network Detective)

· You are to test and describe the features of selected security solutions.


**Indicating (a) which you prefer and (b) providing convincing rationale for why you prefer a specific solution in each category. In other words, you are to evaluate two products for each category and recommend one, giving the reasons for your choice.**

Salient points: The new corporate acquisition will increase the total number of computers under you IT department’s care to about 1,000 computers and network devices. The exact number is not clear: Even the management at the other company is not sure of the number of systems in that network because of the difficulty in finding out the specifics about the company being acquired.

From the little information that has been gleaned from the other company, it appears to run a mixture of a peer-to-peer network and the domain model. Part of the decision you would have to make would be how the integrated environments would be networked: You have been given the discretion to come up with the design and budget (subject to approval, of course) for the overall security initiative and covering:

· The security policy.

· Network audit to determine what devices and data are being protected.

· Seamless integration between the merging companies.

· Recommendation for IDS system(s).

· Recommendations for security audit tools (web/vulnerability scanners).

· Recommendation for network firewall device(s).

Deliverables for the Project:

1. The Security Policy Document (You can adapt an Acceptable Use Policy document from www.sans.org).

2. Plus, a minimum of eight-page (8) paper in APA format in Microsoft Word, double-spaced describing how you would go about implementing the overall security initiative for the company.

· A 1-page summary of your overall strategy.

· A 1-page of network audit to determine what devices and data are being protected.

· A 1-page of information security-related recommendations for integrating both corporate enterprise environments.

· A 1-page for the Intrusion Detection System (evaluate two different products and recommend one, giving the reasons for your choice). Consider HIDS/NIDS & IDPS.

· A 1-page for the web/vulnerability scanners (evaluate two different products and recommend one, giving the reasons for your choice.

· A 1-page for the network firewall devices (evaluate two different products and recommend one, giving the reasons for your choice).

· A 1-page of your overall conclusions showing demonstrating you grasp of information security best practices and current trends.

· A network diagram of all components in a logical layout.

· A 1-page of Scholar/Product APA references.

Note: Use a Microsoft Visio diagram to show how the deliverables are related.

Microsoft Visio is available to you through our College of Technology’s Academic Alliance with Microsoft. If you haven’t taken advantage of this Academic Alliance yet, let your instructor know so you can get access.

Additional FYI to be considered

· Factor in the cost per item with a total cost for your project.

· Consider any barriers to your project. For example: Communication, language, and especially the Network Manager. Explain how you mitigate this problem. (Location London, NY and Paris. Do You Use ZOOM, TEAMS)

· Do a complete Inventory of your Asset (hardware, software, and people) as possible.

· Consider the current and future needs of the organization.

· How would you Hardened your new system?

· Physical and environmental security control systems.

· Business Continuity Plan/Disaster Recovery Plan.

· Is your new security policy reviewed by legal staff?

· Is your new security policy signed by CEO?

· Who will conduct your security training?

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