watch and write

watch and write about the movie 

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*********************EXTRACREDIT (OPTIONAL) ACTIVITY***********************

Dear Students,

Watch the Rashomon movie (black and white, with English subtitles) and

write a one – two page paper for extra credit. The paper should

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1. Summarize the plot
2. Identify the characters

3. Explain how you think this movie is relevant to understanding theory in material

It may be helpful to you to review the “on the nature of theory” section in Chapter 1 of your

textbook as you prepare to watch the movie and write your paper. The movie is available on from

different sources such as “Offbeat Cinema”, ITunes and AmazonPrime.

This is the movie discussed in your textbook. Please read the appropriate sections in your
textbook before watching the movie. Please be aware, some may be offended by the content of
the movie.

Your full name must be written at the top of your paper submission.

No late submissions will be accepted for any reason. 5 points will be added to your first test grade for
complete and thoughtful submissions.

Best Regards,

Paulette R. Hebert, Ph.D.


DHM 3033



DHM 3033


Chapter 1

Making Sense of
Material Culture

DHM 3033
Chapter 1

Section 2

What is a


o A way of seeing

o An optic that focuses on specific subject matter

o Modes of explanation & interpretation

that construct connections &

illuminate sociocultural practices,

thus helping to make sense of everyday life

Berger, S


(2014). What objects mean:

An Introduction to material culture.

Left Coast Press, Walnut Creek, CA.

What is a theory?

o Greek theoria

signifies perspective & vision

that focuses upon

specific topics,

processes & attributes

Berger, S. (2014). What objects mean:

An Introduction to material culture.
Left Coast Press, Walnut Creek, CA.

What are some

theories of material culture?

• Freudian Psychoanalytic

• Semiotic

• Sociological

• Marxist

• Cultural

• Archaeological

Berger, S. (2014). What objects mean:

An Introduction to material culture.
Left Coast Press, Walnut Creek, CA.

What are

limits to theory?

1951 film

Akira Kurosawa

Based on 2 short stories by

Ryunosuke Akutugawa

Set in 12th century Japan

Berger, S. (2014). What objects mean:
An Introduction to material culture.
Left Coast Press, Walnut Creek, CA.

What are limits to


Roshomon Problem

4 different people…give

4 very different versions…

How do we know reality?

Who is telling the truth?
Berger, S. (2014). What objects mean:

An Introduction to material culture.

Left Coast Press, Walnut Creek, CA.

What are limits to

“Roshomon Problem”
“…scholars from different

disciplines would disagree

about how to interpret


Berger, S. (2014). What objects mean:
An Introduction to material culture.
Left Coast Press, Walnut Creek, CA.

What are limits to
Roshomon Problem

“What do we do when

theorists from different

disciplines disagree

about how to interpret

an artifact or object?”

Berger, S. (2014). What objects mean:
An Introduction to material culture.
Left Coast Press, Walnut Creek, CA.

What are
limits to theory?


Note: Some may find some material

Berger, S. (2014). What objects mean:
An Introduction to material culture.
Left Coast Press, Walnut Creek, CA.

What are limits to

How would you interpret this artifact?
 What is it?

 Who used it?

 Where was it created?

 When?

 Why?


Masks from Japan

Who what where when why?


from the

Permanent Collection

from the


International Museum

San Diego, CA

What are some
theories of material culture?

Sociological Theory:
 Offers insights into role objects & artifacts play

in our lives

 Raises questions about how objects

function for people

 Raises questions about what motivates people
to purchase objects

 Considers demographics

Berger, S. (2014). What objects mean:
An Introduction to material culture.
Left Coast Press, Walnut Creek, CA.


Who what where when why?

• Worn during dances, rites of

passage, festivals & celebration

• Serve as powerful symbols of

identity & power.

• Express complex beliefs

are often associated with the

deepest convictions & ideals of

a community.

Who what where when why?

• Serve as powerful statements

about identity and perception

• Change wearer’s face- by

exaggerate or conceal features

• Express the “shadow personality”

found in each of us

• Making & wearing embraced by

many cultures


• Diverse materials:

 wood

 paper mache

 fiber

 metal

 paper

Masks from Japan

Menpo Samurai
face mask from
the movie

The Last Samurai.

 Who what where when why?

Masks from Japan

Material Culture objects, such as these Japanese masks,

may also be used

in other places

and by other people –

for example

as decorative furnishings

in a restaurant in Stillwater.

HSCI Faculty at Main Street Noodle, Stillwater, OK

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